So I guess, once again, I've gotta be the downer despite all of the cheering for Mayor-Elect Sly James.
I'll try to make this short and sweet . . .
Yesterday TKC TIPSTERS broke news regarding Mayor-Elect Sly James and his transition team.
A few hours later . . . This blog was the first to post a hastily crafted presser with an interesting final note about sending an application for employment to Mayor-Elect Sly James.
Local news blogs picked that one up . . .
Wanna Work for the Mayor?
Mr. Mayor, how about a job?
Let's quote the Mayor's presser verbatim:
"For individuals who wish to be considered for employment in the new administration, the website will serve as an online home for the transition efforts. Interested parties can submit resumes and cover letters through the site."
That sounds nice. But here's the problem:
Now that rather brilliant TKC TIPSTERS are breaking the news . . . Let's look at even more evidence . . . Check out screencaps which reveal that the togetherKC web presence is in fact a campaign site . . . I've highlighted the fun parts:
Any doubt about how the site should be identified should be cleared up by a "Paid for by Sly James for Mayor" tag at the bottom of the page.
It gets worse, notice that there's a "Contribute" click through . . . A rather AWESOME TKC TIPSTER notes:
"Donors can still contribute through the site! Are checks being sent with resumes?"
And that's the bottom line . . .
Maybe the mistake is innocent. Maybe it's just part of the learning process. But it's a rookie error that's not exactly Chicken Genius.
And here's what might happen . . . Either Sly James supporters and acolytes can admit they screwed up, apologize to us all and kiss the pinky ring of TKC TIPSTERS who are brave enough to identify themselves . . . OR they can attempt to equivocate and play word games just like the outgoing Funky Administration. Yes, the application request started with the transition team but then became a lot more open-ended in the presser that directed folks back to the campaign site. Finally, the Transition Team has already been selected, obviously Mayor-Elect Sly's Camp was referring to other City Hall gigs . . . Again, on a campaign site . . . That's not too cool when we're talking Missouri Ethics.
It doesn't change a thing . . . Kansas City voted for a newbie politico and a learning curve was to be expected . . . Luckily TKC TIPSTERS are watching the latest moves of the Mayor-Elect closely and want to help him avoid or quickly correct screw-ups like this one unlike so many acolytes, job seekers and yes-men who surround popular politicos but don't really have anything to contribute.
Now we wait to see the reaction from The Mayor-Elect Sly James camp and wonder if they'll uphold the kind of reform and integrity they championed or simply fall back on their largely unquestioning supporters who are more concerned with their careers than Kansas City.
Developing . . .
ReplyDeleteThat's just Sly doing business the Terry Riley way.
ReplyDeleteWhere are those credit-grabbing Kanders now?
ReplyDeleteTime to get them front and center.
And this from an attorney who is surrounded by and supported by attorneys.
ReplyDeleteGonna be another long 4 years, KC
I changed my mind.
ReplyDeleteI think I want experience after all.
The beauty in having yes men that aren't willing to say "I like the idea but that's an ethics violation."
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, these people ARE the smartest people in the room!! That's the really bad news.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's mostly the same old crowd that has brought KCMO to the place it's in.
Terry Riley is the smartest guy in the room?
ReplyDeleteOH FUCK.
Not even sworn in yet and already business as usual. His so called "Dream Team" of transition advisors has really served him well. Oh but wait, this is an ethics violation. We can't expect this group to have any accountability for that. Ain't that so Riley?
ReplyDeleteFrom Funky to pay for play.
ReplyDeleteDid Sly say he was going to DO AWAY WITH or REPLAY the Pendergast machine-style politics?
ReplyDeleteThis is what happens when you have "The Honorable" Terry Riley advising you on City policy matters.
ReplyDeleteHe knows his way around City Hall, after all.
I thought Sly promised innovation?
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing innovative about pay for play.
My God what did Kansas City get itself into?
ReplyDeleteIt's a technical violation. I don't expect Sly had evil in mind. Perhaps he doesn't yet have access to city hall internet websites?
