Anti-Union Hate FAILS in Kansas City

The Star: Rallies from both sides of the union issue in Kansas and Missouri

TKC NOTE . . . While I enjoy giving Local 42 a hard time every now and then, philosophically I agree with their mission. Let's not forget: KANSAS CITY IS A UNION TOWN!!! Anybody who talks completely anti-Union smack just doesn't know the history, character or voting record of this town.

So, while Cable TV News Drama is rather interesting . . . It's just a matter of fact that Kansas City Proper stands completely behind Unions and collective bargaining during this current crisis.


  1. Haymarket, Big Bill Haywood and Eugene V Debs.

    This is a union town.

    The war, metaphorical and real is not racial.

    Ck out Yahoo. The disparity between the ultra rich, and the working class schmucks who listen to Fox News and drink the kool aid--is ASTONISHING!

    Seriously folks-1% of the American population controls 34.5% of the wealth. WTF??

    Lemme tell ya, this ain't good for rich folks either.

    Check out these graphs from Yahoo. Come on, do it!

    The transfer of wealth from the middle class to the upper 10% of Americans and especially the upper 1% has reduced this country to third world status.

    Now we are not living in huts in Guatemala yet, but the template is there for us to get there in about 20 years.

    Human nature being what it is, those folks pecuniarily insouciant by way of birth and blood, are NOT going to part with their cash--its going to little Johnny and the rest of the family.

    So yeah, thats right, I AM FOR A REDISTRIBUTION OF YOUR FUCKIN DADDY'S MONEY AND YOU SHOULD BE TOO, BECAUSE IF THE GRAPHS YOU SEE ABOVE ARE ANY INDICATION OF THE FUTURE, then no one is going to storm the bastille, they are going to burn that fucker down.

    Nationalize the banks (Shoulda already done it 2 years ago.). Nationalize the fuckin oil companies and god bless Dwight David Eisenhower rebuild our highways and infrastructure.

    FOX News (And the whole right wing movement)has divided this country into racial camps of war, by making the ever decreasing middle class pay for more entitlement programs that the rich don't give a fuck about, cause they don't fuckin pay.

    Fuck diversity. It aint nothing but the money you don't have that makes you hate your neighbor.

    We are no, and have been for 15 years, manipulated into thinking we are on the team.

    I am not, and you ain't either brother.

    Check them graphs out.

    Think about it.

    Where did the jobs go?

    What happened to our housing?

    What happened to do unto others?

    What happened to the unwritten social contract that made us kinda think evvery day, that no matter how bad it was, we were all in it together.

    What happened to some modicum, some little tilt of the fuckin hat to ehtics morals and decency.

    How rich do you fuckers have to get?

    How much money, yachts, European vacatons,Rolex Glen Garry Glen Ross watches will it take.

    How many puke fucks like Lloyd Blankfien from Goldman Sachs, shitheels from MOrgan Stanley and fuckwadds from Bank Of America, fuckin everyone out of thier 401ks, sending retirred folks off to the poor farm losing our godddman fuckin houses will it take?

    HOw much?

    And if you tell me, a fucking poor man never gave you a job, Rush cocksucker Limbauhg, you drug addicted, draft dodgeing, chickenshit puke (Who lies about his fuckin golf score too-have ya seen that fucking swing? 74 my fuckin ass!!), I will hunt your ass down like the fucking stalking moon.

    Ok, I feel a little better, I may be bitter and pissed, but I'm fuckin right.

    Catharsis chuck, catharsis...breathe...

  2. This blog gives consistently favorable coverage to one particular Council candidate who strongly supports privatization of public (i.e. government) functions, an inherently anti-union position.

    On the other hand, the same blog in this post claims a pro-union orientation.

    These two seemingly contradictory positions should be explained, reconciled, or rectified.

  3. Chuck makes some very valid points.

    The wealthy had better wise up.

    The poor have- and their numbers are growing.

  4. Whatever else, Chuck pretty much sums up that PHONEY RUSH. The USA has become an OLIGARCHY. I'm not as optimistic as Chuck, I'm afraid it's going to be a major FAIL.

  5. TKC selling out the illegals and supporting the unions. Nice. Sounds like someone is scared.

  6. Check to see how much Andy Stern, Trunka and the other union bosses are worth and what they make a year. Standing up for the workers my butt, they are just as rich as the "fat cats" they rail against.

  7. 1:46

    Good point, but the generalization, of the galactic shift of money and property to fewer and fewer Americans stands.

    Check out the graphs.

    Google this stuff.

    Not all unions are sacrasanct imo. I an not a big Teacher's Union guy and I was a teacher.


    Check out the shift in wealth and think about how we actually get our news and who dilutes and manipulates it.

    Don't get me wrong, bloggers et al are diversifying the tenor and content. But the big boys hammer us daily wiht Orwellian, Oceania divide and conquer bullshit.

    This is the end of the America most of us have known, and where we are going is BAD FOR THE WEALTHY TOO. jmo.

  8. Think about this, I think you will agree I hope.

    American prosperity, is driven by an economic engine that thrives on stability.

    Simple premise.

    The arrogation of the lion's share of American wealth, power and hope, by fewer and fewer Americans will make this country, in the next 20 years, so unstable as to force dramatic, and maybe catastrophic change.

