Okay, maybe the idea that the P&L District is the "root of all evil" in Kansas City is a bit of an exaggeration . . . Or maybe I'm a genius.

But riddle me this:

More than any other place in Kansas City, isn't the P&L District the WORST example of misplaced development priorities that have FAILED to materialize into any bottom line economic success?

Hasn't he P&L District become A HORRIBLE EXAMPLE OF ELITISM AND SUPREMACY beyond racism and extending into an unprecedented new acceptance of economic disparity and discrimination and even horrible marginalization of sessy fat chicks in support twisted nightclub values.

Speaking of nightclub values, isn't it interesting that the P&L District has manipulated the public discourse so that so-called Conservatives find themselves unwittingly supporting this den of inequity and purveyor of MTV culture simply out of reactionary fervor.

By the way, the AWESOME TKC P&L DISTRICT BOYCOTT is still on and it looks like it's working in much the same way I see the smarter people in Kansas City resisting the temptation to let the foibles of the Mayor's son distract from more important civic priories.

To wit, check tonight's playist as we work on solving more important Kansas City problems.

As always, thank you for reading and have a safe and fun weekend.


  1. Horrible music. Well done Tony.

  2. When there's nothing else TKC goes to his default issue...the P&L District. Most people are sick of the issue and know nothing will change.

  3. "Speaking of nightclub values, isn't it interesting that the P&L District has manipulated the public discourse so that so-called Conservatives find themselves unwittingly supporting this den of inequity and purveyor of MTV culture simply out of reactionary fervor."

    Yes it is.

    Then again, you can never underestimate the unification of disparate points of view when faced with the chaos, atavistic tendencies and destruction that is part and parcel of the current urban, African American tableau.

    Check out the race riot, or I should say the hate crimes that took place the day before yesterday at the Wisconsin State Fair.

    African Americans pulled white people out of their cars, off of bycycles and motorcycles and beat the living shit outta them.

    With these events becoming more and more commonplace (See Knockout King and Polar Bear hunting, and check out all the beatings inflicted on retail customers all across the nation by African Americans during flash mobs and myriad other disturbances.) it is no wonder, that business men want to keep their customers safe so they can spend money, not get the shit kicked out of them.

    KC definitely got hammered on the P&L district, it looks like a failure.

    Even as it fails, the folks down there who are trying to make a living, will do anything they can to keep out thugs and shitheels.

    No shocker at all.

  4. chuck nails it again.

  5. Check this out. A lady calls her friends to shoot a guy on the bus, that she didn't like.

    They show up.

    5 of them.

    With automatic weapons.

    And, as you do, they open fire indescriminately into the bus.

  6. I was looking at this article from Chicago-,0,4146042.story

    and thinkin how bad that was, then I remembered, we had the same thing at 83rd and Wornall two summers ago. I can't remember how many died, but I think it was almost the same.

    Then there was, about the same time, the shootings at the Ramada on 87th st.

    It will never end.

    Violence is the ONLY thing thugs are intelligent enough to understand.

    I take it back, they understand that white people will do nothing about it.

    We whimper and take our beatings.

  7. This is the "Knockout King" article.

    No kidding, it makes you nauseous to read it.

    It just makes ya sick.

    Still, I think ya better read it.

  8. There's lots of examples of elitism in KC, and in all cities larger. There are exclusive clubs everywhere. Exclusive country clubs and stores.

    Even exclusive head hunters who won't talk to you unless you're a six figure guy.

    Try gettin into a Royal Ball without an invitation. Nope, ya can't get them at Ticketmaster.

    Get the hell over it. It's racial, it's socio economic, it's who ya know and how ya look. Where ya work. Yes, who you ARE!

    If your mom told you that you could be anything you want, well she didn't explain the fine print because that would have hurt your precious self esteem.

    Nobody said life was fair and the Constitution doesn't give you a key to every door.

  9. P&L is lame. Tony is right by accident.

  10. thats what my ccw will do for me flash mob me and the family and i will return the favor.
    and yes there is a sign in my yard that says "dead nigger storage"
    i am tired of you motherfuckers
    you are like cockroaches. Every neighborhood you move to goes down in flames.

  11. Interesting topic. When it comes to P&L, Tony is right it's a fail. But it was a success for the OLIGARCHY. They made money on the real estate, the construction and will probably parley it into a hotel project. Chuck's larger cultural concerns are well placed. RM is also, in my poinion, correct. Equality of opportunity is pretty much gone. Bottom line, our culture/nation is in DECLINE. And Tony chronicles it.

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  13. So who profited from P&L's conception and birth?

  14. 10:31

    Is correct imo.

    Violence, incessant, purvasive and expected violence from African Americans must be stopped if this nation is to continue with any hope of civility and economic progress for the future.

    The diversity-rainbow-rat-hole, which for generations has sucked the cash and life outta hard working Americans must stop.

    ADC and the litany of programs designed to try and keep African Americans up to speed with their neighbors must stop.

