KCMSD School Board Prez Airick L. West Steps Down!!! Another Lesson In Local Futility.

Only Alice Goodwin is keeping my spirits up during these dark hours.

Also, it's a shame that so many promises regarding change for the KCMSD have been revealed as nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Maybe it's time to learn that the system is broken beyond all repair and it's time to start over.

Or we could keep repeating this cycle of fail and pretending to be surprised when thing inevitably fall apart.


School Board President Airick West Resigns

The Kansas City Missouri School Board has named Dr. Chace Ramey as the acting superintendent.

KCM School Board Names Acting Superintendent

Airick West steps down as KC school board president


  1. This post is dated wrong.


  2. Tell It Like It Is8/30/11, 10:23 PM

    There are too many Eastside Bottom-Feeders who are buddied up with board members and making money off of the continued failure of the school system - they have no incentive to improve the system, otherwise they diminish their own cash-cow....and apathy with ignorance by the voters keeps the crooks in the money. Kind of like Jackson County Politicians.

  3. Not even Airwick could cover up the stench that is the kcmsd.

  4. Finally Fed Up!8/30/11, 10:42 PM


    Remember how many volunteers Airick West recruited to walk door-to-door throughout the entire District in the sweltering heat of last Summer? ... because he wanted to show how important it was for everyone to give the District one more chance? ...

    Encouraging parents to keep their kids in the District as an article of faith? ...

    But the HE go too busy for the District, and decided he needed to spend time being the Treasurer for the State Democratic Party? ...

    Remember when we still had some hope that might be something other than a self-interested poser?

    Pretty sorry behavior ... the going gets tough, and Airick West goes over the hill.

    Dollars to donuts, there's more to this sad story. My guess: there actually IS something to the accusation that West had his hands on the steering wheel directing contracts.

    You give me a better reason why he takes off when leadership is most needed.

  5. 4 reports West resigned...but star and 9 report he only gave up the gavel and stepped down as PRESIDENT. Remains on the board tho. Somebody's gonna get chewed over at Fox4 for an apparent factual error.

    Whatever, too bad he didn't do whatever he did before Covington took that Michigan job!

    At least we'll hear a decent spokesman for that board now that Mister Phony and his fake BOE-SPEAK won't be the spokesman anymore. What an embarrassment THAT was!

  6. Airick? Who spells a name like that? Really? KCMSD Skollars? Way to go, faux Eric - way to fuck up everything, including impeding the educational success of our K-12kids, in the name of your own personal gain. Maybe you should get a job with your good buddy Robbin' Turner out east. You are the ultimate scheming self-serving poser. Karma is a bitch, bitch.

  7. Do you have a college degree, Airhead? What about a GED? Resign and pad your resume with more self-serving meaningless shit.

  8. Another Midtown Mom8/30/11, 11:35 PM

    fed up @ 10:42 is right.

    Either the State has to stop this mess or the parents and teachers do.

    Enough is enough.

  9. Airick where is the monies?

  10. Where is the monies??? What kind of ebonix ass language are you speaking?

  11. Boy wonder is out. Maybe he can find a real job.

  12. Did the board vote him out?

  13. If they didn't they SHOULD HAVE.

  14. THIS asshole is treasurer for the State Democratic Party????? OK, you just watch and wait for the indictment. The nigger will steal, no doubt about it...

  15. Pays Property Tax8/31/11, 7:36 AM

    Can he still throw our tax money to Kim Carlos?

  16. My momma can't spell and I can't count. I.m Airick West who speaks of all of the children as scholors to bolster their own self esteem while pocketing all I can from the district. Pay me a few dollars more and I'll move to your district and call your kids scholars too.


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