Longtime Kansas City Star Subscriber Cancels Over High Price And Unprecedented Bias

Bottom Line Communications offers details on his decision to say goodbye to Kansas City's paper-of-record.


  1. Must be the definition of SLOW LEARNER.

  2. The Stars Website definitely sucks also that should be obvious to the trained eye as well.

  3. I believe in supporting the home town newspaper. I believe it is one of my civic responsibilities. With that said, the liberal bias and non-original editorial staff will likely result in the termination of my subscription this year.

  4. Bwahhhh Ha Ha2/28/11, 5:37 PM

    Haha. funny shit.

    The poor guy couldn't afford it, so instead of just canceling he makes up some homespun b.s. about him and his brother delivering back in the 1920's.

    All you have to do to know how broke he is is look at his crappy, vintage, early 90's website he runs.

    Looks like he used a Geocities template for it. it doesn't any cheaper than that.


  5. The bash Mayor Funhouser and everything you dislike editorials caused me to cancel my subscription. Biased like no other paper!

    KC Star Editorial=slam school district/politicians/police department/working poor/downtown


  6. It takes a little effort, but you can get the Star for about $12-$13 a month. First, NEVER go for the automatic renew. The price is high and chances are they'll renew you early. CALL them to let them know you want to cancel. They may offer you a better deal over the phone to get you to remain a customer. (They justify their ad rates based on subscription numbers, so they do have an incentive.) If you don't get a better offer, wait until you run into one of the guys selling subscriptions, usually at a supermarket and always at venues like the upcoming home show. Keep your records. I once had the Star start sending me invoices showing my 1-year prepaid subscription had ended after about 6 months. They apologized, but it's strange I never seem to get an extra six months--the errors always seem to run in the Star's favor.

    One thing that does piss me off is they've stopped letting you put you subscription on a vacation hold and crediting you for the time you're away. Your choice now is to have the papers saved or the money (supposedly) donated.

    As for why subscribe, I do get some information from the Star, but I like the coupons and the ads. They may not pay for the subscription, but they do help.

  7. There are few things more sad and pointless than a couple media folks badmouthing one another over who pusues their profession more effectively.
    If you don't want to subscribe to the newspaper, cancel your subscription. Oddly enough, there are still far more KCMO metro residents who get the paper than read any of these blogs, including Bottom Line Communications.

  8. Fuck The Star. They are part of the Democrat political machine, and do not report on the actual news, only news that serves their agenda. Suck ass journalism at its finest.

  9. 7:25 agree 100%

  10. I pay for one, then grab a bunch and take them to the office and put them in the lunch room. Everybody thinks I'm a swell guy! Thanks KC Star!!! Oh...and fuck you for screwing me on my subscription 5 years ago.

  11. The Star... Who the *&^% would build a new, state of the art printing facility in the middle of a new media revolution? They are tone deaf on all issues. I line my bird cages with the Pitch.

  12. I believe in assisting the area magazine. I believe it is one of my social obligations. With that said, the generous prejudice and non-original content personnel will likely outcome in the canceling of my ongoing this season.


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