District 40 Rep. John Rizzo is justifiably touting his working in helping to secure foot patrols for Northeast. Given that Northeast is often neglected when it comes to resources . . .
This is a significant victory and part of Rep. Rizzo's ongoing work to increase public safety in his district.
In fact, given Kansas City's high murder rate and with the deadly Summer season . . .
Hopefully, Mayor Sly and the City Council might take a break from handing out TIFs and other tax breaks and follow the example of one of Kansas City's rising political stars.
Check the presser:
Rep. Rizzo Successful In Getting Foot Patrol In Northeast Area
Kansas City, Mo. – In keeping campaign promises and utilizing his working relationship with Chief Corwin of the Kansas City Missouri Police Department State Representative John Rizzo was able to get the Northeast area included in the new foot patrol program being rolled out by the Kansas City Missouri Police Department.
Kansas City police on Wednesday gave the locations of the four neighborhoods selected for a pilot program that will send pairs of rookie officers on foot to fight crime and meet residents. The 90-day program starts Aug. 1. One of those locations will be Independence Avenue from Chestnut to Chelsea avenues, and about half a block on either side of Independence Avenue
“I would like to thank the KCPD, Chief Corwin, and Major Lewis in recognizing the needs of the Northeast area, and aiding us in cleaning up our streets,” said Rizzo, D-Kansas City. “ Myself and other community leaders spoke with both Chief Corwin and Major Lewis to make this happen, and I offer a big thank you to them for responding.”
“With many distressed communities in Kansas City that need this type of service I am very excited that these foot patrol officers were chosen specifically for our community.”
A good idea that needs to be expanded.
ReplyDeleteBut he's not on the city council. He's supposed to be doing STATE business. Tony, are you his PR rep?
ReplyDeleteHeadline should be "John Rizzo takes another picture".
ReplyDeleteHe is so involved that he failed to attend any of the meetings and is NOT even on the e-mail list to those involved.
If Rizzo had a PR Rep, said Rep would have stopped him from wearing his "Archie" sweater!
ReplyDeleteRadioman, notice Tee also reported the Democrats are calling for an investigation into Todd Akin but not John Rizzo. Then he followed it with a John Rizzo fluff piece.
ReplyDeleteTee just proved this Royster right today.
This was a pilot program done by the police department. They sent new members of the force into Northeast. Where else were they going to send them, Brookside?
John Rizzo had NOTHING whatever to do with the KCPD starting a foot patrol in the northeast.
ReplyDeleteOf all the lame shilling on this blog for this guy, this really takes the cake!
It's a good program. We need more of it in KC in ALL of our neighborhoods.
ReplyDeleteIs this a joke?
ReplyDeleteJohn Rizzo is doing a good job i wish that those who put those horrible comments on here would focus on themselves. I dont know him at all but the hatred in those comments are awful
ReplyDeleteTony, do you have proof that John Rizzo has been involved in this? Not John Rizzo's press release. Actual proof. Meeting minutes? E-mails? Anything?
ReplyDeleteI'm from Northeast and have never seen him at these meetings.
Tony the whore, schilling for Rep. Rizzo. Sad, but true.
ReplyDeleteI am pissed that you are forcing me to type this Tee but Will Royster is right. If Akin committed fraud then fraud happened in the Rizzo election. Democrats just admitted it.
ReplyDeleteI attended several meetings when he was there .
ReplyDeleteCCO Volunteer who is nameless right got ir. Good afternoon Royster
ReplyDeleteI am a member of CCO please list your name.
ReplyDeleteCredit should go to Michael Seward of H.E.L.P. who lobbied constantly for the foot patrols.
ReplyDeleteHyperblogal, Michael did an amazing job and he deserves the credit for this. Not Mr. Rizzo. As someone who receives all of the e-mails from HELP and numerous area groups, one would think John Rizzo would be on that list if he were involved. Right?
ReplyDeleteHe's not. What does that say?
Someone should publish the e-mail lists showing John Rizzo's lack of presence, if what you are saying is true. That is disgusting if he lied.
ReplyDeleteI am sick of John Rizzo blaming Royster for him being held accountable. Grow up son. There are many people in our community that go to these meetings and you are M.I.A.
ReplyDeleteThe least you could have done was give credit to leaders that actually did the work while promoting yourself.
Speed of lightning, sweater of thunder, foiling all who steal and blunder, Rizzodog
I like the foot patrols. This is something John Crawford campaigned on, one of the reasons I voted for the man.
