Brandon Ellington Continues His Community Activism And Volunteer Efforts

3rd District At-Large Candidate Brandon Ellington earned a SURPRISING number of votes last election with absolutely no help from Kansas City special interests. He ran a close and clean race against an incumbent and a lot of people took notice of his grassroots strategy with a lot of community support.

Luckily, for Kansas City . . . Mr. Ellington has continued his ongoing efforts to improve his community.

Here's the latest presser on the subject . . . Check it:

Brandon Ellington who recently ran for 3rd District At Large, his organization Voices Of The People have been doing major clean ups in both the 3rd & 5th District.

This year Brandon has made a major decision to move Voices Of The People into the heart of the trouble zone, 3836 Chestnut KCMO 64130, where for the past 3 months they have been daily drive by shootings with children outside during day light hours. Brandon Ellington believes that by putting his organization in direct contact with the high risk population that not only will he be setting a example but pride ,respect and self determination will return to the residents.

Voices Of The People Community Office will offer the residents not only life skills but will all residents to regain trust in their community leaders. It was Brandon Ellington desire to serve the community that has brought this emergency plan of action by embarking V.O.T.P. community office in the heart of the trouble zone to reach the trouble residents. Brandon is organizing the East side of Kansas City, Mo.and he has joined together several grass root organizations that also will use V.O.T.P as satellite offices.

Voices Of The People- Brandon Ellington, Enough is Enough "Cleaning up our neighborhood" & Beautification Sat.April 30th 8am-until major community block clean up. 38th Chestnut Kansas City, Mo 64130. Bring your own gloves and any lawn equipment you may have. The highest crime zip code 64130 in the city, also one of the most neglected.

We would like to put in two community gardens and are looking for volunteer's to till,*must have a tiller*,carpentry & landscaping,plumbing,roofers.
To volunteer contact us by email:


  1. He'll get more positive things accomplished if he avoids politics completely.

  2. Brandon should not avoid politics he is what is needed in the political field. I voted for him and will do so again in the future he is one politican that is keeping his word concerning the 3rd district. Good for you Brandon, you. have my support.

  3. If he doesn't 'sell' himself to special interests, then politics will not corrupt him. In four years he will be even better known. Real leaders don't have to be elected, they can't help but lead. Its biological.

  4. Where is all the city funded anti crime organzations? Brandon is right no one wants to go that part of town iit is totally dangerous,abandon house,buildings.murders, bys but then you have the elderly and folks that do care about the conditions of their neighborhood and we need help this is on of the many reasons we are coming out to support this young man Brandon Elllington,my great grandmother is 92 years old she lives on 38th Chestnut she gets around great and she was so excited when she met Brandon,she said he walked with her and listen when she spoke about people going into the vacant houses,trash being dumped and how she was a prisoner in her own home after it got dark,she said he told her that he lived about 3 or four.blocks away himself and that he would help her regain her freedom to enjoy her neighborhood and he put is groups office on the block and it is making a big difference already the street is getting prepared to be fixed,vancant house are now boared up 2 drug dealers have moved and his group his going to this weekend help her start a community garden along with the block clean up. Thank God for men & women like Brandon Ellington.

  5. Brandon has really working hard with several grass root groups actually I attended one of his meetings and it was standing room only and I was surpised to see the ages rage from 18 to 74,black,white & latino real community grass root folks joing forces supporting Brandons new movement. I can't tell you yet sworn to secrecy but it is going to shock a lot of folks. Brandon Ellington is.going to be a strong voice for Kansas City.

  6. I'll be there.

  7. Why didn't Sly James appoint Brandon Ellington to Community Director as Tony pointed out he ran one of the best campaigns that I. have ever witnessed. Its a fact that he won the Northland hands down and he connected to all of KCMO and if he would have ran In District he would have won by a land slide. If any of the elected really cared about addressing and pulling community together then they would stop playing politics and bring this young man Brandon Ellington on bored.

