Just a quick note about power relationships as the Kansas City election approaches.

Now that I've been able to get a lot closer to some of the inner-workings of local politics I realize how much I didn't know.

For instance, motivation is always hard to figure out. Sometimes it's not as easy as simply following the money. Sure campaign donations tell a simple story and as far as media is concerned, the straight up access angle is easy for me to understand and it benefits both subject and reporter.

But there's a complex web of local political relationships that are always a lot harder to understand.

Let's look at a few . . .

Campaign volunteers - Worst job EVAR, there's rarely any payoff and the hours are horrible. Yet becoming a campaign volunteer is the easiest and most effective way to get involved in the local, political scene. It just seems like these folks are getting played.

Businesses - Participating in local politics for a business of any size is just a bad idea. Seriously, unless it's a downtown hotel seeking to put cronies in power for their eventual win . . . It just doesn't make any sense for a business to pick sides in a contest where anything can happen.

The people who don't vote - In this instance, they deserve it. People who don't vote are letting the most schizophrenic segment of Kansas City make all of their decisions. Refusing to vote in Kansas City is even more dangerous than playing S&M games without a safe-word . . . I'm guessing.

So, tonight I just want to remind people to protect themselves as they pick sides and participate in this sticky, selective process we call local Democracy. And all this has inspired tonight's playlist.

As always, thank you for reading this week and have a safe and fun weekend.


  1. 1. Volunterring on a campaign is a great way to be in the "know" for what is really going on. Yes, the hours are LONG, short notice on when you are needed.

    I met a man working the polls on election morning that was being paid by the Iron Workers Union to work the polls for The Funk and the pay was low and they fed him that day. OH BOY.... HE WAS A WONDERFUL PERSON ON THAT COLD MORNING LAST WEEK.

    Pretty Thankless job.

  2. I met someone working the polls for Michael Fletcher ... in the 6th district!!!

  3. Good songs but you miss the point of campaign workers. They are often the first people appointed for staff positions. That's a big payoff right there for qualified people.

  4. The reason 85% of registered voters in KCMO didn't vote is because the candidates, city government, and especially the "political players" have absolutely nothing to do with them.
    All these self-important "consultants", special-interest groups, ethnic pleaders, contributors looking for big payoffs, and assorted hangers-on are what KCMO city government turns out to really be about.
    The folks who live in the neighborhoods with lousy snow removal, crumbling streets, broken water pipes, and daily mayhem and murder? Not so much!
    The new administration has a chance to try to change that. Let's listen to what the mayoral candidates have to say in the next few weeks.

  5. Didn't Beth get her start as a campaign volunteer?

  6. Victory is Sweet (Sanders Wouldn't Know)2/27/11, 9:49 AM

    Let's remember that this past week, the Kansas City community-based supporters of Jason and Diana Kander defeated the corrupt organization of Mike and Georgia Sanders, when Sly James TROUNCED the Sanders' Endorsed Candidate, Deb Hermann in the primary.

    Kansas City wants clean government that just runs against the grain of Eastern Jackson County Good Ol' Boys like Mike Sanders.

    You have no power anymore Sanders. None. We reject the kind of conservative bull shit lies that you love so much.

    People in KC want progressive government and good services. That is why they reject the kind of pain-centered government offered by Deb Hermann and Mike Sanders.

    They rejected her, and they rejected you MIKE SANDERS.

    Just watch. Mike Sanders will pout and not endorse in the General Election. He acts like a 5 year old.

  7. 2/26/11 11:36 PM- what a lie. Michael Fletcher had no reason to have a poll worker in the 6th district. Eat dust.

  8. Volunteering is good but the volunteers have to be smart and not let people take advantage of them.

  9. Loud and clear. You are spot on Tony.

  10. Another Midtown Mom2/27/11, 5:07 PM

    I would rather people just vote. No need to shill but we need to get more people voting.

  11. just say no to skinny assed women.


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