ReplyDeleteIts just a traffic ticket.
Tony is racist against black people.
ReplyDeleteCan elected officials use same Facebook campaign and for their capacity as elected official? Or does the "two cell phone" rule apply?
ReplyDeleteWhat about a campaign sharing its email list with their office so they can keep their constituents up-to-date?
I need to apply for a position, Sly was telling me something about a business he knows nothing about, as if he were an expert, this was during the campaign. So now I learn he doesn't know his own best practices in running government. I told him I know more about my business, than he knows his, I WANT A CONSULTANT JOB FOR THE CITY OF KANSAS CITY...Is there room at the TOP for someone that knows what they are talking about for the best interest of the people?
ReplyDeleteRookie mistake Sly, I am an WISE VETERAN, semper fi!
Tony likes controversy. It keeps him relevant. Your act is getting old, though. I supported burke but in no way do I think James is a mistake. It doesn't matter how many red bold letters you use. Go away for a while.
ReplyDeleteMan, the chicken shit is getting pretty deep.
ReplyDeleteOK Sly, time to man up. The only way to save face is to line up Garney, deSilva and Riley and give them a fierce bitch-slapping on the steps of city hall. Then post the event on YouTube so that it can go viral. Anything less and I'm starting a recall petition.
ReplyDeleteGood work T.
The Funk
Terry Riley is a horrible man. Only those that are lazy and want to ride his thug coat tails think otherwise. Poor judgement call Sly, we are very dissapointed in you.
ReplyDeleteRiley will only serve to alienate Sly from the current Council, who tolerated Riley because they knew they would soon be rid of him when he termed out.
ReplyDeleteIf Sly keeps Riley around and allows him to be involved in City Hall or in any of its decision-making processes, the Council will redirect their vehement dislike of Riley toward Sly.
Get rid of the guy, Sly.
He'll only bring you down.
We be Mcgurkin!!
ReplyDeleteSTRIKE ONE!! Riley.
ReplyDeleteSTRIKE TWO!! Pay for play.
And so it begins, just as predicted during the campaign.
ReplyDeleteFUNK WINS!!!
ReplyDeleteCome on Sly if we would have known you were going to put Terry Riley on your transition team so many would not have voted for you. IT IS A MISTAKE. You are a well respected person don't let this poor decision bring you down from the very start. REMOVE RILEY from your advance team.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great disappointment from the get go.
This is why I love Terry Riley! Only Riley and Cleaver can get all these rich waldo white people heated up pretending like they know and care about the urban core! Keep talkin bout the hood yall maybe Kansas city will do something to rebuild it.
ReplyDeleteGood God and these are the people that want to manage our E-Tax money.
ReplyDeleteVote NO E-TAX !
What a bunch of numb nuts
ReplyDeleteThey are political jobs, they don't go through the city until they are prescreeened by the campaign.
Are you all always this stupid around here?
At this point Sly James is a private citizen with extraordinary access.
Shut up Diana!
ReplyDeleteWho else knows this community and the players in it locally and around the country better than Terry Riley? Airick Leonard West? LMAO! Reality is Nobody! Great choice Sly !!!!
ReplyDeleteThe folks on here just want some know nothing dude on here they can push around in order to not fund the urban core.
Make some noise T.R.!!!!!
True dat .
ReplyDeleteExactly 9:15
ReplyDeleteNo, 9:12, Sly is NOT a private citizen.
ReplyDeleteHe is the Mayor-elect.
And he and his transition team need to act like it.
Can you spell CoRrUpTiOn !
ReplyDeletemust be joking...
ReplyDeleteYes I can, 9:18.
ReplyDeleteT-E-R-R-Y R-I-L-E-Y.
If Sly had real big ones he would've appointed MD for brookside and waldo community relations.
ReplyDeleteLOL what a bunch of morons, I mean really. Pay to work at city hall.
ReplyDeleteMan, I'm I ever voting against the E-Tax now!
NOTHING good happens when you elect a nigger into an office of POWAH!!!!
