The residency fight in the 3rd District is getting serious, could be reaching a national stage and is starting to involve a growing cast of players.
To wit . . .
Not too long after his Rahm Emanuel residency victory, Kasper is slated to handle all of the briefings for the Fletcher side and if scheduling allows, he just might be arguing the case in appeals court on Monday.

Just in case anybody might doubt how serious this guy is . . . Here's a bit of his bio:
"Michael Kasper served as General Counsel to Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan and as Parliamentarian to the Illinois House of Representatives. Mr. Kasper currently serves as General Counsel and Treasurer for the Democratic Party of Illinois.
"Mr. Kasper is also a faculty member at Loyola University of Chicago School of Law and the John Marshall School of Law where he teaches courses on Voting Rights & Elections and the Legislative Process to second and third year law students.
"There is no debate that Mr. Kasper is one of the most prominent election lawyers in the country. He has represented hundreds of public officials with election cases including former President Bill Clinton, White House Chief of Staff and former Congressman Rahm Emanuel . . ."
Obviously, this case is going to get even more serious and from what I've heard, Kasper is confident about a victory in appeals court. Following the Missouri Supreme Court decision 3rd District Candidate Michael Fletcher maintains that a Jackson County judge declared him a resident which affirms his right to remain on the ballot.
Obviously, this residency battle has reached a new pitch and with the preeminent residency attorney in the nation now on his way to Kansas City to take up this fight . . . A face-off between Mr. Fletcher and Council Lady Sharon Sanders Brooks at the ballot box instead of the courtroom looks likely.
I hope he serves Clinton Adams a big S--t burger to eat. Adams has supported candidates in the past who had shady residency per old Pitch articles.
ReplyDeleteclinton adams is a crack smoking shit burger
ReplyDeleteThis is a pretty good sign he is scrambling to save face. Yonke is a good lawyer. Fletcher is sure to lose.
ReplyDeleteIn the middle of a fight to prove he is from Kansas City, he brings in an attorney from another state? What an idiot. He's done.
ReplyDeleteThis just makes the knockout that much better when he loses. What an idiot.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't matter whom he brings in. The facts in this case and the one in Emmanuel's are totally different....Fletcher should just respect the system that kicked his ass out (and which he's fighting so hard to get back in) and bow out gracefully. I wouldn't be surprised if this is another stunt just to get attention. If he couldn't afford to fly back and forth to Jefferson City to get his law license back then there's no way in hell he can afford this guy as his attorney.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't matter whom he brings in. The facts in this case and the one in Emmanuel's are totally different....Fletcher should just respect the system that kicked his ass out (and which he's fighting so hard to get back in) and bow out gracefully. I wouldn't be surprised if this is another stunt just to get attention. If he couldn't afford to fly back and forth to Jefferson City to get his law license back then there's no way in hell he can afford this guy as his attorney.
ReplyDeleteBig guns cost big money. I wonder if Sharon still wins it.
ReplyDeleteJermaine Reed all the way. We deserve dignity and real leadership!
ReplyDeleteTo even has disputed residency shows a problem, especially when it is between Kansas City and California.
ReplyDeleteShoe is dropping on Jermaine.
ReplyDeleteThis is all show. Fletcher is talking big like always and when he loses it's just going to be that much worse.
ReplyDeleteThis is going to be a great feather on Clinton's cap.
ReplyDeleteI could have won the Rahm case. He was going to be the next mayor regardless of any laws. When it comes to political matters most judges just go with what the in charge powers want.
ReplyDeleteCould they examine SSB's DNA? I'm not sure she's not an extraterrestrial.
ReplyDeletethat's a cock right in Moreno's ass right there.
ReplyDeleteCordish Hen drops a shoe on Jermaine and her casket is sealed with the community
ReplyDeleteI told you once and I will tell you again Sharon Sanders will not win
ReplyDeleteMike Fletcher has still been declared disqualified from the ballot so to this bit of shit news I say big fucking deal. Is someone supposed to be shaking because Fletcher went even more into debt to buy an out of town lawyer? I don't think so. Not in Kansas City. It just shows how pompous and idiotic the guy is. Bringing an out of town lawyer may have hurt his chances. That shit doesn't fly here. Later little bitch. Have fun on the plane back don't forget to order your usual serving of doble nuts.
ReplyDeleteSSB drops the shoe on Jermaine and I will drop a shoe on her. SSB is running to the white courts because she did nothing the last four years
ReplyDeleteJermaine is done.
ReplyDeleteMike Fletcher, I understand the direction this case is headed. Out of the hands of racist white Missouri judges.Mike Fletcher, is smart as heck.
ReplyDeleteJetrmaine straight out the Gates almost earned 30 per cent of the votes that's how much SSB is disliked.
ReplyDeleteTypical Californian. As if the lawyers in Kansas City aren't qualified to defend him. What a loser. I am glad to represent Kansas City in giving corrupt out of state egomaniacs like Mike Fletcher the middle finger.
ReplyDeleteJermaine at least smiles. That's one mean old bitch.
ReplyDeleteThis looks like Fletcher is in a panic.
ReplyDeleteThis is some crazy stuff and drama. Can we just do this election all over again without either one? Now, I wished Ellington would of ran indistrict because I can seem being more affective than either one of them. I think we going to be stuck with Melba and Sharon for another 4 years.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like Fletcher is lying again.
ReplyDeleteHow is this bad for Moreno? He's disqualified Fletcher and now has him bringing in Rahm Emanuel's attorney in desperation? The very fact that Fletcher had to bring in such a high profile attorney tells everyone that he can't win. This is his last hope. Moreno stays winning.
ReplyDeleteWhy are Jermaine Reed supporters attacking Sharon? They should hope she wins or else he's done. That's the cold hard truth.
ReplyDeleteNuclear bomb? Really? Remember this is one of thirteen votes. Traditionally this is a non productive vote.
ReplyDeleteThe third district should just vote for Reed and put these two out of there misery.
ReplyDelete3/3/11 5:20 PM- I don't think we will be stuck with either of those to lose cannons. I was told that Ellington just received an endorsement from the Northland. He did beat Curls and Rice in the Northland.
ReplyDeleteAgree that SSB and Moreno stay winning if Fletcher has to get a high profile lawyer and still loses. Mike Fletcher is fraudulent POS who lies about everything; including this. It's going to be a lonely way home Mike! Middle Finger!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Fletcher, if The address don't fit ya can't acquit!!!! Hahahaha!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Clinton, I hope you fix your st...stt.sttt...stutter.
ReplyDeleteFletcher tried paying Jermaine to get out this week.
ReplyDeleteI love it!! 9:01 that was hilarious!!!
ReplyDeleteLOL @ 9:01pm
ReplyDeleteThis is bull people! Somebody needs to tell Jermaine to take the money and payoff his college loans. I'm The Fletch. People recognize. By the way I am looking for more felons to join my campaign team.
ReplyDeleteThe 3rd needs to do better.
ReplyDelete11:49, why? This is truly The Third in Action. That's whats so sad about it.
ReplyDeleteAfter seeing Fletchers out of state felon group lie to our district and Jermaine running wit all dem, I'm likin some Sharon Sanders Brooks right
ReplyDeleteHey Fletcher, actually move here then you can run in four years with no hassle. Same for you Clay.