Kansas City Is Dangerous For Everyone!!!

A quick but important note was just sent my way this evening regarding accessibility and how this town's long record of FAIL puts all of our residents in danger. Check it:

"The person hit by a car at 31st & Main is blind. I wonder if the City has audible pedestrian signals there...doubt it, since there are so few across this huge city. Prairie Village has more audible signals than Kansas City. Would such a signal have helped? I don't know, but I do know it's a dangerous city for the disabled."

Look both ways, stay safe . . . More later . . .


  1. Prolly some shitheel texting...

    Narcissism is the new norm.

  2. Kansas City Home to Crime.

  3. So what else is new?

    Kansas City is dangerous has been for years.

    Too bad City hall or the BOPC has not noticed.

  4. KCMO a crime ridden city.

  5. It's the Plaza that is really dangerous. Shootings, muggings, burglaries, sewer water in Brush Creek with water geysers shooting the sewage into the air so that it can aresolize and on and on and on. Not to mention how the architecture is going down the toilet.

  6. The blogger sued by a guy downtown is retarded. I wonder if he has a lawyer yet...doubt it, since there are so few willing to take an open-and-shut case across this huge city. Prairie Village has more first amendment lawyers than Kansas City. Would such a lawyer have helped? I don't know, but I do know it's a dangerous city for retarded bloggers.

    See you in court Dec. 7. Gonna be fun. And everybody's going to be there.

  7. How many signals, bridges, sewers, roadway does Prairie Village have compared to Kansas City. Don't even try to compare

  8. Actually, I just made up that comment about Prairie Village having more audible signals than KC during a discussion here about KC's lack of a meaningful ADA coordinator, after the last good one was sacked.


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