Only Kansas City Idiots Care About Royalty

The good people at Nuts Magazine have crowned Lucy Pinder their reigning "Queen of Boobs" and that's really the only regal title respected by TKC.

Meanwhile . . . Another one of this town's money losing institutions is hoping for a few shillings of profit for their tribute to old world elitism.

The Star: Union Station is ground zero for royal wedding mania

Ugh, it's not really news . . . More like promotional literature that will fail to turn a buck for Kansas City's empty tomb displaying the dirty, old dress of some dead white lady but also attempts to reinforce the notion that some people are simply born better than others . . . Which is only a matter of fact if enough people believe it.


  1. Nope, no Royal excitement here...except when our Boys in Blue manage to win a game or two.


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