ReplyDeleteExcerpts taken from a previous post:
ReplyDeleteA lot of people throw BS at Riley because he'll get in their face if they cross him.
This scares disingenuous politicians who are basically small people acting big.
(HEY TERRY LOOK IN THE MIRROR! Who's running scared now because he needs a job.)
When Riley gets word of that kind of stuff he'll personally come at you and it just drives people nuts.
(ONCE AGAIN, THUG.) continues ..
Him being around will give pause to the Ford - Circo - Johnson "block". They know full well if they cross Terry he'll get them somewhere down the road.
We do not need RILEY, he wore out his welcome many years ago.
Bad choice Sly
I fucking love me some Terry Riley! TERRY! TERRY! TERRY!
ReplyDeleteGlad to see the urban core has a rep in Terry Riley that can't be pushed around or stepped on. Kansas City will be a better place because of Terry Riley on that team. Good choice Sly.
ReplyDeleteCan this TKC tipster find and post the ethics rule relating to this violation? Without it, I call bullshit mudslinging.
ReplyDeleteNotice how none of these people have said anything about Andrea Bough. Can't have it both ways people.
ReplyDeleteIf this was really about working together Sly would've put MD on there for waldo brookside and ward parkway relations.
ReplyDeleteOh god ..... here we go "If anyone on the Council screws with Riley they might as well forget higher office"
ReplyDeleteSly - do you really want this?????
Terry! Terry! Terry!
ReplyDeleteTony is pumping ignorant bullshit
ReplyDeleteSituation normal
The notion that Riley is the kind of person who will "get something for the urban core" is the most ridiculous crap you could ever find. There have been many tens of millions of dollars that have been funneled through people who operate just like Riley and I defy you to find where the money went.
ReplyDeleteDrive around the east side; you'll see all the success of decades of victimizaiton/entitlement/grifter whining and extortion.
Sly needs to start in a whole new direction.
Relax people. I have confidence Sly will remove him before transition period ends. Sly is smart enough not to allow Terry to infect his brain.
ReplyDeleteNotice how people on here are complaining about Riley but nobody has said a thing about Steve Bough's wife being placed on the team.
Anom 9:43
ReplyDeleteAgree with you. How could he be so blind as to appoint RILEY to a transition team.
Riley is enormously popular in all districts east of troost. Sorry folks. Great choice Sly.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the violation exactly? Please quote the rule or stop the nonsense. Everyone is so full of rhetoric and grandstanding these days.
ReplyDeleteThis is so much bullshit about nothing. He can put whatever he wants on a privately funded website.
ReplyDeleteYou cannot use a campaign website for government purposes. That is the law.
ReplyDeleteThis is a refreshing change from the run-of-the-mill friends and family way KC's city government does business. Someone who is qualified may actually have a chance. Let Sly try some new ideas already. And if the law is stupid, get rid of the law.
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly why he needed Terry Riley on his team. Silly mistakes like this. Terry Riley is a veteran and whether you like him or not he understands the law and politics.
ReplyDeleteRiley has too much bad baggage to be put on newly elected mayors transition team.
ReplyDelete1. Unpaid water bill
2. FBI Investigation
3. Hiding car in city underground parking lot. Maybe the car was repossessed because it doesn't show up on county tax declaration.
4. Intimidation of city employees to cover up investigation of copy machine vendor who was not in compliance.
5. Ethical violation of spending city funds.
6. Pimping on city contracts for political favors.
7. Cididel.
The list goes on and on. I'll repeat TERRY RILEY HAS TOO MUCH BAGGAGE. This will come back to haunt Sly. He deserves a fresh start and its not having Riley on this progressive team.
"And if the law is stupid, get rid of the law.".....Sure you can get rid of the law. Until then, there are no grounds for breaking the law. It is not ok. Are you a Republican, 10:01?
ReplyDeleteHiring Terry Riley is going to haunt him where? Hiring a transition team one has to pick people from all over the city. Terry is a lion among politicians and knows the city and players well. Great choice.
ReplyDeleteAgain notice how nobody complaining about Riley has said anything about Steve Bough's wife being on the team. Hypocrites.