  8. I saw Greens Dee Barry and several others working the voting polls for Brandon.

  9. Maurice Copeland4/27/11, 7:42 PM

    Brandon should be respected as a voice for positive solutions and change, we are watching those so-called leaders in the Black Community that don't reachout to Brandon, and will not be hesitant to ask the question, WHY, They are not supporting this young man? It is one thing to talk stuff and say what our people people can do and be (cute talk), but it is another thing to step up and support them for trying. Brandon is a voice and will be a voice, THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN!

  10. Yes D.Berry and Brandon are in some of the same groups. Small world. We support him in his efforts,he's has a heart for.people.

  11. Maurice Copeland, I agree with you and we all know the real reason why the so called black leaders are trying to ignore Brandon, it because he can't be brought, he will not feed their lies to the black,white or latino communities. Brandon is a true leader who respect God,family,friends and associates that respects the common man. Those self appointed wanna be leaders have sucked us dry,lied and sold us and our community out. WE ALL KNOW THAT BRANDON ELLINGTON didn't lose the election! They should have let him in office cause he is gaining real people power. Hats off to you Brandon for telling the truth, you do care about all 6th districts.

  12. Brandon is a true leader and he major moves. Tony ask him about his political& goverment law class he is teaching with our young people. My daughter came home with his flier so excited telling us about this new class being taught by Brandon Ellington & Paul Pierce. I am on my way to sit in on the class.

  13. I don't know anyone other than Eric Wesson that would hate on Ellington.

  14. Nelson Hopkins Operation Promise Land is teaming up with Brandon, wonder what these two awsome guys have cooking? Whatever it is these are two real warriors.

  15. Get your lazy asses out to help on Saturday. I'll be there. Bring things like loppers and trimmers and lots of paper bags. If you don't like what "it" is, then get off your asses and this blog and CHANGE IT.

  16. 11:04 I am donating food for the cookout, I'm excited that folks are finally getting off their lazy asses.
    Let's all blog this and make this the start of something good.

  17. I wonder if the new "mayor James" will show up its only a few blocks from where he claims he lived at as a kid. uhmmmmmmm

  18. I drove by there and its going to take alot of man power, come on KC we can do this,lets all band together and make this 90 year old woman happy. I have some seeds anyone have a tiller?

  19. Brandon, the city is going to give you trash bags and dumpsters. I heard that they wanted to charge your group for cleaning up, what kind of crazy bull is that? Keep up the good work we are all pulling for you. I knew you wouldn't go away a sit down when the elections were over, to many times you stressed about the lack of concern about your district. I'll be there lend my part, I don't know about doing yard work but I heard that you guys will be painting inside,count me in I'll even bring my own paint brush.

  20. What no invoice to the city? No thousands of tax dollars going to a group that is out doing really working in the community? Aim For Peace, Ad Hoc should take notes, and save us thousands of dollars.

  21. He could set an example by learning correction spelling, grammar, and punctuation. If that was the release that he wrote, it needed some proofreading.

  22. Brandon is a very humble young man that has proven that he is devoted to making real change. It is a shame and a disgrace that Sly James didn't appoint him to be on his team. Just maybe after the powers that be see that Brandon is pulling together communities across the city maybe just then they will give him a call. He is a positive role model for so many young men & women. I don't live or even come to the 3rd district but for the last couple of weeks I've been going to Brandon's meetings and my eyes have been open to why he kept speaking about the true conditions of the 3rd district. All I can say is he is truly one of a kind. He reminds me of a young Obama.

  23. Anthony Mello4/28/11, 12:46 AM

    4/28/11 12:43 AM-who said he wrote it? If that is all you have to say then why don't you write a press release for him? What are you doing? Not a damn thing!

  24. 12:43 AM - who proofread what you wrote? You need to take your own advise.

  25. 12:43 AM- lol is a product of KCMSD!

  26. He could set an example by learning correction spelling, grammar, and punctuation. If that was the release that he wrote, it needed some proofreading.

    4/28/11 12:43 AM

    And you have the nerve to call the skillet black? Look at all the mistakes you made.
    Brandon we are standing with you.


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