    As our American credti rating dips to AA, and the financial crisis which threatens world stability increases its hold on the economy, hard decisions must be made.

    It DOES NOT TAKE A VILLAGE, it takes an industrious middle class with access to a better life, who work for themselves and the nation.

    African Americans do not contribute. Peter principled into jobs in the govt. TSA. City Hall, Water Depts et al, they are the phony middle class.

    African Americans (With a small per centage of exceptions.)with out access to govt jobs, or programs that vault them ahead of more qualified neighbors, become necrotic violent tumors on our American body.

    Underproductive, weights on our nation, these folks are the product of failed policies, social engineering, political correctness, idiot laws, white hope, and a pusillanimous 4th estate.

    End the war on drugs to clear out room for two generations of African American criminals who will not be able to mainstream and contribute to America.

    Tax the rich (Trickle down my ass.), fine corporations who shelter money overseas and while their is still time, by way of our purchasing power, bring American Companies back home.

    Draconian measures are called for.

    I know everyone hates to hear this, but it will take violence and bloody constraint to effect a return to American hegemony.

    Choke chains, ordnance and serious intent will, in the end, be the only tools that will work.

    These folks running our streets are unable to reason except on a very modest level.

    Their children will be taxed to dress themselves and certainly will NOT be able to feed themselves.

    There are dramatic, significant differences between people, not just because of thier backgrounds and up bringing.

    Military service, prison, trade schools and death is far more acceptable for violent law breakers who rape, kill and steal, than is the continued acceptance of abberant abhorant behaviour by our citizens, politicians and the 4th estate.

    The malevolent bedrock of racial hate that African Americans have for mainstream America must be faced, we must adjust, and we must act.

    Help them succeed in the Military and trade schools, or leave them behind in prisons or their graves.

  15. Get ready.

  16. KCMO Police Sweep Nets Guns, Drugs and Cash

    Just to educate this has little to do with race and more to do with preventing drug cartels from taking over the city-country shooting at and murdering everything that moves 24/7 like another place we are all familier with.

    Thanks for understanding.

  17. Tony is so astute for noticing that a major entertainment/retail center that has the bad timing of opening just as a global recession started hasn't lived up to expectations. Yet I'd say it's at least doing better than the COMPLETELY empty retail center in Mission that was built around the same time, with taxpayer money and an even greater use of eminent domain, and still sits there empty today collecting cobwebs.

  18. um... you mean the pile of dirt or the halloween discount center off johnson and 35?

  19. Just curious Chuck,

    Does you hatred for African-american citizens extend to the much larger foreign national invasion of illegal aliens from Spanish speaking North/Central/South American countries?

    To their credit, the black folks at least share your American culture (not necessarily sub-culture).

    However, the Latino invaders want to destroy your blessed Anglo-centric existence. They represent all the evils that you extend to African-americans AND they do it in greater numbers.

    As I write this, Im sure at least 20 Mexican babies where born in America.

    Sounds to me like you are missing the BIG picture. You probably dont want to make a potential ally an enemy.

    Think about it.

  20. 12:52

    Your lack of originality is a signature, commonplace with stock in trade responses in the face of unpleasant realities regarding race.

    Uncomfortable comments regarding race are made, that place responsibility on actions taken, and the actual people responsible for same and the response is to generalize a pejorative (Your a racist!) ad hominem scarlet letter by way of a fundemental attribution error (Which we are all expected to take at face value, in spite of the metaphysical evidence to the contrary.).

    This in turn, is expected to put me on the defensive. Good fuckin luck.

    "Sounds to me like you are missing the BIG picture. You probably dont want to make a potential ally an enemy."

    While I am familiar with Sun Tzu and the "Enemy of my Enemy" quote, it has no place here.

    Here, you admitted exactly the problem with African Americans.

    "To their credit, the black folks at least share your American culture (not necessarily sub-culture)."

    I would agree, that as a whole, African Americans do NOT mainstream and now,more than ever, in conjunction with the Main Stream Media lionize and reward violence and the threat of violence.

    I therefore take exception to the first 3 words of that quote, "To their credit...".

    No, its NOT to their credit, it is to their shame, embarrassment and disgrace that this nation has spent untold billions over the last 50 years trying to help and it has ALL been squandered.

    I am human, and like humans have my own set of prejudices, some valid, some not.

    In the interest of full disclosure, I was attacked during a riot in 1970 by 6 black guys and beaten. I was so naive, that I didn't really get mad about it. I just thought it was a bad break. Then in 1974, I was robbed at gunpoint by 2 black guys at an apt. complex and was shot at, he missed me by about a foot. In 1976 I was beaten in a pizza parking lot again, this was no race riot, just "Lets kick the white boy's ass" shit. Then, in a video store in 1980, I was tied up with store employees while a 357 was waved in our faces during still another roberry. Since that time, I have had other less serious problems, which I have avoided because I could see them coming 9I know, its about time, not exactly a quick study.)