ReplyDeleteanon 10:02
ReplyDeleteTerry understand the law now that's a joke. He can't read or write so its obviously, you know nothing about this guy! Or, is this once again, a posting from Terry himself?
10:17, like Riley or not, 10:02 is right in that nobody on that transition team knows the city government and politics of it better than Terry. Excellent choice Mr. Mayor!
ReplyDeleteAgain notice how nobody on here complaining about Terry Riley has said anything about Steve Bough's wife being placed on the team.
10:12 Terry Riley, he's nothing but an intimidating bully along with a lying backstabbing thug. That is stating his character mildly. He's always been that way with no hope of him changing his ways.
ReplyDeleteHe is one crazy person who needs to leave city hall. We have had enough of him.
What does Terry Riley even have to do with this conversation? This kind of ethics fail was a rookie mistake by others. It is a good thing Terry Riley is in there. If Sly's team doesn't know that you can't use a campaign site for government purposes, having Riley will seal up that failure of knowledge.
ReplyDeleteLet's attack Terry Riley all day on this blog with hopes that Sly will run him off and we can steal money from the urban core!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHow DARE Sly James put another black man on his transition team!! Let alone the most distinguished black elected official next to Congressman Cleaver. Shame on you Sly for surrounding yourself with minorities like Terry Riley.
ReplyDeleteI'm not one to always agree with Terry Riley but the comments are right on the point that this oversight is exactly why Terry Riley was a great choice. Having Terry on his team will prevent mistakes like this in the future. Good pick Mayor James.
ReplyDeleteThis kind of error is what happens when you put inexperienced political organizers on your transition team.
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley is the man!! His haters don't like him because they can't hold a black man down.
ReplyDeleteLosers. Terry Riley is on the team. Get over it. He delivered the election for the Mayor, what did you expect?
ReplyDeleteI believe all negative comments made about Terry Riley are well earned. He is not a trustworthy person for any further city dealings. Over the years he has brought this all on himself. Who's going to throw a going away party for him?
ReplyDeleteThey hate Terry Riley because he is so fresh and so clean clean
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley is going away? 10:36 that's funny.
ReplyDeleteAgain notice how those attacking Terry Riley have yet to say anything about Steve Bough's wife being placed on the team. Hypocrites.
ReplyDeleteTerry is on the team. He is an excellent choice for the team. Get over it.
Terry Riley is the most powerful man in Kansas City now.
ReplyDeleteHe has the respect and trust of the Congressman. He has the respect and trust of a Mayor. He has the respect and trust of the City Council and The Heavies.
He is Kansas City's new Boss.
Waldo is old and busted. Terry Riley is the new hotness!
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley won big this election cycle. His detractors lost big. Terry is now more powerful and this comment section is the reaction of losers not able to comprehend how it happened.
ReplyDeleteRiley has the respect and trust of the President, Senator, Congressman, Missouri's two biggest mayors, The City Council, The Heavies, Freedom inc.
ReplyDeleteDude is a bonafide political boss.
Riley delivered the election win for Sly - what a blatant boldface lie that is.
ReplyDeleteSly won on his own merits. If Terry wants to take this as a compliment then so be it but he is the "KING OF BULL SHIT" so quit trying to convince us that he won the mayors election for Sly.
Terry, you along with your followers only believe this is pure 100% bull shit.
10:47 no candidate for Mayor wins it on "his own merit". Sly James is an amazing man and will be a great Mayor. Anyone in politics knows it takes movers and shakers to deliver a Mayoral election in sound fashion. Terry Riley made that happen for Sly. That may cause a brain hemorage for your but it is fact.
10:52 is right. The transition team is composed of those movers and shakers that made it happen for the Mayor. Terry is on that team along with others that helped the Mayor. Good win for Sly. Good team for Sly.
ReplyDeleteI've known Terry for years. He is a good man. People don't like him because he cuts deals but what politician doesn't? What makes Terry different is he is loyal and will come to you 1 on 1 if there is a problem, unlike others that shall not be named.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Terry got his morning errands done. Now settling in, once again, blogging about himself
ReplyDelete10:34, :36, :37, :38, :40(a), :40(b), :43 and :45.
