Thanks to The Source for posting recent Kansas City mailers . . . And now we see . . .
The latest mailer from The Taylor camp points out some differences, which is fair, but I've talked to Tracy about economic development on the Eastside and an in areas that really do have great need and she seems interested in helping to spend City Money wisely.
Meanwhile, what his really means is that Scott Taylor is taking Tracy Ward seriously and inadvertently put the two side by side so that voters can make their own decisions.
Developing . . .
Good job Taylor! Call that crazy out for what she is.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Scott oversimplifies her views at all. She does a good enough job of sounding woefully ignorant on her own.
ReplyDeleteTaylor: 72%
Ward: 28%
He gives her way too much credit. She's a loon.
ReplyDeleteOMG! She has pink hair. Why did he doctor that picture? lol
ReplyDeleteWhat's with the road rash on Scott's face?
ReplyDeleteTracy's group, Liberty Restoration Project of which she is the local chapter leader, is dangerous. Look them up---Obama not born in US, 9-11 might have been done by US and Israel to flame hatred of Muslims, etc. Local media gives them creditability but will not report on their agenda.
ReplyDeleteWhich is worse, pink hair or horribly thinning hair that looks like mange?
ReplyDeleteTracy Ward, the colorful mange free candidate!
The contrast of positions between Ward and Taylor are abundantly clear. That being said, I am very familiar with the work, Tracy and her Liberty Restoration Group have done; and personally feel she is "spot on". If I have a choice to vote to put someone in office, like Taylor, who will deliver more of the same, or vote for the woman with pink hair, who will not only mix things up, but keep people honest.....? Tracy Ward has my support and vote
ReplyDeleteMore of the same is what got us the embarrassingly bad school district many like to call the Billion Dollar (and counting) Money Pit and other notorious KCMO failures. Thanks for running Scott, but you're a couple of election cycles too late. We need new blood with fresh ideas.
ReplyDeleteNeither candidate is long on experience but I will always vote against aristocracy. Miss Ward has my vote.
ReplyDeleteAristocracy? LOLOL.
ReplyDeleteScott Taylor is a poor boy from a single parent family who worked his way through school to make something of himself.
On the other hand, Tracy Ward grew up in a household where her parents owned 2 (count 'em) 2 businesses.
And Taylor is the aristocrat?
More foolishness from the Ward camp.
That hair coloring is expensive. Tracy Ward is clearly another rich candidate flaunting her wealth in front of the voters.
ReplyDeleteWhat credibility? They are a small fringe group of conspiracy theory loons. Bleisch - Ward's mentor is certifiable.
ReplyDeleteNo one said that Taylor is an aristocrat, nor even hinted at that. He's for more of the same. If that's what you want, that's fine. If not, there's another choice; it's as simple as that.
ReplyDeleteFrom his red faced pic, Scott Taylor looks like he's embarrassed of distortions. He should be!
ReplyDeletePointing out factually correct information that reflects negatively upon a candidate is neither an attack nor negative campaigning.
ReplyDeleteAnything involved with Nigro is a "no go" in these quarters.
ReplyDelete3:25- re-read 3:03's post regarding aristocracy.
ReplyDeleteThen try again.
3:32- What distortions?
ReplyDeleteMore info, please.
Yes, let's hear the truth in this mailer because I know Tracy has never stated the things he's put on there. If you attended any of the forums or talked with Tracy in person, you'd know this was fabrication.
ReplyDeleteBut, if you want the same status quo, you know who you should vote for.
I am going to vote for the candidate who has demonstrated the ability to select and maintain websites services.
ReplyDeleteAfter all, if you can't even do THAT right, how you gonna be able to do ANYTHING at City Hall?
ReplyDeleteI didn't take Taylor or Tony's word for it. I watched her on YouTube.
From what I can see, Taylor was pretty much "spot on" with his representations of her.
Taylor doesn't have to fabricate anything to demonstrate that Ward is a wingnut.
ReplyDeleteSo now a candidate needs to be a web security expert in order to be considered? That makes about as much sense as saying that I'm not going to vote for Taylor simply for the reason that this mailer was designed poorly, his generalized platform is wordy and his photo is bad.
ReplyDeleteSilly Taylor shills.
For those dimwits in the crowd that do not understand the nature of aristocracy, it refers to family rule of the manor, realm, state, etc. Most of Europe's aristocracy -- the political model that Scott's ascendancy seeks to replicate -- is no longer wealthy.
ReplyDeleteWeb security expert? WTF?
ReplyDeleteJust pick a company that can deliver reliable web service.
Get the website restored by Monday and I'll consider voting for Ward.
Otherwise, I wouldn't trust her to get a pothole filled, let alone to know how to identify and remove the "bureaucracy" that she says is stifling small business and to apply development incentives to the East side- or anywhere else.
Hey condescending self-styled pseudo-intellectual wannabe at 4:29.