ReplyDeleteThe good news is ,he cares and we have a foot patrol you haters need to stop. We know who you are and no one cares. Moreno and Royster you lost. I voted for you but you lost.
ReplyDeleteSome dude from NE who prefers to work behind the scenes pimped the foot patrols to Seward et. al. and laid the groundwork with City Council and PD so all that was necessary was the ask in those meetings.
ReplyDeleteHELP Center Public Safety Committee Meeting
ReplyDeleteMarch 24, 2011
The monthly meeting of the committee was held at 4:00 at the Northeast Library, with Leslie Caplan facilitating. A list of those in attendance is attached to the official minutes.
Possible Vacant Property Solution
Jason Cooley, CIO for the KCMO Police Department reported on a program currently being used in Cleveland to address the issue of theft, arson, etc. at vacant properties..
Currently, the police department’s hands are tied related to charges of theft, etc. at vacant properties. If there is no victim, there is nothing they can do. Most go unreported because they are out of state owners or someone doesn’t want to make the effort to file a report, etc.
HELP Center
Michael Seward, the new Executive Director of the HELP Center, reported on his work to get the center rehabbed and funding for ongoing programs. There is currently money through December 2011. He also reported on a meeting that Michael, Leslie, Billie Robleado, Bobbi Baker and Mark Stewart had with Barry Mayer of the Crime Commission. They have some funding for supplies and a supervisor for trash pick up and graffiti removal for the Independence Blvd. corridor. The city and Scarritt have equipment we can use for the project, which will begin soon.
City Manager’s Office Involvement
John Wood, Assistant City Manager for Neighborhoods reported that the city will be convening neighborhood groups to determine how to best use HUD funds for the next five years. We should start thinking about our priorities for the area. The request for proposals will go out in October.
These are some factors that will be considered:
1. Assets from the former HEDFC will be included in the project. They want to transfer them from receivership into “friendly hands”.
2. Priorities will be such things as the HELP Center, community policing, abatement, community organizing.
3. They may incorporate the Truman Corridor Plan with it
Also Parks and Recreation is putting in new trash receptacles on Independence Blvd. and work is ready to begin on the intersection of Independence and Benton. David asked Vanessa Huskey to give us info on proposed CDBG cuts so we can advocate accordingly.
Proposal related to childhood obesity
David Ross with Healthy Kids KC came back to the committee to give an update on his progress. He is working to include Don Bosco, Mattie Rhodes and the HELP Center in a four year $450,000 proposal to the Kresge Foundation, which requires a $450,000 match. He has spoken to some local funders that are interested in helping.
East Patrol Report
Major Ell reported that the location of the HELP Center ties in well with their plan to have a presence at Independence and Prospect. There is a plan to have a 90 day “foot beat” experiment with the current class of new recruits. One of the locations will probably be Independence Blvd. between 10:00-6:00 and 6:00-2:00 am. This beat will possibly become permanent.
Major Ell also reported that if you hear the helicopters or a lot of sirens and wonder what is going on, you can call the desk sergeant in both patrols to find out. East Patrol= 816-234-5530 and Central Patrol=816-234-5510.
Hope Community Church
Manuel Robleado reported that this new church is working with other churches throughout the metro area to be a support to the good that is happening in the community. On May 14 from 11:00-5:00 there will be four bands, four preachers and free food at a Community United event in Budd Park. Agencies in the community can have a booth to provide the community with resources.
Respectfully submitted,
Leslie Caplan
President/NE HELPCenter/Public Safety Committee/MInutes
Oh that ain't good. Dude was caught lying. HAHAHAHAHAHHA.
ReplyDeleteLOL KCPD PR Media spin fails again.
ReplyDeleteLots of smoke and mirrors at KCPD.
Foot patrols have been around for hundreds of years. Old first century villages had a Hue and Cry system. And this is be touted as a new idea.
ReplyDeleteWOW. RIZZO BUSTED IN A LIE. Go figure.
ReplyDeleteOuch. He should apologize now.
ReplyDeleteOh my god! I have that email and he is not on it!
ReplyDeleteEPIC FAIL !!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnother scandel with KCPD involvement. Rizzo must have taken the KCPD Command Staff out to the Capital Grille.
ReplyDeleteReminder if you are going to lie and pretend you were part of "making this happen", dont lie
ReplyDeleteYou printed the minutes of a meeting and signed the lady name . You should be sued . And how could he be two places at once he was in Jefferson City look at a calendar before you print lies Moreno. I live in northeast and took the time to look it up after you posted that. I am sick of your lies and half truths and you dont even live in the area .