    Stability, controlled growth and a reconstitution of the fair play, love and fight for your neighbor (I know this sounds stupid, but I believe it is necessary at a utilitarian level for long term hope of our survival.) egalitarian concepts that brought us all togeher (For the most part) are concepts we need now.

    We actally need to look back, not just forward.

    Those wealthy Americans have much more to lose than poor Americans.

    This can be fixed, we did it before as a ntion, and we can do it again.

    Look back, its time to check our 6.

  9. tony-parkville2/27/11, 9:45 AM

    What Chuck doesn't understand is that, in order for there to be jobs (except government jobs), someone with some money wants to take a risk. If those jobs are, or become union jobs, his money is more at risk. At some point - and we've already reached it many ways - that person decides not to take a risk his money. When that happens the jobs either never materialize or go away. Chuck thinks that the egg came first, but then what laid the egg?

  10. someone with some money wants to take a risk. Yes, indeed. And back in "99" Phill Gramm and Bill Clinton, on behalf of Goldman-Sachs, did away with Glass-Stigall, changed the up-tick rule and for good measure changed all the commodity trading rules. And it was off to the races. Then when the risks didn't pan out. It was government bailouts, TOO BIG TO FAIL. Obama was going to fix this, but I guess, he's just been too busy to get around to it.

  11. tony from Parkville--you were right 15 years ago.

    Things change, and its ok to change horses, politicians (Like I said-I was a big Regan guy)and tactics to fit an ever changing economic paradigm, that is currently creating, such a giant chasm between the haves and have nots, as to destroy it in your (Not mine) lifetime.

    Look at the charts, check it out.

    The accumulation of wealth, and the retention of same, by an ever shrinking number of Americans is a fact, and not in dispute.

    Jobs are overseas.

    We need mercantilism and tarrifs.

    Fuck Nafta and the bullshit lies we have heard for the last 15 years.


    The Sun sets even now on the American empire. Its not outside forces that have brought us to our knees, but politicians (Check the charts on how much money even the poorest congressmen have.), policy wonks and insiders who continue to feed at the trough while stealing our future.

    Check your 6 buddy.

  12. 10:59

    There is enough criminal DNA on BOTH sides of the aisle to convict and hang Dems and Republicans alike for past transgresions.

    Bookstores are replete with tomes convicting Dems for Fannie May and Reps for Goldman Sachs.

    Fuck 'em all---this economy has to be fixed, or we are all fucked soon.

    Nationalize Banks, and energy to start with.

    Quit listening to bullshit talking points from BOTH sides of the aisle.

    Fuck Rush Limbaugh and Kieht Oberman too.

    We can figure this out ourselves.

  13. Question: Aside from a few high-profit items like cars, what do union people do when they go out and buy goods and services?

    For example, would union members favor daycare workers, waitresses, maids, etc. being unionized and all earning a minimum of $25 or more an hour?

  14. Unions gave us the worker's rights we have today; or at least all of the good ones still left in place.

    Has anyone worked abroad without being sent to that country? Meaning has anyone lived abroad and had to find their own job? Not fucking cool.

    That's exactly where Corporate America is taking us. Salaries and pensions just keep dropping. Benefits suck these days. Can you imagine how shit will be in 10 years without unions?

    Yeah. Fuck that. No unions equals No America people because we will be living in a 3rd world country. It is that simple. Corporate America could care less about the well-being of this country and our people.
    Not saying we eliminate corporations just saying we need unions and regulations to hold their asses in check.

  15. Anyone think about the difference in their benefits from just 10 or 15 years ago? Remember when insurance companies just covered everything. I think they made out pretty damn good.

  16. Remember when doctors came to visit you? They did ok then. And I don't want to hear that crap about lawsuits. I've been to countries where lawsuits triple the amount here and doctors with US Ivy League degrees still make house calls and charge 60% less then they do here.

  17. Do you notice that the pro-union protesters in Wisconsin are:

    1. Mostly white.

    2. Are protesting against the government.

    3. and they are holding up mean-spirited signs?

    Why haven't the Democrats and the liberal media condemned them? Why hasn't Obama criticized their uncivil speech?

  18. Lesson learned from Wisconsin:

    The Republican lawmakers should have just fled the country, and the Dems wouldn't have been able to pass Obamacare.

    Thanks for showing the way, Democrats!

  19. Hey, Wisconsin union members: As President Obama told us, elections have consequences. Like he told McCain, the election is over. You lost.

  20. Corporate America could care less about the well-being of this country and our people.
    Sums it up. And with the best congress money can buy, we're screwed!

  21. I laugh at people who want to bust unions. Ever lived in a country without workers rights or one where corporations determined the law regarding your rights? Haha. I doubt you have because it sucks.

  22. 12:47: yeah, I have. It's called Kansas or South Dakota. Both right to work states. If you are rich, they are fantastic. If you are middle class or poor, you are FUCKED.

  23. What does the Wisconsin situation have to do with big corporations? The people who are protesting are employed by the taxpayers, many of whom are making far less than the protesters and don't have their benefits.

    I don't know about South Dakota, 12:53, but Kansas ain't so bad. Schools and roads much better than Missouri.

  24. Some of the protesters' sign have mean spirited messages. I am offended.


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