Tracy Ward knows how to manage money . . . With just a bit more than 4k she earned 40% of the vote in her run for City Council . . . Maybe that's why people should take her seriously when she talks about the City's finances and addresses some of the scare tactics used by the pro-E-Tax crowd . . . Here's the latest quote Tracy Ward was nice enough to offer TKC Readers:
"Look, there are other ways to cut a budget and curtail spending. If they want to cut fire and police right off the top, which are the first and foremost "services" that our tax dollars should be spent for, why do we even NEED government in Kansas City?
To provide an outlet for TIF funding?
I just don't understand this illogical thought process which further proves they're attempting to use scare tactics to force through their agenda. I truly hope the voters will do their due diligence in researching BOTH sides and then vote from that information. Only then will the right decision, for the future of this city, be able to be made."
She's becoming KCMO's version of Sarah Palin... spewing off mindless talking points.
ReplyDeleteHow cute.
Get rid of the E-Tax.
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to tell who is more stupid, her or her husband.
ReplyDeleteShe have a specific plan or just more nosensical babble?
ReplyDeleteIt was conservatives like Tracy who pushed the TIF agenda to begin with.
ReplyDeleteDear Tony:
ReplyDeleteCould you tell me who Tracy Ward is? The name sounds vaguely familiar. Does she hold any sort of political office?
Before she saves us all with her financial genius, maybe with some of her free time she could collect her illegally placed yard signs that are still all over town.
ReplyDeleteOK Einstein, when was the last TIF project? The Barnes administration? You can't just stop paying the TIF, it's like a credit card. Fire and Police and trash service will be cut. TIF payments will be made first, regardless.
ReplyDeleteTracy, just go away, your 15 minutes of fame ended last week.
Why eliminate a tax that a majority of income is from out of state? Do you know what this will do to low income and retired folks?
Get rid of the E-Tax.
ReplyDelete.......Albert Einstein
For God's Sake Tony, this is ridiculous. You're losing any credibility.
ReplyDeleteIf the E tax is voted down the city will become a toxic dump. People won't pay for trash, and when you trip over the mess and break your face while walking down the sidewalk there will be no ambulance to take you to the hospital. The infrastructure will decay at a faster pace than it already is and there will basically be anarchy in the areas where crime is already alarmingly high. THESE ARE FACTS NOT SCARE TACTICS. Yeah, thanks Ms. Ward for coming in with your pink hair and claiming to be different but your political strategies aren't as bright and refreshing as your mop. They're just wrong.
ReplyDeleteThat bitch is stupid. Budgets will have to be cut so deep that you won't be able to avoid cutting police and fire. One thing won't be cut, however, and that is legal financial obligations, such as bond payments.
ReplyDeleteDumb bitch.
"I just don't understand"
ReplyDeleteYou could have ended your post right there Tracy.
That should have been your campaign slogan. It worked wonders for Circo, Marcason and Gottstein.
I thought we were done with Bukkake? She gulped it down...end of story...
ReplyDelete801 here again.... And Tony, I love ya, I really do but stop posting about her. We all realize she gets your rocks off somehow but she LOST and she lost for good reason; she's wrong in every way!!! Her niche is somewhere else, so pretty please move on to some other hot local politician wanna-be that actually has good ideas. Thanks T, you're the best.
ReplyDeleteWith most voters in KCMO as uninformed as they are, you could get FIFTY PER CENT of the vote just by flipping a coin.
ReplyDelete8:00pm is right. Constantly bringing up Tracy Ward makes TKC silly and even more irrelevant. She has and will have absolutely NO influence over public policy debates or decisions in the city.
Get on to other things.
I like her hair. She should stop talking though.
ReplyDeleteSomebody put a cock in her mouth, quick.
ReplyDeleteWho could argue with such a detailed plan to cut waste? Oh wait, that's right, she has no idea what she would cut. The budget is on line tracy - if you're going to bitch about cutting, get on there and tell us exactly where. Until then, shut up and go away.
ReplyDeleteJesus. Just when I thought the election would be enough of a clue for this moron to shut up, she just continues to ramble and blather like some broken wind up doll. TAKE A HINT PINKO -- NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU SAY.
ReplyDeleteYea, STFU Pinko.
ReplyDeleteOh, I know, Tracy was absent the day they taught common sense in high school.
ReplyDeleteOk, Tony. This thread proves that the Ward supporters have faded as quickly as her pink weave... let the dead dog lie.
ReplyDelete7:42, first off you need to get over the illegally placed yard sign thing. Every last candidate with the exception of Ed Ford had signs all over public right of ways. But tell me this: where are you seeing her signs? There are plenty of volunteers out there that have been plucking signs whenever they are seen but I'm not hearing reports from anywhere in the city at this point regarding any remaining signs. Tell me where you are seeing signs and they will be gone by sundown Friday. Really!