Riley you are so full of yourself - go take a dump!!
An attack on Terry Riley is an attack on Mayor Sly James.
ReplyDeleteThere is no doubt about it that Terry Riley is the new political lion in Kansas City. Excellent choice for Sly.
ReplyDeleteAn attack on Terry Riley is an attack on working families. He has stood strong with labor over the years. Terry is our voice in City Hall.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like the Martini crowd is drowning their sorrows early on the Plaza and blogging about Terry Riley. Get out of here with these trash lies about a good man!
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley is a true community leader. Sly James showed his loyalty and character placing Terry on his team. Sly is going to be a great Mayor.
ReplyDeleteI stand by the Mayor in his decision to place Terry Riley as transition team co-chair. He is a good man and will make sure Sly's team does not lead him into amateur problems like The Funkhouser camp did. Good call Mayor James!
ReplyDelete100 comments by 11:00AM!!! Terry Riley must be the man if there are this many on him. Good choice Mayor James. Obviously these haters don't like the Mayor.
ReplyDeleteIt's already over for Sly before he get's started.
Wonderful picks Mayor.
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley, Judy Morgan, Carol Grimaldi and Jean Paul Chaurand !!! Now THAT is a transition team! I like it a lot.
The Mayor really showed his desire to move this city forward on these picks. I really like the selections! And yes, Terry Riley was an fantastic choice.
ReplyDeleteAgreed Jan ! Wonderful choices!
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley is a good man. I stand with Mayor James and Terry Riley in moving this city forward. Lord knows we need it!
ReplyDeleteThe problem is before he can move this city forward he has to extract us from the sh*t hole were stuck in.
ReplyDeleteEnough said, enough is enough. We have two very strong, popular black elected representatives for the city, Congressman Cleaver and newly elected Sly James. We don't have to linger on about Riley in office any longer. He is history so lets focus on the future with our two great leaders. Riley is not worth the time or energy discussing. He's a has been. Let's move forward and support our new mayor and continue to support Cleaver. These are the one we need to focus on.
ReplyDeleteSly James and Terry Riley! A 1-2 punch. Kansas City is moving forward!!!
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley is the man.
ReplyDeleteIf there was ever a good reason to shoot down the E-Tax this is it.
ReplyDeleteCity Hall bozos with our Tax dollars.
I stand by Mayor James' choice in Terry Riley. Congressman Cleaver, Mayor James and Terry Riley! Now THAT is a very powerful team. I believe immediate economic success will result from the hard work of these three wonderful individuals.
ReplyDeleteYes sir I like it ! Good move Sly James!
ReplyDeleteIt's time Kansas City take the spotlight from St. Louis. We are an up and coming city with a bright future. People from both coasts are coming here because they see the opportunities ahead.
ReplyDeleteSly James, Congressman Cleaver and Terry Riley will do wonderful things for this city.
Anyone need a job?
ReplyDeleteGoogle to build ultra high-speed network in Kansas City, Kansas
I think labor and working families have good representation in Terry Riley and Judy Morgan. I like those two picks.
ReplyDelete11:32 AM
ReplyDeleteYou must be joking ! LOL.
Fantastic choices!
ReplyDeleteI predict serious economic growth with Sly James now that he has shown real leadership in his choices for a transition team. In particular, in choosing Terry Riley.
ReplyDeleteGoogle to build ultra high-speed network in Kansas City, KANSAS.
ReplyDeleteVote no e-tax we're losing jobs to Kansas AGAIN !
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to be the downer, cause you're always the downer...
ReplyDeleteExcept when it comes to illegal Mexicans and kiddie porn.
And free food.
How many other people in K.C. have seen Terry Riley creepin' 'round the hood sittin' low and wearing that stupid 'do rag?
ReplyDeleteyou must be smokin crack.
part of the
transition team / pipe dream.
