TKC NOTE: Comments Screw-Up This Morning And Don't Accept Anony Posts

I hope this isn't a policy change . . . I have a feeling there would be a bit more a a ruckus if it was . . . Probably it's one of many glitches that goes along with using - An otherwise awesome service.

Anyhoo . . . Already a few of you have told me that isn't accepting your comments. I have noticed that signed comments still are posted automatically . . . Which sorta sucks and I hope isn't a policy change from Google or

On Twitter and among other blogs I notice this problem as well . . .

What I do know is that if it persists for more than a couple of days . . . We'll move to something like Disqus or Intense Debate where anony comments still reign supreme . . . Just like the secret ballot, they're a foundation of Democracy and protected expression.

Hoping it's just a glitch out of sheer laziness on my part . . . But I still wanted to note for everybody that TKC BELIEVES IN ANONNY COMMENTS AND WOULD NEVER CHANGE THAT POLICY WILLINGLY!!!

So for now . . . Consider the problem "Under Construction" and let the thought of Sonya Kraus doing home repair calm your nerves.

Developing . . .


  1. Well, at least now anon commentors have more time to suck on their bag of dicks.

  2. They ought to develop on screen personas anyway. No loss.

  3. In deference to the advice of Radioman, here's mine.

  4. I never really cared about the anonny thing. I just didn't want to take the time to set up my blogger account. . . 30 minutes of my life I'll never get back. Plus, now it'll be difficult to encourage Radioman in one anonny comment while also pissing him off in another anonny comment.

  5. I think it is great, hope it doesn't go back.

  6. I openly wondered not long ago on FB how Tony's Kansas City would function without anonymous comments...

    Guess we're getting a test run!

    (Now, the other day, blogger would not process a comment I wrote before signing in. Let's see if that glitch is still there...)


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