I don't want to say KICK-ASS TKC TIPSTERS totally forced their hands on this one . . . But they did.

Here's the official presser from Mayor-Elect Sly James and his transition team.

Check it:


 Diverse group lends many skills to shape administration and build a stronger, safer, smarter Kansas City

KANSAS CITY, MO – Today, Mayor-Elect Sly James announced the members of his transition team, which will help him determine the most effective and efficient way to implement his vision for Kansas City after he’s sworn in on May 2nd. Over the next five weeks, the transition team will examine every aspect of city government and make recommendations on, among other things, staffing, boards and commissions, programs, services, and rules and regulations.

Included in the announcement are four Co-Chairs. They are:

Peter deSilva, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of UMB Bank and Immediate Past Chair of the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce;

Charles Garney, Chairman and CEO of Briarcliff Development Company and civic leader;

Judy Morgan, retired President of the American Federation of Teachers and distinguished labor advocate; and

Honorable Terry Riley, outgoing City Councilman from the 5th District and long-time community leader.

The role of the Co-Chairs will be to set objectives for the team, suggest resources to help complete tasks, and develop the strategy and specifics for macro challenges facing the city.

“I have long admired these four individuals and appreciate their leadership qualities,” said James. “They each bring a unique background and perspective to the transition team and will provide essential guidance as we move forward.”

In addition, Mayor-Elect James also announced his Transition Team Members. These members, under the guidance of a Coordinator and the leadership of the Co-Chairs, will formulate the bulk of recommendations which will serve as an initial “blueprint” for the administration. The transition team includes:

Carol Grimaldi, Coordinator, is currently the Executive Director of Brush Creek Community Partners. Grimaldi, a long-time community leader and economic development advocate, will help ensure the transition team stays on task and develops concrete recommendations for the Sly James administration;

Linda Becker has spent the majority of her career working for the City of Kansas City, Missouri including serving as the former Assistant Director for the International Affairs and Trade Office and as a City Clerk and Chief Deputy City Clerk. During the course of her dedicated career to local government, Becker has served two different council members and four different Mayors in Kansas City. Her knowledge of city government will be tremendous asset to the transition team;

Andrea Bough is a former small business owner and lawyer who has practiced in the area of planning and zoning, real estate development and city approvals. Bough has represented numerous clients before the City Council and other governmental bodies as well as published articles on issues ranging from searches and seizures in schools to conflicts of laws and supplemental jurisdiction issues in federal court;

McClain Bryant has been an attorney at Husch Blackwell for over three years. Bryant brings a fresh perspective to the transition team as a young working professional who has returned to Kansas City after receiving her undergraduate, masters and law degrees outside the region;

Jean-Paul Chaurand is the Senior Vice President for Community Investment at the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation where he oversees the Foundation’s leadership activities and development efforts. He previously served as executive director of the Hispanic Economic Development Corporation and as an economic development specialist for the National Council of La Raza;

John Crossley is a partner with Husch Blackwell. His legal practice focuses on real estate development, renewable energy development and municipal law. He is committed to fostering growth and economic development opportunities in Kansas City and is an active participant in the Civic Council’s Kansas City Tomorrow Program;

Sean Kelley has been a fixture in the Kansas City art world for more than three decades. Kelley is the former co-director of the Grand Arts contemporary art space and recently helped launch the City Arts Project, which is housed in the former City Ice Building. He will act as artistic director for the City Arts Project and his perspective and connections throughout the arts community will be invaluable to the transition committee’s work;

John McGurk was appointed Special Assistant to the Regional Administrator at the General Services Administration in January of 2011. McGurk, an attorney, has experience in real estate law and housing issues. During the 2008 presidential campaign, McGurk was a field organizer for the Obama campaign north of the river in Kansas City;

Adriana Pecina is a Program Officer with the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City. At the Foundation she is dedicated to improving access and quality of health for uninsured and underserved individuals in Kansas City, Missouri and a six county service area in Kansas and Missouri. Pecina serves on various boards that empower youth, address economic access, educational attainment and engage citizens in their communities; and

Munro Richardson, Ph.D., is the Vice President of Education at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. Dr. Richardson advises the Foundation on strategic program initiatives and new opportunities related to education and entrepreneurship. He helped develop several major new programs, including Kauffman Scholars and the new Ewing Marion Kauffman School. Dr. Richardson will provide an invaluable policy expertise to the transition team, especially as it relates to employment and education.

“I am thrilled at the depth and breadth of the skills and expertise on this transition team and I am thankful they have agreed to lend their time and talent to shaping my administration,” said James.

