Famous from her work on the Mammy-Gate case, Kansas City Attorney Lynne Bratcher writes a thoughtful and comprehensive blog post: Missouri at a Crossroad: HB 205 and SB 188 - Do Legislators Really Want to Mess With a 50 Year Old Civil Rights Law?

Just as important, Lewis Diuguid quotes Kansas City School Board Prez Airick L. West: Economic parity dream needs a second wind . . .

Awesome stuff linked here sadly offered to a town that seems enthusiastically support the status quo.


  1. Maybe Lewis Diuguid should head on down to Southwest High School and help some of the kids understand that wilding in the halls and classrooms and disrupting the young people who are trying to learn really isn't going to get them very far with the "economic parity dream".
    Taking repsonsibility for themselves and their behavior and lives just might.
    Too late to go back to the '60s. It's 2011!

  2. Groan. Is anyone getting more tiresome than Lewis Duiguid?

    Have any of the "400 years of injustice" folks ever considered how the lives of the descendents of black slaves would have been had their ancestors been left in Africa? Hint: think Rwanda, Somalia, etc.

    In the same vein, the Star had an interesting article on suburban versus ghetto black clashes this morning. (See It seems the folks who took charge of their lives and left the ghetto don't appreciate the ghetto following them to their new neighborhoods. And who can blame them?

  3. niggas be niggers foeva!!!

  4. 10:32: Not true. Look at the many fine black people who have recently immigrated from Africa. They know how much better they have it here. And there are many more who are natives who have moved up the ladder as well. It's those who've been stuck in the 1960's victim mentality that are a problem, and they should be dying off soon.

  5. The recession is racist.

  6. 10:32 and 12:14 define the mentality of why people on the coasts say the midwest is where dreams go to die.

  7. Yawn! Duiguid is such a bore this thread has only had 7 comments.


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