The Kansas City Strip Trolley System is a bad idea left over from the tenure of the old City Council and ousted Mayor Funky.
Sadly, for people familiar with government subsidized entertainment operations this deal wasn't even as appealing as Lady Gaga's meat bikini.
Even worse . . .
Of all the bad ideas from Bill George and Bill Nigro . . . This doomed public transit ego trip could be the worst. Not only because after a year the trolley system has really failed to reinvigorate Kansas City Nightlife or create a connection between disparate party zones around the metro BUT ALSO because A biz strategy like this GROUPON GIVEAWAY OF KANSAS CITY TAXPAYER MONEY doesn't really represent much business acumen.
Sure, everybody loves Groupon online discount fad but tickets basically given away don't begin to cover the costs or disappointment that the project has created with so many empty trolleys marking local nightlife after a year of EXPENSIVE yet obviously unproductive promotion.
To be fair, some supporters argue that the 2,172 tickets purchased at half-price represent a victory. But discounting funds from a no-interest loan is too much like simply giving it away.
Don't just take my word for it . . . Here's what a few high level local biz folk had to say about the tactic . . .
A Kansas City Lawyer and politico said, "No, half-price discounts are never a good sign. But give it more time Tony. They could turn it around this Summer."
Off the record an outgoing member of The Council said this, "It's not a serious transit system. It was supposed to be something to put on a brochure. We didn't expect it to do much and it hasn't. The fact that they need to sell tickets at half-price doesn't surprise me."
Granted, I know the strategy is to get people riding the Doomed As Dead Meat Trolley in order to come back and pay full price . . . So this afternoon I talked with a hottie hanging out at a Westport bar in the early afternoon. She said, "What's The KC Strip? A Trolley? Like the bus? Lame."
So there you have it.
Sadly, it seems like so many Kansas City Transit schemes are almost intentionally conceived to fail: Missouri house passes KC Street Car Bill
However, in the final analysis . . .
This Kansas City Trolley Folly stinks like rotting flesh and deep discounts at Taxpayer expense don't inspire much confidence. The City Hall oversight for this deal is completely lacking and amounted to nothing more than a polite meeting where TKC BREAKING NEWS AND EXCLUSIVE REPORTING WAS CHALLENGED WITH ONLY THE NERVOUS GIGGLES OF CITY COUNCIL LADIES!!!
But as we enter a new term with increased austerity, a slow-to-recover economy and more cuts facing City Hall . . . It's time to reevaluate this FAILED TRANSIT SCHEME that now runs only at half price and has done nothing but burn through City Hall cash given away AT NO INTEREST AND WITH LITTLE OVERSIGHT!!!
did you forget to write fail in the headline?
ReplyDeleteGroupon keeps $2.50 of the $5. The rides were originally going to be $15 per night so George/Nigro's "huge success" is now going for 16% of original value. Yes for those on the Council who were scammed into the deal that's an 84% discount.
ReplyDeleteCity Officials better look at the the contract and find out where they'll collect their "principal only" loan when it's shut down. Be assured that George's French company won't pay. He probably swindled dumbass Nigro into signing. Ha!
LOL Kansas City the E-Tax FOOLS ! LOL
ReplyDeleteMore Bill George EGO + Continued Bill Nigro STUPIDITY + Ongoing City Council CORRUPTION = FAIL. LOL!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the free bucks and now on to the new hotel (that you taxpayers will also pay for).
ReplyDeleteKeep those e-tax dollars rolling in suckers! We'll be back to scare you into another renewal in five years!
The E-Tax sucker ride !!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe big ????????
ReplyDeleteWill this Council accept all of Bill Georges lies like the last one did?
With little attention and no oversight? That's a pretty good description of the whole KCMO city hall operation.
ReplyDeleteSly really has his work cut out for him. When was the last time anyone wasn't reappointed or fired for lack of results?
Or re-elected for that matter? Expectations of 12th and Oak have only one direction to go!
ReplyDeleteIm driving to the new sporting KC stadium in KCK. You fools elected Gloria and now you are all paying for it!! Ha Ha Ha! Bare feet!!!
ReplyDeleteSome hottie thinks its lame to take public transportation? Guess she's never been to a REAL city.
ReplyDeleteThey still running the Jitneys in Atlantic City? She's probably not cool enough to goto NYC or Boston.
Yup, everything's up to date in Kansas City all right. Spoiled little bitch prolly too coo to ride in an American car!
It's close to a complete flop. Very few people ride it but most are drunk. The groupon is a desperate effort to have the thing look busy this spring when people are out again. The winter weather was cover but not now.
ReplyDeleteNo one wants to use mass transit unless it has steel wheels. Put it on a track and it will immediately be full.
ReplyDeleteAfter this complete failure they are talking about spending more money for a "Merry-Go-Round" Trolley Car that is permanent for the downtown lunch crowd to ride.
ReplyDeleteWe get rid of one funky fool and up pops several more all being led by Mr. Transportation Rus Johnson!
I may have missed something but it seems to me like the taxpayers should not be funding a gimmicky tourist ride when we fund the ATA with our tax dollars. If this is needed let the ATA spruce or gimmick up a bus and send it down there. This seems like a private sector business that should remain funded by the private business and compete with public transportation. Did the operator guarentee repayment with his personal credit? Is there a chance that this loan of my tax dollars will not be repaid? Where can I get a interest free loan for my business from the city? Never heard of such a thing and it sounds fishy. Please enlighten me as to why this happened.
ReplyDelete10:56 Call Bill Nigro he has all of the details. Nigro sublet the politics to George while he signed up the Wetsport Biz Association as the signer. George then got kicked back the operation on a NO BID arrangement. That's right NO BID!
ReplyDeleteSo George got the Trolleys for free and he's not on the hook. The City $ from the neighborhood development fund (another scandalous aspect of the deal)went to the biz group PROBABLY insulating George and Nigro if/when they defaulted on the loan. That $ bought the Trolleys that then are taken off line for high $ Charters that line Georges pockets. That's why you see the white buses on the route all of the time. They are fill ins while George privately jackpots the Trolleys that the city paid for. This warrants an FBI investigation.
The last Council was lied to by these crooks. To think in light of this George is at the switch on the new Hotel is scary.
As seen in Westport, BOTH versions of the Trolly are usually EMPTY.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading 11:22 I'm amazed this isn't a bigger news story.
If 11:22 isn't full of shit, Deb Herman (Finance Chair) and Beth Gottstein were the major victims in the scam - they placed their trust in George and Nigro. They are probably not criminally negligent but they need to be interview by the City Auditor and the FBI as to what they were told when they agreed to get behind the deal.
ReplyDeleteSounds like the Trolleys were publicly financed (KCMO), washed through a not for profit (Westport) and are now earning revenue for a private business outside of the purpose that the funds were directed to.
Yes, an investigation is needed.
I think the city council is in bill george pocket. Why would they support a private business with tax payers dollars. I think this suck azz project received 300,000.00 in tax payers dollars. Bill george stays winning because he didn't add anything to this failure of a project except a smile.
ReplyDeleteYou people need to lighten up. You are playing right into the hands of that loser Tony KC.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to bitch about a real tax payer ass fucking, then speak about that Power and Light bullshit. Millions in tax dollars are poured into that place every year.
So quit being so jealous about the Bill's and their Trolley. A system that keeps some of those people who get drunk on $9 beers at P&L from driving and possibly killing one of you.
P.S. Tony likes ass to mouth. His mouth.
Oh...are those trolleys taking people home now too? How do the drunk asses get home you idiot. 300,000 in cab subsidies would make better sence than that fucking rip off.
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