ReplyDeleteMoreno you and Royster moved in together yet you both are without wifes
ReplyDelete"You print lies Moreno..."
ReplyDeleteYou are obsessed with that person sir. As a State Representative, why are you claiming involvement in something you nothing to do with?
Rizzo and Royster Roomies.
ReplyDeleteThere's your next post Tony.
Check both of their divorce papers.
Moreno is a loser in politics and love and poor Royster had to hook up with him on his way down.
ReplyDeleteThis is embarrassing. Rizzo just lied through his teeth and Tony promoted it. (and I'm not Moreno or Royster, just a reader of this blog)
ReplyDeleteWhat noise does a flat tire make?
ReplyDelete'Wop, wop wop...'
Here goes the attacks on Moreno, Royster and their families. Because attack spouses is all Rizzo can do.
ReplyDeleteOther than steal elections.
Someone in northeast calls Rizzo out and he immediately attacks Chris Moreno and Will Roysters spouses. Go figure. Ok we all know what is next as Tony will probably have a post tomorrow or he will be grounded by Henry.
ReplyDeleteJohn Rizzo, do you agree with this statement?
ReplyDeleteThe law requires voters to cast a ballot in the specific jurisdiction they call home. Though rarely prosecuted, providing inaccurate information at the polls is a felony violation of state election laws.
"Living in one jurisdiction and voting in another, or voting by absentee in a jurisdiction in which you do not reside, is voter fraud," Newman said. "Rep. Akin’s alleged actions should be immediately investigated by the appropriate authority."
Rizzo had NOTHING to do with this project. What a schmuck to claim it.
ReplyDeleteDecision was made by KCPD based on crime stats. Rizzo was not involved in any selection and won't go anywhere by making false claims.
ReplyDeletethat sweater is FANTABULUSSSSSS!
ReplyDeleteRizzo won, Royster lost.
ReplyDeleteGet over it or file for reelection. But you'll have to run as a Republican Will.
Heeey, JJ. Great to see you grabbin' some grub today! How is your daddy's store doing? Good to see a son taking up his daddy's business at 4206 Truman. Keep up the good work baby.
ReplyDeleteHope you didn't get any sauce on that sweater.....hmmmm....lol!
By the way, was that a Royal's baseball cap?
Hey Rizzo (10:22pm), why is Ollie Gates talking to you on here?
ReplyDeleteRizzo - Stacey Newman is playing right into that hands of the State Auditor, Ethics Commission, future Secretary of State, and even Kris Kobach with all of this talk about election fraud. This keeps your lies, cheating, and corruption bubbling to the surface. Not good. Better go call Talboy.
ReplyDeleteI have special license plates.
So does my dad (retired state rep) and so does my mom. and so does my grandma on her decent but older car.
Its weird Lindsay's new car doesn't. I like following Lindsay to work.
EYE am always watching
ReplyDelete8:59pm - If Tony gets grounded by Henry, I get spanked.
ReplyDeleteOh no, Will has been drinking again.
ReplyDeleteNice one JJ - its known you are scared. You are caught, and the evidence keeps piling up in a warehouse.
ReplyDeleteIt's pathetic yet funny.. that Rizzo is getting into a pissing match with Mereno and Royster to avoid the fact that he lied about this press release.
ReplyDeleteOk let's get serious and talk about the elephant in the room, or rather, the picture.
ReplyDeleteJJ looks like a dark-haired Charlie Brown in that sweater. And it looks like a got a haircut from a Weed Whacker.
He should lose a recall on those two points alone.
Wait, wasn't Stacey Newman on the Rizzo investigation committee? That would make her the deciding vote...
ReplyDeleteThis couldn't be more obvious. Great police program but Rizzo clearly lied.
ReplyDeleteAnother KCMO mess.
ReplyDeleteKCPD is not city run its State run just a FYI, KCMO is not entrusted to run a police department, and that makes more sense than most this shit does!
ReplyDeleteThere was a mix up. Rizzo is actually responsible for the Big Foot Patrols. Basically, he hangs out in Kessler Park and plays pranks on Sasquatch whilst eating beef jerky. Hilarious, yes, but shouldn't he be meeting with his constitutents and preparing for the next legislative session?
ReplyDeleteBeen hanging out with Royster much Bryan? Do something more productive.
ReplyDeleteWay to be a real leader JJ by attacking your constituent Bryan. You should focus more time outside of Columbus Park, you know actually showing up places that don't have cameras, and less time playing madden.
ReplyDeleteshut up Royster and have another. You, Bryan and Moreno are all unemployed losers.