This is a guest post backed up by a great deal of research that you're free to check yourself at the Missouri Ethics Commission site. The bottom line is that it looks like a Political Action Committee from The St. Louis Area has a HUGE interest in getting Mayor Funky elected by way of attack ads.

The Star noted that the group was "mysterious" but a KICK-ASS TKC TIPSTER simply follows the money trail and identifies the usual suspects supporting Mayor Funky along with STL support. Check it:


Since 2002, with the exception of a $500 contribution from Landon Rowland and Thursday's infusion of $15k of Local 42 cash, the Voters for Good Government PAC has been funded nearly exclusively by individuals and interests from the St. Louis area, combined with a $142,000 donation from the Casino Queen riverboat in East St. Louis, ILLINOIS!

Why is Kansas City, who consistently comes in a distant second to St. Louis for state and federal dollars, allowing a St. Louis PAC to call the shots in the KC mayoral race? Of course, St. Louis wants Funk to win! He is a buffoon who is completely incompetent and lacking in political savvy in Jeff City and DC. Why, the Funk can barely get his calls to those places returned. What better way to insure the cash keeps flowing to St. Louis than by helping the hapless Funk get re-elected?

Of course, don't overlook the one big connection the eastern Missouri PAC has to KC: the PAC has more than $100,000 in debt. And nearly ONE-THIRD of the debt payable to Kansas City GOP Consultant and Funky Friend Jeff Roe. Simply put, Voters for Good Government, the group whose ethics filings clearly indicate it is trying to take Deb Hermann out of the race, is owned by St. Louis interests and Jeff Roe.

Voters need to ask the themselves why is Hermann the target? She is clearly believed by Roe and the PAC to be the front runner and the candidate Funk doesn't want to face in the general. So Hermann is the target of mailers that run statements that twist Funk claims of success and take the credit for fiscal responsibility that clearly belongs to Hermann.

And Kansas Citians worry about local control of cops?! Hell, we don't have local control of our elections!"


  1. Good strategy.

  2. The Wicked Witch of the North Loses2/18/11, 7:23 AM

    St. Louis understands politics better than KC.

    It will be Burke - Funkhouser in the General. Former Wicked Witch of the North supporters will go to Funk, and Brookside Libs will learn more about Burke's dark past.

    Funk "Stays Winning."

  3. Maybe he should move to St. Louis.

  4. Jim Rowland on Feb 232/18/11, 7:38 AM

    Why did I give Gray and Glorioso all that money?

  5. Jim, don't forget Freedom, too!
    The same good old folks laughing all the way to the bank! And we're all waiting for the next scam: The Cleveland Plan!
    Coming soon to a taxpayer-supported trough near you!

  6. Folks in St Louis have more fun laughing at KC's mayor because their mayor does his job.

  7. To wordy. Ya run every post into the ground. It's not that you're drowning us with facts. Most of the time, your facts can be said succinctly in one sentence. You're drowning me in rambles.

    Sadly most of your posts are like Alonzos... telling me how good you and your tipsters are. Eventually, you get around to the salient facts but you make me read all your drivel to find it.

    The point of this post was to say St Louis is buying attack ads because they want Funky to win... because he's a moron and that's good for st Louis. Great story. But lost in the telling.

  8. And The Loser Is2/18/11, 8:39 AM


    He endorses Deb Hermann and her campaign tanks.

    Mike Sanders shows contempt for Liberals and People of Color, so his support in Kansas City is tepid at best.

    What can Mike run for next where he does not need to win KC big? Nothing.

    The political career is over Mike. Go back to what you do best: playing illegal poker games, screwing around on your wife and telling yourself that your wig looks natural.

  9. Tony you said recently that KC politics is "a competitive and cruel place where any visible sign of weakness is fair game."

    But now your suggesting Funk should wimp out and apologize for going after an opponent?

  10. That comment about Rowland must be from either a Deb or Sly supporter feeling a little embarassed.
    Star reported Rowland's campaign has not paid Glorioso or Gray any money while Deb and Sly have paid out tens of thousands for out of town consultants. Deb's commerical looks like a WalMart ad and Sly with all his money has not purchased broadcast TV. The mailer against Hermann is what she deserves for all her TIF votes.

  11. Sly has also paid two Diana Kander operatives out of the campaign funds and paid Diana out of his legal practice. The latter transaction is as illegal as Hell and should get them both disbarred.

  12. 9:14, Are you telling us you are not with a capaign. Don't lie.

  13. 7:23 - Mike Burke has so few voters contributing a dime. He doesn't make it past the 4th place.

  14. Or he promised them he would eliminate The etax?

  15. It would be very unwise for Kansas City to elect Deb Hermann.

    The people who stand behind Deb are Jackson County lobbyist Jim Bergfalk and his business partner Scott Burnett -- that stench of corruption should be enough to turn every voter away from Deb Hermann.