Heard Terry moved out of his house, maybe he's back in the hood????? Who knows - who cares. In just a couple of weeks he is no longer our elected official. Good bye!
ReplyDeletequote: i promise to keep right on doin the same as ive been doingover the past years i will screw over anyone to help you out oh plex. now thats what iz talkin bout ya see i neez a job
ReplyDeleteI have to say, 9:26 AM has it right. If this is some sort of rules violation shouldn't your tipster -- or you? -- point out the part of the written regulations that this violates?
Otherwise you ARE Mark Funkhouser.
Will someone tell Steve Bough that unless he comes out as a Republican, he has no chance at being appointed a federal judge - no matter how much money he throws at the Democrats?
ReplyDeleteOnly Republicans put blithering idiots like Steve Bough on the Federal Courts, so you are wasting your time as a so-called Democrat Stevie.
10:05: Nope. I'm not a Republican. Are you a KC Human Resources employee?
ReplyDelete10:32 AM said:
ReplyDelete"This kind of error is what happens when you put inexperienced political organizers on your transition team."
Steve Glorioso: shut up and go away.
How dare a black man like Terry Riley be successfull in Jackson County politics.
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley is the man. Get used to it.
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley upside ya head.
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley is a good man and an amazing community leader.
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley has a briliant personality. Great man.
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley was a great choice by Sly. He is a true community leader. Judy Morgan was a perfect choice because of Sly's commitment to labor and KC schools. McGurk was a good choice because his name is McGurk.
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley 42 - Coach Ditka 14
ReplyDelete12:37: 10:05 probably is in HR but out to lunch for the next couple of hours.
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley wins with a surprise submission. You like that Chuck. You know you like that.
ReplyDeleteAnd what has Terry Riley done that can be accurately called successful in Jackson County politics?
ReplyDelete12:45 he is not you. That counts right?
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley 98- Bulls 90. Then Terry gets a Nike endorsement and a picture with Michael Jordan. He's that cool.
ReplyDeleteI gotta get me one of dem churches and call myself bishop or big bishop or something so as i can make some real money and pay for all my bitches.
ReplyDeleteBo knows how cool Terry Riley is and quits. Terry wins by disqualification.
ReplyDeleteEven Russ Ptacek thinks so. Terry Riley is that cool.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your service Councilman Terry Riley. You are a true leader.
ReplyDeleteTerry sure has been busy today. Writing his own press.
ReplyDeleteSigned, The Funk
Terry Riley is a true leader for kids throughout the community. It is a shame that some wasted political hacks would attack a man like him with baseless allegations. They are only hurting Democrats.
ReplyDeleteTerry has always been good to people. As a politician you make enemies but he has a lot more friends. Especially now!
ReplyDeleteGo Terry Riley! Thank you for showing true leadership.
ReplyDeleteTerry is a moron.
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley is a poor leader for kids throughout the community.
ReplyDeleteTerry has always been bad to people.
ReplyDelete12:33 Chapter 105.454 of the Missouri Statutes for starters.
ReplyDeleteSly James enemies showing their real intentions attacking Terry Riley and Sly. Shame on them!!
ReplyDeleteGood reporting Tony! It is unfortunate when you have to uncover this stuff about good people but it is right that you did.
ReplyDeleteShame on Sly James attackers for targeting Terry Riley and him based on race in the comment section. Racists.
Terry Riley a true leader. Thanks Mr. Riley for your leadership. Thanks Sly James for your vision!!
ReplyDeleteTerry has always been good to Democrats. Shame on these people for taking the low route in attacking Sly and Terry based on race.
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley is a true leader. It seems like the leeches are mad that Terry is there to block them from milking off Sly James like usual.
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley always stays winning!!
ReplyDeleteTHIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SLY. However I have to agree a majority of the comments on the blog is from Riley himself. He needs to start doing something constructive with his life instead of living in a dream world where he believes HE IS THE ONE. He's so full of himself it is sickening. It's all about (in Terry's demented mind) ME - ME - ME. So not a team player.
