Bi-State Voter ID Inevitability

The Star: Proposals requiring Kansas and Missouri voters to show picture IDs when they vote gained steam in both legislatures today . . . Because Senior Citizens and po'folk without cars don't really need to be involved in Democracy.


  1. The state issues non-driver's identification cards. They look just like a driver's license, but say NON DRIVER on them. My mom had one for years and got it when she stopped driving because of her eyesight.

  2. You need picture ID for banking.
    You need Picture ID for social services.
    You need picture ID for airline transportation.
    You need picture ID for lots of everyday stuff.

    Anybody who is not responsible enough to get a picture ID isn't responsible enough to vote.

  3. Oh, the horror of it all!!!!!

    9:15 is absolutely correct.

    The people against vote ID are taking a stand FOR voter fraud. There's no other way to spin it.

    People who don't drive can get a state ID anyway. If they're too stupid to get one, they're took stupid to vote anyway.

  4. Many people cannot get photo IDs because they cannot get their birth certificate. The MO Department of Vital Records just changed their rule to where you must have a photo ID to get a birth certificate, yet you have to have a birth certificate to get a Photo ID. Those who are adopted have a difficult time with this, as do those from out of state, and the elderly. If they don't drive and don't travel, and by the way you need no ID to put some money in the bank or take it out via atm, then why else would they need an ID? All you fucking yuppie rich people need to realize that there is a great part of our society who does not drive or travel to Cancun every year, they've had their bank accounts since the 50's, and they don't need no stinkin' photo ID. Also, this is going to require anyone moving from one block to another to get a photo ID all the fucking time. AND, having to have a NONEXPIRED photo ID is the worst part. SO now the elderly will have to go renew their IDs just so they can vote. IDs are not Free. So shut the fuck up and read the facts you fucking rich ass bigots.

  5. So, does this end vote by mail?

  6. what a bunch of shit.

    Where is the evidence of voter fraud?

    There is no problem, but they have a solution that involves herding as many people as possible into their cattle chutes for purposes of ID'ing them.

    Track and trace command and control. You are livestock.


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