    Bergfalk and Burnett are well known for insider conflicts of interest that enrich both of them.
    If the US Attorney takes some time away from chasing small time African American crooks, she should investigate two big White crooks known as SGB Communications, where Berkfalk and Burnett are partners. Both were tied to the corrupt regime of Katheryn Shields.

    If Deb Hermann is Mayor, how much tax money will be sucked away buy her cronies?

  16. Roe is no fool and he does polls so he knows Hermann is sinking. Even the KC Star can't bring Burke up from below Chastain in one of the polls a month ago and Rowland never left the bottom. James is moving up.

    Funk and James in the final.

    That's what happens when the candidates waste their time trying to attack the current Mayor instead of coming up with good ideas and talking about them. Too late now. Last ditch efforts to make false claims and mistakes like featuring the wrong city is what happens. As for the one project wonder, you got all the contributions from the people who made money off that project and that's all you get.

  17. The political elites are like the Russian submariner in the Hunt for Red October, who said to his Captain (after entering the wrong torpedo solution)...."you idiot you have killed us"!

  18. Like 9:05, I too can cut and paste from the internets.

    A federal jury found Kansas City Councilwoman Saundra McFadden-Weaver guilty of one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and six counts of wire fraud on Thursday.
    City council member Chuck Weber pleaded guilty to conspiring to bribe a public official. He had acted as an intermediary between councilman Michael B. Hernandez, and developer Walker LaBrunerie. Hernandez pleaded guilty to accepting $70,000 in bribes from LaBrunerie and Mark Morgan.
    The Kansas City, Missouri City Council has reached an agreement to pay former Mayoral aide Ruth Bates $550,000 to settle all of her claims against the city.
    Shawn Pierce had alleged in a lawsuit filed in January that he was victim of retaliatory termination because he had sided with Ruth Bates. Settled for $125,000.
    The City of Kansas City, Missouri, has to pay $2.1 million to a white lady who wanted to be judge.

    A Jackson County jury found today that two former Kansas City budget analysts are entitled to more than $2.6 million in damages in their reverse discrimination lawsuit against the city.

    Trey Runnion has resigned from the embattled Port Authority of Kansas City. The city agency has come under criticism for allowing its general counsel, William Session, to enter into a multimillion-dollar contract to excavate land that the Port Authority sold to a private developer.

    The owner of a politically connected excavation company is set to foist his unused ranch land onto the city for $1.1 Million.

    City Council member Terry Riley pushes for purchase of flood prone land from Douglas Bank on which to build new Metro Patrol Station. At the time, Riley was employed by the now defunct Douglas Bank.
    City Attorney Galen Beaufort represents “waitress” (wink-wink) on city time.
    Council Candidate Michael Fletcher attracted scrutiny for abusive litigation tactics, including race-baiting witnesses and epithet-strewn tirades against opposing counsel.
    Four judges found Fletcher’s allegations (in one case) to be inaccurate, misleading, impertinent, inflammatory or scandalous.
    Fletcher allegedly tried to stiff a cabbie for a $40.58 fare in 2002 and ended up calling a Kansas City police officer "Jew boy" 21 times - on videotape.
    Former Kansas City Municipal Judge Deborah A. Neal dismissed a theft charge against Fletcher over the cab incident. Neal in May pleaded guilty to a mail fraud charge and is awaiting sentencing.

    There is much, much more.

    The PD should stay the way it is.

  19. Funk, Burke and to a lesser extent, Rowland, are all slinging mud at Hermann. She must have them running scared. If voters fall for these cheap shots, Funk will come through the primary.

  20. Radioman, I read the post, then your comment, then re-read the post. It's long because following the money in these campaigns is difficult to do and tougher to explain. Kudos to Tony for shining the light on the way PACS collect money and target a front runner and try to take them down.

  21. 9:14, you are obviously a Burke or Funk supporter, hard to say which. But ALL TIF votes were unanimous, including the one mentioned on the PAC's mailer. Funk was right on board. And Burke is a TIF lawyer, so he is obviously not against them.

    Funk's first mailer said he kept the debt balance steady. In the hatchet piece against Hermann, it says she raised debt? Which is right, Funk? You can't have it both ways.

  22. Fall From Gracemor2/18/11, 11:55 AM

    Taco dinner campaign fundraiser this weekend at the swimming pool.

  23. Hey, Fall From Gracemor, since it's at the swimming pool will there be wetbacks there?

  24. I'll bring the Margarita machine. The PO PO are invited and we're all gonna listen to Deb's neighbors with her scanner. YeeHaw (Only one cookie per person please)

  25. Mike you've paid perfectly good money for these comments and it's even your own money. They can't come up with anything better than the above?

    Go Deb! Funk and Deb in the final.

  26. There's much more on Deb, a vindictive, evil woman, who took out her battles on the kids of parents she didn't like. Monday is NOT going to be Debs favorite day. Buh Bye Deb...the past just reared it's ugly head and chewed up your mayoral campaign.


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