Kyle James Punching Allegations Cont'd.

So, now that we're past the initial shock of the Mayor's son and his alleged stupidity in the news again. Let's take a brief moment of respite and see what we've learned . . . And maybe ask some more questions. Check it:

1. Why are Kansas City Chiefs ALLEGEDLY hanging out with some ALLEGED douche who is known best for his dad's accomplishments and ALLEGEDLY throwing some rather embarrassing temper tantrums?

2. Was I wrong about the futility of women taking self-defense courses?!?!? Jordan Carver unleashing her rage on a heavy bag (nullus) makes me second guess some rather stereotypical assumptions regarding the ferocity of females. ALLEGEDLY a few boxing lessons might have served some poor white woman at The Point. If only to train her to duck a bit more quickly.

3. This time around it's harder to argue that the controversy hasn't ALLEGEDLY affected Mayor Sly's political rep. This will come up next election and there's no arguing that all of this hot mess isn't a very real distraction.


Kyle James Unable to Discuss Bar Fight

Mayor's son accused of assault at KC club

KC mayor's son accused of assault after nightclub incident

Anti-crime activist Alonzo Washington notices that Aim 4 Peace and Alvin Brooks are staying curiously on the subject.


  1. Brooks and Aim4Peace are no more "anti-crime activists" than Kyle James is a role model for young people. Both of them, and many others, are bottom feeders who would never criticize anyone who puts the slop in their trough every night.
    There are two murders every week of the year in KCMO and Brooks has been holding vigils at the expense of the taxpayer and grieving families for over forty years; Aim4Peace burns through about $600,000 a year and has only three people actually working the streets. Neither have had any effect on violence or homicides whatsoever. They're merely excuses for the city and KCPD tomake believe they're actually trying to do something, when all they're doing is wasting our money.
    When folks like the current crowd of grifters and extortionists are booted out of city hall, you'll know Sly is really serious about anything. Until then, it's SOS.

  2. I take it you have an alleged lawyer now?

  3. Vigils and bullshit. That's exactly what Brooks, et al, serve up daily. Now, the spin doctors are firmly in control of this "kid" problem the Mayor has. It's already started, the blame the victim defense. See, that girl just got in the way of a punch. Her fault...

  4. Just send us money.

  5. The race of the fighting ladies isn't mentioned, and haven't yet read which Chief was with Kyle. Looks like when the Plaza "youth" with no place to go turn 21, they go to formerly nice bars and spread the plague.
    Bets on how long the Point will survive now that the "youth" have arrived?

  6. The first Kyle episode took a full week to get out. This time, five days. At least the KC media is improving on their lag time. A couple more times, they'll actually report it in the same week.

  7. The Kansas City Star8/31/11, 7:49 AM

    We are not supposed to really report on the news because that does not sell advertising for our corporate overloards.

    We might offend someone that advertisers want to reach, if we reported the news. That was something that we had to do when we could not print color pictures.

  8. Kyle is thriving in the spotlight. To wit, he says: "I have things I would like to say but cannot at this time...." when anyone with an ounce of discretion would have simply said, "No comment." This guy needs to be muzzled! He is totally oblivious to reality.

    On another matter, Gloria called and asked, "Miss me yet?"

  9. No we don't but thanks for asking Gloria.

    When Kyle starts waltzing around punching white bitches at City Hall. Then we got a story.

  10. Sly James is friends with Cheifs players and admin there. That is why/how Kyle knows them. They all hang out at Sly's house.

  11. De bitch was standin where i was throwina air punch!!!

  12. Thug. Who raised that kid anyway? LOL

  13. Jordan woulda decked him.

  14. Kyle likes his women like he likes his chicken---battered. Hey-O!

  15. Kyle James = Larry Johnson

  16. Kyle is like LJ? does that mean he takes it up the coat from rappers?

  17. @ 8:06....baaahaaahaaa

  18. Alonso's bile on the subject is the classic version of the pot calling the kettle black. What does he do but sit at home collecting gov assistance while begging for "tips".


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