ReplyDeleteThis dimwit wants to know how YOU know that basis of "Scott's ascendancy" is the European model political aristocracy?
And by the way, unless you are using the term "family" in its' broadest sense (in which case an alternate term such as "class" may be more suitable), your definition of aristocracy is poorly constructed.
Try again.
I don't know anything about web security or aristocrats (other than the Disney movie).
ReplyDeleteBut I know a dipshit when I see one.
Tracy Ward may be nice and well intended- but she is nonetheless a dipshit.
5:01, are you retarded? I know nothing about Scott's parental heritage. I'm referring to the fact that he is trying to slip into his wife's seat on the council without any qualifications. That is aristocracy.
ReplyDeleteIts called nepotism, not aristocracy, and its not even nepotism because he has to be elected, not selected by a family member. Get a dictionary people.
ReplyDeleteTracy is interesting and different, but hardly prepared to exec on a one billion dollar budget.
I vote taylor and so will 65-70% of everyone else.
Thanks you 5:45.
ReplyDelete5:23-I guess an education and a history of bona fide community service are NOT qualifications.
As opposed to Tracy Ward....
Wow, the pro Taylor crowd is harsh. So much for improving the political rhetoric in this country.
ReplyDelete6:12, so-called "progressives" really like to pat themselves on the back, but they are no different than so-called conservatives or neo-conservatives when it comes right down to it. The important similarity is that they will both pull a gun on you to get you to do the types of things that they think are important. They have no concept of what it really means to respect another human being's dignity and freedom. Taylor is an empty suit. Ward would be great on the council, but KC doesn't really deserve her.
ReplyDelete5:45, I hate to drag this out but it always bothers me when I see people misusing language. This isn't nepotism. Nepotism is providing a family member with a job. A mayor employing his wife or children would be nepotism. Aristocracy is passing a position of power in the community or state or whatever on to a family member. I realize that it takes an election to fulfill the transfer of power but I find it distasteful nonetheless.
ReplyDeleteI, and many others, are voting for Ms. Ward because she has a principled intelligent platform, and Mr. Jolly is the pictoral definition of "Dandy"/"Douchebag." Love to see you crazy entrenched politico fuckheads squirm.
ReplyDelete7:07 You may find it distasteful, but no matter how you slice it, it ain't an aristocracy.
ReplyDeleteWard is off the wall and Taylor makes empty suits look like serioius prople.
ReplyDeleteThe Sixth District loses as badly as the Third.
And to all those residents who will lack representation for the next four years, see 'ya next time!
Aristocracy is established through divine rite not municipal elections.
ReplyDelete1:25am Exactly what I was thinking, but with better spelling!
ReplyDelete3:52 p.m., It would be accurate to say "I know Tracy has never stated the things he's put on there DURING THIS CAMPAIGN."
ReplyDeleteBut unfortunately in this Internet age, there is a record. As others have said, look up the fringe group Liberty Restoration Project, and the even fringier Missouri Sovereignity Project to find out what Ward truly stands for.
Because she doesn't have the honesty to say it in a campaign. Instead, she is trying to run as just a normal, common person, seeking to represent other normal, common people, when in fact, her worldview is not only loony, but dangerous and antithetical to what this nation stands for -- or once stood for.
You want to elect a tool for the oligarchy? Then elect Tracy Ward and her "get rid of government" philosophy, if you can call it that.
ReplyDeleteI was referring to a video posted by Tracy Ward on YouTube on December 20, 2010 that begins, " I'm Tracy Ward, and I'm running for the 6th District City Council At Large.".
I believe that would make it during the campaign.
Otherwise, I completely agree with the rest of what you post.
1:25, Actually aristocratic positions of power (or what little remains of it) are available for sale in lots of European countries. But you are correct, the citizens do not have a say in who can buy them.
ReplyDeletewho's the asswipe with the dipshit grin on the right??? looks like a low life crook.
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't want to get rid of government, she wants to limit it. So that the people have the freedom we deserve, and the government stops trying to intervene in our lives and tell us what to do.
As for being "dangerous and antithetical to what this nation stands for, or once stood for".
She is exactly what this nation once stood for.
Shame on you Scott Taylor. After seeing this, I requested signs to put out for Tracy tomorrow. I'll pay for them if she'll let me.
ReplyDeleteBet there's picture of Mr. Taylor in drag somewhere being spanked by a man in leather. He's lucky Tracy has the character to not track them down and mail them out. Dirty tricks to take a picture like that of her and place it across from him in an over-priced prick suit. What a douche-bag.
ReplyDelete3:29 is right.
ReplyDeleteTaylor could have used the one of Tracy posing with John Crawford at the fundraiser Sunday night.
3:47, The Crawford/Ward picture was on par with the video of Jan Marcason and Cindy Circo whooping it up at Sly's victory party after the primary.