    No Mexicans or Latinos have ever tried to kill me, kick my ass, grab my girl friend, steal my car or belongings.

    I have known a ton of Mexicans at work, and while my experience is only in California and here in teh midwest, still, not only did no one want to harm me, they were all really nice.

    Thats jsut my experreince.

    Maybe you have had problems with Latinos, but I havn't, and not one of my friends have.

    Just my experience.

    I think documentation is important and immigrants should be processed and have IDs like all of us do.

    But fuckin Mexicans don't scare me. They have always been great.

    I am just one guy, and maybe I am missing the big picture, but there is my experience.

  21. We are, as Americans, helpless in the face of this violence and mayhem because of white guilt and the accepttance of the Hip/Hop/Rapper/BET/Urban life style that is worshiped and venerated in the media incessantly.

    Go ahead and whistle thru this graveyard. Think it is going to be ok. Think that we will all sing Kumbaya and hold hands with each other and find common ground.

    Total fuckin bullshit and you know it.

    I am no defferent than the rest of America. We are desensitized to the violence of African Americans so much, that we even forget when WE were robbed.

    We just pass over the riots, beatings, murders, rapes, thefts, carjackings and mayhem caused by African Americans as an ever changing bar of expectations is lowered further and further.

    Americans are afraid of the "Racist Scarlet Letter", more than they are of the violence they will earn by ignoring the ever increasing threat of destruction that is in fact coming.

  22. i work in the construction field we have had niggers come and go...hours are to long ,work sucks i had to fire one because his pants kept falling down and he would trip.(i shit you not) i even have it on video.
    I have mexicans that have worked for me and they never quit always work late and most are cool. (some i am a little concerned about.. call it a hunch. But all have papers and earn the money.

    so you cant compare the races.
    mexicans want to work and create a better life for themselves and families.
    most niggers feel they are owed a better life and expect me to take care of thier kids.They feel they are entitled to it ..

  23. Tony not a bad pic chick, but she is a duplicate - we just saw her a few days ago lol

  24. Guy White says - just read the articles about the riots at Wisconsin State Fair - what better example you can have of concealed carry. Notice how quiet Alanzo, emmanuel, and Alvin are about this incident. Blacks are confirming by their own behavior that they are inferior humans. Can't wait till Tony gets mugged and see how fast he changes his tune

  25. You internet racists. Drudge made up that shit about Wis.

    The black kids were fighting each other just as much as anybody else.

  26. 7:38

    You, sir, are a fuckin LIAR!!

    One more time, read all the reports, read the local news, read the numerous links I personally have posted.

    Your a fuckin LIAR!!

    White people coming to a fair, in Wisconsin, to look at farm animals, show their kids how things worked in agrarian America, wer assalulted, beaten robbed and humiliated by African Americans.

    African American flash mobs brutalized (You will NEVER find out how bad it was, the 4th estate had an unwritten contract with the political power of politicians who need to get elected at the expense of decencly and honesty.) beat and robbed white people for being WHITE!!


    Google it dumbfuckinass!!

    The incessant, relentless attacks on people, because of the color of thier skin (WHITE) continues un abated.

    Continues and gains momentum in the face of the 4th estate's cowardice, Hollywood's lies, and the unspoken cover-up that is only revealed on blogs like this by the commenters.


    Your lies, in the face of actuallity will no more be believed, because of Tony.

    Tony's venue, in spite of his agenda, spreads the truth.

    The truth, is that African Americans, as they did in Wisconsin, and they do every day in America, beat, rob, kill and murder white people because of the color of their skin.

    Now there, 7:38, you dumbfuck, is some irony.

  27. One more time you fuckin idiot.

    Every day in America, white people are intimidated, murdered, raped, robbed and killed while the mainstream media does its best to hide the fuckin news of same.

    Don't believe me???

    US DEPT of Justice STATS are there for anyone.

    Keep very fuckin much in mind, how much the Govt does not want Americans to actually find out the real threat of African American Violence.

    What, lemme ask ya what, is hidden? This is what you can find when you search Google.

    Its way worse than Americans think.

    I get the part, where you live in JoCo and think, "I'll be dead before the scumbag fuckin shitheel thugs make America and all it's cities, DETROIT!!!

    Fuckin DETROIT, Memphis, St.Louis, and a roll call of formerly great cities, that now are so fucked.


  28. P&L was a looser from the start and anyone with half a brain cell could see it coming.

    It was a greedy pig fest from the start, true?

    Watch the water department as they are about to fleece the serf slaves again and for years!

    Get out the NO WAY drums and keep beating them or you'll have a coin operated drinking fountain in your kitchen.

    Research Public Private Partnership & Goldman Sachs.

    The American Water guys are crooks and know how to do business and get what they want just like the P&L builders et al.


  29. African Americans = Violence.

  30. 8:48. Well said.

  31. If you don't like the P&L, then just don't go. It's that easy.

  32. Chuck. Don't dissappoint. You are too good for that.


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