They say that turnabout is fair play, and today some of the most AWESOME TKC TIPSTERS give a good look at mainstream newsie FAIL to observe Downtown parking regs.
Check it:
"Tony, here's a photo from yesterday morning. It's the Ch. 5 van parked illegally in accessible parking in front of City Hall reserved for people with special tags/plates. It happens all too often. Several people at City Hall called the station to complain.
I wish people would obey the law, or that KCPD parking control would enforce the law."
A thought . . .
In the future I hope the station is a bit more careful in their relentless pursuit of the scoop but I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna feel right about this one until I get a date with Katie Horner.
Developing . . .
News people routinely break parking rules for livetrucks, in part becasue they can't get a signal back to the station just any old place.
ReplyDeleteEven so, its another reason why TV doesn't cop bash on the air...because only THEN, do they get parking tickets...which is a cop way of expressing displeasure towards a particular station's coverage.
Radio man please stop acting like you know shit. You don't.
ReplyDeletewho cares for real. let them park where they want. it doesn't even matter.
ReplyDeleteare you running out of stuff to talk/blog about?
ReplyDeleteMaybe this "I am better than you" attitude, is why so many of their on-air chicks are getting divorced?
ReplyDeletepolice dont enforce the downtown parking because the city has civilian employees called Downtown Parking Control that work that area. those are the guys that write police cars tickets for parking in places marked for emergency vehicle only. what is up with that?
ReplyDeleteIt is unfortunate that mental numbness disallows some who comment to understand that there are classes of people in Kansas City. On this matter it comes to mind every time I pass a FedX or UPS truck in a no parking zone and every time I have gotten a ticked when I have been delayed in City Hall and my meter expired. But then I am stupid. I should get a used UPS truck and when I need to go downtown use it and park in a no parking zone.
ReplyDeleteradioman is a leach on tony's backside. unable to get folks to waste time at his site on his own, he relies on tony for his traffic. Tony does a real job of reporting and radioman rips and reads, he steals nearly everything on his site, it's not a blog, that would entail actual original creation of content, something radioman knows nothing about.
ReplyDelete7:45. Bless your heart. Just shows I haven't forgotten things you don't even know yet. Surely you won't deny that Teevee is loathe to bite the hands that feeds it! Cops, firemen, and advertisers!
ReplyDeletegood luck getting kcpd to do anything.
ReplyDeleteI saw this! WHat's funny is that there were pother spots available. Tough luck for people who need handicap parkinbg for jury duty or anything else. Sucks to be crippled/.
ReplyDeleteand if perchance a car or van pulled up that had the required permit to park there, do you think the TV crew would have left if asked? i think they would have. it's one thing to occupy the space, it's another to do so when asked to leave in the face of a request from someone legally allowed to park there. kctv would not have risked the (very) bad PR.
ReplyDeleteradioman how arrogant you bless yourself, what a sick puppy.
ReplyDeleteGood heavens! Something must be done!
ReplyDeleteWhoa, big news! Now somebody fly in Alonzo, in his Shaft Hang-Glider, so he can write them a 'citizen's arrest! ticket and blog about how racial disparity in parking enforcement is ruining the city. Sly ain't doing enough for the poor, downtrodden black man.
ReplyDeleteThe meskins will get jealous of all the attention the blacks are getting, then La Raza will picket the City Hall.
This place is SO predictable- and ridiculous.
Radioman is a mover and a shaker.
ReplyDeleteHe has the inside track on life in KC.
"Bless your heart" is polite Southern dialect roughly translated to a condescending, "You stupid ass..."
ReplyDeleteBTW, there are way too many amateur TV people in this town who can't escape the market because they were hired here before they were ready. Hard to believe KC is an entry level market, but how hard is it to cover ghetto murder liveshots?
Downtown parking control is not KCPD. Those parking control officers are city employees. Also where would the TV trucks park? Don't get your crusty pants in a wad people.
ReplyDeleteKCPD parking control does not work downtown. A few years ago, when the "downtown rennaisance" started Wayne Cauthen told the PD that the city was going to take over parking control downtown. They do now, and KCPD does not, but only works in other areas.
ReplyDeleteI watch channel 5 news one in a while. Who says they're not handicapped?
ReplyDelete22 comments over a handicapped parking violation. Now THAT is funny! Even in Prairie Village.
ReplyDeleteSaw this one yesterday too. I wanted to complain but I'll just watch channel 9 instead.
ReplyDelete10:32 Wins for Best Comment - Fanned and Faved
ReplyDeleteradioman calling himself a "stupid ass" how appropriate
ReplyDeleteI do agree with RMan here--funny comment thread--parking IS one of those things that people do get their undershorts in a knot about!
ReplyDeleteSee what I miss watching the meeting on line?
ReplyDeleteOh 1:17, bless you're heart. You are dumb as a fucquing rock! Somebody try to explain this to him. And then tell him to take his shit back to the radio room where he won't hurt himself.
ReplyDeleteAsshole journalists. They should two the damn thing... Unless it was Amy Anderson. She is ok to park where ever because like so many other JOCO MILF's, she likes it when I cum on her face.
ReplyDeleteradioman yours is the only post at 7:45a, looking in the mirror must be so enjoyable
ReplyDeleteKCTV5. Watch the fuck out. I'm parking wherever I want at your place.
ReplyDeleteIf KCTV is parked in the handicapped space then where on earth are all the fat, black women with handicapped tags going to park?
ReplyDeleteWhen did Karen Fuller start driving the KCTV5 van?
ReplyDeleteHey 7:47, they are Price Chopper ane Walmart riding the electric cards then swiping their govt issued debit cards at the register.
ReplyDeletemu bitch is when you see people taking the handicapped parking with out the card or license plates. expecially at quick trip when you see a young black guy pull in with his radio blasting and park run in a buy beer