Finally, Sly James has also asked Amy Jordan Wooden to serve as the Director of Communications for the transition. Jordan Wooden, a veteran communications professional who has worked for elected officials in both Missouri and Kansas, will be the primary spokesperson for the transition team and its progress.

For individuals who wish to be considered for employment in the new administration, the website will serve as an online home for the transition efforts. Interested parties can submit resumes and cover letters through the site.



  1. Picking people at random from the phone book would have got him more integrity and probably about as much intelligence. The so called civic leaders are mostly a bunch of rent seekers whose ideas about running a city mostly revolve around their professions.

  2. Sly needs a covey of savvy operatives like Riley to hold off the Ford-Circo-Johnson triad and Sly just might be the guy to keep Terry in his cage. A lot of people will be sacred shitless to hear TR might be involved because they know what a great interference runner he could be in the early days of an administration. All the negative on Riley is old news....this is a new day.

    Garney would also be a good choice from up North. He likes the game and could care less about past alliances. He'll be in it for the future and truly appreciates the city. He also doesn't care a bit about the next cycle, he'll either not be around or his $ will keep him in the game regardless.

  3. LOLOL Riley's an ass and a corrupt one at that LOLOL

  4. A few good choices but they'll be drowned out by the wannabe politco's who will drown James in ineptness.

  5. Terry Riley...that shows Sly's total ignorance of what has gone on at the City the last four years. It's amazing Riley's not in jail.


  7. The FBI and Federal Prosecutors love indicting public officials. If there was anything on Riley they'd go after him. Give it up. It's become ancient history. Trust Sly on this.

  8. 5:21, I trusted Sly until now. He has lost all credibility with Terry Riley. Terry offers NOTHING GOOD to this transition. We're back to the old days before the new days even start.

  9. 5:19 is correct.

  10. 5:12 is correct.

  11. John Mcgurk for Chief of Staff all the way. Great guy, great connections, great work ethic. Make it happen Sly!

  12. Bough and Crossley are two of the best advocates, and nicest people, in the area. They'll do a great job.

  13. Bough is a nutcase who desperately wants an inside gig. Riley is nothing but thug who is looking to parlay his spot on the team to a new job so he can pay his water bill. Linda Becker crumbles under pressure, which is why she had to quit the City Clerk's office.
    Charles Garney might live in the Northland but he is not liked nor respected by Northlanders.

    Ace choices, Sly. One third of your votes came from the Northland, and you turned around and screwed them.

  14. Agree with 6:09. Met him in 2008 and was very impressed. Young, new, fresh. Just what the Mayor needs.

  15. However good McGurk is, he will not compensate for Terry Riley. Riley is a fatal flaw in this group. Sly should know better. If he does know better and appointed Terry anyway, you can bet there is a payback involved so Terry can get a paycheck.

    If the mayor didn't know any better, then shame on him for being an idiot. Since he's not an idiot, one must assume he is paying back Riley for something. Watch for Riley to use his access to the mayor to get himself a job. Are the Heavies hiring??

  16. To say that Riley's past is ancient history is like saying the tiger has lost his stripes.

    While his actions may not have been indictable, his character certainly is- and should be.

    God awful, Sly.

  17. Is it too late to change my vote from Sly to Burke?

  18. Sly, come on! You promised change and bragged about how clean and above board you are. Then you go an put Riley on your transition team? Are you friggin high?!

    And to the new young press lady that put the word "Honorable" in the press release before Terry's name, don't fool yourself. You cannot polish a turd.

  19. Nice to see the brains behind Dave Fenley's TIF shakedown practice step out from under his shadow, I guess.

  20. JC, are these people getting paid and to do what??????

  21. I feel flop sweat in the air already.

  22. Terry Riley?! I thought Sly was smarter than that. AWFUL!

  23. For those paying close attention, 6:09 PM and 6:32 PM were both written by "Young, new, fresh" John McGurk.

    Jesus, John; try not being so obvious.

  24. 8:55 got it right.

  25. Terry Riley is an amazing community leader who understands how to navigate the political waters. Something Sly James needs. Great choice!

  26. John McGurk is the future of leadership in KC. Glad to see him on the team. We need more young guns like him. I hope CoS comes down to either him or Carol. Either would be a great pick.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Terry Riley, Judy Morgan and Jean Paul Chaurand are all excellent excellent choices.

  29. Yep it's official without Terry Riley the urban core would have been played like some suckaz....again!

  30. Terry Riley is untouchable!!! I want his autograph.

  31. Half the people criticizing Terry Riley only drive east of troost in order to jump onto 71. That's it. Wouldn't have a clue how enormously popular and hard working Riley is. Great choice.

