Nothing For Kansas City Youth To Do

Cost and this town's constant "crisis mode" keep the future of Kansas City youth activities in flux: Kansas City still seeks nighttime outlets for city's youths


  1. Maybe some extra reading and math classes would be helpful. We have thousands of young people with the skills of fourth graders, which makes them pretty much unemployable, unoccupied, and headed for trouble on the streets.
    The public can play a role in opening doors and giving people opportunities to succeed, not entertaining folks who don't want to work for their own futures.

  2. “Deejays from KPRS-FM will do live remotes to help bring in a crowd.” Dick Wilson will do a live remote from the Plaza, Max, Tanna & Moffit will be in Westport and Walt Bodine will be at John Knox Village to help bring in a crowd as well.

  3. Maybe 79 yar-old Al Brooks can be there to rap with the youths. You'd have to pay him, though.

  4. i neeeds a edumakatshun!

  5. Nothing to do

  6. During the daytime, they could pick up trash and paint over graffiti in their neighborhoods.

    At night, the little scholars could take extra classes so they can finally learn to read and write.

    The boys could get paying jobs, as they probably have child support they're not paying.

    After that, they could go home, watch TV a little and go to bed.

  7. 7:05 AM
    Where you going to get that?
    with all the school closings and KC public education being in such a mess.

  8. 9:06

    That is what my generation did.

    Mowed lawns for money, shoveled drive ways, worked at fast food (Pizza Hut, Der Weinerschnitzel etc...).

    Read a ton of books, loved them.


    Played baseball and football with my friends.


  9. Sorry Chuck that shit is like so uncool. This is 2011 not Leave It To Beaver. Now days it's rap, bangin' and sleepin in.

  10. Let me guess. Basketball. Like there isn't any other subjects to study and things to engage in other then "Sports"

    Yeah just keep kids thinking they are going to be the next Sports Star for the sake of the NBA and NFL.

  11. Night School. Being this country has been churning out the the dumbest graduates in history for the past 20 years maybe school 6 days a week is the next logical step.

  12. Night activities for the youth? Are you fucking kidding me? Nothing good happens after fucking 9 p.m. Parents should keep the little bastards inside. Play a fucking game of Scrabble. Watch a movie. Study. Pray. Whatever. But the sad fact is that the majority of blacks have mothers only for parents and those mothers have the kids for public assistance purposes. Fucking night activities... Fuck...

  13. Agreed. Bullshit to "night activities." especially during the school year.
    If churches and schools want to have activities on weekends then great!
    But most of these "kids" want nothing to do with wholesome G-rated pre-10pm activities.

  14. The community centers can stay open a little later to accommodate the kids. They can hire better staff for the centers too, ones who don't check their cell phones and text when they are on the clock.
    The Aguirre Center closes at 4 on Saturday and is closed Sunday--not good hours to actually serve the community.

  15. We used to call it homework and chores but you had to go to school and care about your family and your home for that to happen.

  16. Handgun training. Then maybe these bastards will actually start killing each other instead of just wounding. It'll cut down on Medicaid costs.

  17. Go play in our parks. Find your own f'n things to do. Don't waist my tax dollars.


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