Dianne Cleaver for The E-Tax

TKC MOBILE:. Congressman Cleaver's wife calls the E-tax Kansas City's "lifeblood" and "knows" it will stand up to repeal efforts.


  1. Cathy Jolley in front row foreground in black. A real true spinner. Her husband needs to win to keep her around.

  2. The E-tax is the lifeblood for a lot of parasites. For the host, not so much.

  3. Folks these political elite are going to bleed you dry. They take the E-Tax money and waste it. It does not go for city services. Look at the pot holes, broken water mains, water department people sleeping on the job in their trucks, Rising violent crime, A city hall far removed from the needs of it's citizens, MILLIONS in lawsuits, Cops eating at the most expensive restaurants in town, tif hand outs that lose money.... and the list goes on.
    Don't be fools let's take our City back by having a say where our tax money goes, it's called a democracy. Let the people decide. Let's take Kansas City back. Let's get Kansas City back on track for the citizens. Not just the wealthy and politically connected.

  4. How much is her contract?


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