ReplyDeleteSly James will make a great mayor but he needs to rid himself of this self seeking bald troll.
He hate me.
ReplyDeleteAttaching Sly and Riley as one unit - I don't think so.
ReplyDeleteOr,connecting Riley with the other two outstanding black leaders (Cleaver & James) is a fabrication of his own mind.
He does not belong in the same category as Cleaver and James.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete3/30/11 1:29 PM
ReplyDeletewhat kind of line must you have crossed to be deleted from THIS thread ... WOW
Terry Riley is a great father and husband. Shame on these people attacking him. The good thing is everybody knows who they are.
ReplyDeleteAn attack on Terry Riley is an attack on Sly James. Shame on these people for not giving Sly a chance to succeed. They are scum.
ReplyDeleteWhat the fuck you talking about, 10:45.
ReplyDeleteRiley not only has the respect and trust of the President, Senator, Congressman, Missouri's two biggest mayors, The City Council, The Heavies, Freedom inc.- HE OWNS THEM BECAUSE HE MADE THEM AND WITHOUT TERRY RILEY, THEY ARE NOTHING.
CASE IN PPOINT- Look at what happened while Terry was making Sly Mayor. Obama goes and fucks up in Libya.
Terry Riley has helped run Kansas City into the ground.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to talk about married, male politicos with girlfriends, then let's go back to talking about Steve Bough.
ReplyDeleteOh, I guess we cannot talk about White guys who play around on their wives?
Terry Riley has helped screw up city hall with all his politics.
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley is not a leader.
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley by a fly over with a cruise missile smart bomb.
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley has torn apart city hall.
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley is why I will now be voting NO to the E-Tax.
ReplyDeleteTerry wins - AND TOKYO IS SAVED!!
ReplyDeleteThe Japanese reactor meltdown could have been averted- IF THEY HAD ONLY LISTENED TO TERRY RILEY!!
ReplyDeleteI see Deb Hermann and Bill Skaggs have been up most of the day blogging about what a shit they think Terry Riley is. Give it a rest buttwipes!
ReplyDeleteThe E-Tax SUCKS.
ReplyDeleteSkaggs is in China.
He's THAT afraid.
Tired of all the politics in City Hall?
ReplyDeleteVote No E-Tax.
Take their play money away.
Terry Riley should be put in charge of the Public Works Department.
ReplyDeleteDeliver those sewer contracts to the Heavies' sweethearts, baby.
Terry Riley sucks.
ReplyDeletehelp city hall get rid of Terry Riley
ReplyDeletehelp city hall get rid of Terry Riley
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley taught Einstein everything he knew.
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley is a City Hall bum.
ReplyDeleteChuck Norris is afraid of Terry Riley.
ReplyDeleteUmmmm. What was this article about again?
ReplyDeleteLMAO @8:43am - I so agree!! ROFL!
ReplyDeleteIn my scooby-doo voice 'huh" @10:36AM
ReplyDeleteI don't think this is an ethics violation...
ReplyDeleteYou mean Terry Riley, the Irishman?
ReplyDeleteNow what's all this I'm hearing about Terry Riley?
ReplyDeleteTerry is actually a very brave soul and a hero.
People shouldn't be talking that way about the first man to set foot on the moon.
Now what's all this I'm hearing about Terry Riley?
ReplyDeleteTerry is actually a very brave soul and a hero.
People shouldn't be talking that way about the first man to set foot on the moon.
Couple city hall workers spending th3eir day on TKC instead of working.
ReplyDeleteVote NO on the eTAX. Send em packing!
Didn't Terry Riley invent moveable type to print books?
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley was an excellent choice by the Mayor
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley stays winning!!!
ReplyDeleteNO!! This is not fair! Terry Riley can't be on the transition team because that means he gets more respect and power in Jackson County!
ReplyDeleteDon't people understand who I am? I'm a winner. I win. I am winning all my fights.
Terry Riley is so cool, Russ Ptacek is head of his fan club. THAT is pretty cool.
ReplyDeleteTerry Riley always has a good day.