Breaking Down Kansas City Voter Apathy

Toellner Tells it looks at Kansas City voter turnout by District and laments "that the districts with the most social problems tend to be most under-represented at the polls."

While I think it's a little bit more complicated than that . . . The analysis and figures are interesting.


  1. Wow! Only 5000 votes from the Third District and Rowland paid $50,000 to Freedom!
    Not the best return on that investment, and the money went to just a handful of the same old grifters. When will these candidates and their "consultants" ever learn?
    And when will the residents of the Third District finally figure out that they've been scammed and taken advantage of by the same old crowd for decades?
    There's still a chance to get rid of Sanders Brooks and Curls. Don't let it slip away!!

  2. Our City government... teaches the whole people by its example. If the City government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every person to become a law unto himself; it invites and opens wide the doors to corruption at every level. It breeds a atmosphere of distrust where upon people no longer feel a civic duty to report wrong doing since it already exists at the highest level. The corruption and vices of the politically connected are often masqueraded as over sites or mistakes of error; and those of the poor and lowly, for crimes. Little wonder there is such a prevalent disregard for authority and an unwillingness to become a participate in such a flagrant corrupt system. Apathy takes root in the soil of corruption. In such an atmosphere neighborhood injustice is relatively easy to bear; it is government justice that hurts.

    The E-tax is nothing more than a spider web for the rich and politically connected, and a burden for the poor and weak, who pay it, but receive little in promised returns. It is nothing more than fishing net in the hands of the government. What a satire this is, when People try to live within their income so they can afford to pay taxes to a government that can not live within its.

    Our City Government has lost its moral compass. It no longer serves the people who do most of the living and dying within its borders. It has become a model of self-serving corruption for the few. Passing the E-Tax and handing the money over to City Hall is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenagers. Mark Twain once said the scariest thing he ever saw was ignorance in action.

    Vote no E-tax. Voting against the E-tax puts the voters in Kansas City in control. The Taxpayers will vote on Tax issues. It will stop the politicians from using money for political favors rather than city services. It puts the citizens back in control of the city's checkbook. It will put an end to city government waste.

  3. nig nogs LIKE they shithole life in Kansas City...dat's why dey keep lovin it!


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