ReplyDeletedrive down Holmes from 95th to 71st and you will find several.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the sign haters are color blind. The only signs I've seen everywhere are John Crawford's. They are EVERYWHERE.
ReplyDeletefunny that the only thing that has come in pro-pinko is her volunteers willingness to take down her signs.
ReplyDeleteabove is what you get when you have below
#34 Detroit (Wayne County), MI - Michigan has 22 cities with an income/earnings tax on residents and commuters, three in Wayne County. The rates in Detroit are 2.5% for residents and 1.25% for commuters. Nearby Highland Park has a 2% resident and 1% commuter income tax; Hamtramck is 1% for residents and 0.5% for commuters.
gag me. and go away.
ReplyDeleteTony you really suck for this, At least found somebody on the Anti E-Tax team that has a good conversation. She is played out.
ReplyDeleteShe certainly does understand how much of the E-Tax collected is used to fuel TIF.
ReplyDeleteShe should go back to blowing Bill Nigro and be quiet.
ReplyDeleteCheck out her REAL facebook page and you see everything you need to know about her. Search "Tracy MustComply Ward" on facebook and the truth will set you free. I recommend looking through her friends list first. Anarchists, sovereign citizens, anti-government, you name it, it's there. How this has not gotten on Tony's page it quite a mystery.
ReplyDeleteIn case you have any doubts about how Tracy's mind works, she recently was a huge supporter of an Austin, TX group dressing up as Nazi's to protest a TX checkpoint issue. Nazi's??? Are you f**king kidding me? As a person of the Jewish faith, THAT PISSES ME THE FU** OFF!!! Don't believe me? Google Austin, nazi, protest and you will be astounded. All the name of "liberty". Pieces of shit. FU** YOU TRACY.
ReplyDelete11:26 Drive down State Line, 95th to 75th you can't miss them, they are the only signs still up on the MO side.
ReplyDelete11:49 & 8:28, Thanks. They will be gone ASAP!
ReplyDelete"I don't like Tracy Ward, I like people that tell me their corporate buddies are first in line for my money and police and fire protection comes later on, after they're done paying off political contributors. I like my Stockholm Syndrome, death to all who support freedom and rational government!!!!"
ReplyDeletefucking retards. may your chains rest lightly upon you. thank God I don't live in your dumbfuck, pathetic excuse for a city... just move already Tracy, these assholes don't deserve you!
Signs for Tracy also north of the river - NE 48th St; Vivion rd at I-35 exit; Shoal Creek round-about.
ReplyDeleteNot everyone on Tracys Facebook page is a friend.
ReplyDeleteGreat comments, Tracy!
ReplyDeleteThanks Tracy for your fight. I'm so sick of paying this tax I ave zero say in since I live in Riverside.
ReplyDelete10:22 -- sucks to be you. Good think you don't get a vote.
ReplyDeleteI've lived in a few different cities and not just in the midwest. The idea that the city will be a "toxic dump" because people won't pay for their trash is preposterous. This is the only place I've lived where they actually have an earnings tax. Everywhere else I've lived, and that includes both coasts, people find a way to haul away the trash without an earnings tax. It's amazing to me how human beings can be made so accustomed to handling things one way, that they think alternatives are impossible even when every city around them has alternatives already in place. I am judging by all the pro-eTax crap that I get in the mail every other day that the eTax isn't going anywhere, but I am still going to show up this coming Tuesday to vote "no". If by some miracle it does go away, good riddance...I'd like to eventually move out of KC, but stay in the KC metro, and the eTax is one of the reasons why.
ReplyDeleteI got all that mail from those pro-E-taxers... and gee, all the "businesses" that supported them were unions! Personally, I can't think of a single thing I've agreed with unions on in about the last 20 years (at least...) and I can't say that I agree with them on this E-tax. I've lived coast-to-coast as well, and the way people pay for trash in just about every other city is simple - they pay a BILL! Just like you do for phone, cable, etc! What an extreme concept people! KC - STOP taking MY money... and send me a bill for my trash! Maybe then people will actually throw stuff away instead of on the side of the road or empty yards/lots. After all, they're "really" paying for it then! My guess is all these idiots supporting the tax that has driven more worldwide corporate headquarters OUT of our city are associated with some sort of union. Take a look at the facts about how this city's economic demographics have changed since it was implemented, and stop listening to those socialists who are afraid of allowing people to keep the money they earn! Do the research for BOTH sides of the argument - then get out and VOTE! This is something that affects ALL of us in KC... don't let organized labor get the best of us - again!