  32. Sly promised a change from politics as usual.

    This ain't no change, Sly.

    Terry Riley is a great self-promoter and a fun guy to hang out with - as long as you don't have any business to do or discuss.

    On those subjects, Terry Riley is a lying, cheating, scheming, snaky schmo.

    And that's being nice.

  33. Terry Riley does an outstanding job of turning oxygen into carbon dioxide. Otherwise he is useless.

  34. AGREE WITH 6:23 AM & 6:46 AM

    I don't know anyone who would post a positive or respectable post about Terry Riley but Terry Riley himself.


    He will do nothing but bring you down. He is one desperate individual and will say or do anything to get a job.

  35. Looks like Funky lives again.

  36. Riley will only serve to alienate Sly from the current Council, who tolerated Riley because they knew they would soon be rid of him when he termed out.

    If Sly keeps Riley around and allows him to be involved in City Hall or in any of its decision-making processes, the Council will redirect their vehement dislike of Riley toward Sly.

    Get rid of the guy, Sly.

    He'll only bring you down.

  37. For those of us who know Terry, he can't spell or write so he must have his wife writing these post. Terry is not wise or the brightest person only an intimidating thug.

    He would hold up city contract until he gets what he wanted from contractors. He bullied city employees to cover his ass.

    Wise up Sly - Terry Riley is NOT the person you want on your panel. REMOVE HIM ASAP!!

  38. I'm sure Riley told you a bull shit line that he was the "one" responsible for getting you elected. No sir - you alone got yourself elected, we elected you on the trust that you would turn our city around. Putting Riley on your transition team will keep us in a state of limbo.

    Please sir - be responsible for your actions as promised; remove Riley from your advance team of advisors. This is a great disappointment from the get go.

  39. Mayor Elect James has officially made his first mistake placing Terry Riley on his transition team. This is a huge mistake. Were you blinded from Riley's shining head or what?
    Remove him before it is too late

  40. A lot of people throw BS at Riley because he'll get in their face if they cross him. This scares disingenuous politicians who are basically small people acting big and using rumor - innuendo and background lies to offset there competition.

    When Riley gets word of that kind of stuff he'll personally come at you and it just drives people nuts. Him being around will give pause to the Ford - Circo - Johnson "block". They know full well if they cross Terry he'll get them somewhere down the road. He's young and will be in the game a long time.

    He'll be a strong voice early on for the East side. Melba's lost, Germaine's very green and Reverend Brooks is new too.

    If anyone on the Council screws with Riley they might as well forget higher office involving minority votes in the future and he won't be taken down at the TKC blog.

    For someone to say Terry can't read or write is another indicator of how scared and jealous many on this blog are.

    He's an excellent choice if not controversial.

  41. Terry is also good at looking out for his best interests.

  42. Anom 7:49. Terry's Thug Team. Requirements: Must have same qualities as Riley. Likes to intimidate and have over flowing BS to spread around.

  43. I trust Mayor Elect James doesn't have someone from his transition team overseeing this blog because these comments about Riley will be deleted. The only comments Sly will see are the positive posting by Terry himself and/or his thug team (anom 8:25) How pathetic! But then we all know what kind of person he is - pure S * * * along with his team of thugs.

  44. Oh god ..... here we go "If anyone on the Council screws with Riley they might as well forget higher office"

    Sly - do you really want this?????

  45. Terry Riley is a horrible man. Only those that are lazy and want to ride his thug coat tails think otherwise. Poor judgement call Sly, we are very dissapointed in you.

  46. Terry Riley is an amazing person.

  47. Terry Riley has his own cereal, Winner-O's. That's how much he wins.

  48. When people look up winning in the dictionary they see Terry Riley.

  49. Terry Riley is so successul people know longer say hey you are successful, they now say hey you are Terry Riley.

  50. When asked to pick their two favorite superheroes 8 out of 10 suburban white kids picked Batman and Terry Riley. That's how popular the guy is.

  51. Terry Riley was asked to start his own line of bubble gum. Winning Chew. His success comes in flavors. Winner Mint and Winnamon. That's how good the guy is.

  52. Two American past times: Baseball and watching Terry Riley win. He is that popular and successful.

  53. Great choice on the part of Sly James. He really picked a winner and community leader in Terry Riley.

  54. Riley is a backstabbing egotistical lowlife thug who lives in a dream world. Someone needs to wake him up to reality


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