TKC has been attending Mayoral and City Council forums on a hit and miss basis, I like to surprise people and I never want to give away my routine (blog, sleep, eat, rinse, repeat) but what I've noticed is there are a few candidates who are putting in a lot of work. I know I'll miss a few name of candidates here but more than any other I think TKC Readers should know that Brandon Ellington is putting in a lot of footwork to reach out to voters attending Election Forums and Debates in Kansas City.

Today he was out in full force with supporters attempting to deliver his message at Kansas City election forums.

Both Tracy Ward and Scott "Mr. Jolly" Taylor have been attending a great many forums. Mike Burke is simply ALL OVER TOWN shaking hands with folks.

Anne McGregor is everywhere as well and John Crawford can also be seen regularly at local forums talking with voters. The rest of the 4th At-Large candidates just haven't been keeping a very high profile.

Here's the thing . . . Meeting people, talking with folks one-on-one IS the "magic bullet" that beats the Kansas City endorsement game and mass media marketing efforts. Candidates out in public and meeting the community and doing their best by talking to people deserve credit for their efforts . . . It's worth noting that Brandon Ellington is leading the pack in this regard.


  1. That's if you have money Tony. Ellington does not.

  2. He doesn't need money he has people that vote! And that counts money can't buy you votes!

  3. If you are worried about Ellington not having any money, you can send your donations to

  4. Sad that it's all about money.

  5. What's sad is that the "leaders" in the black community are all about shaking down the candidates and in the end, can't deliver any votes because they don't lead anybody. You'd think with the results on the east side, after while the residents would figure this out and vote for their own interests.
    Maybe this time.

  6. I just met Brandon Ellington at Sly James open house. I was impressed that greeted everyone with much respect,very attentive. It is refreshing to see a young man engage.

  7. Brandon Ellington is doing what the others with handlers are not doing “connecting 1 on 1 with the voters"

  8. i am proud to support Ellington1/22/11, 7:10 PM

    How many people have so called money? Not many and yes I am proud to say I am a Brandon Ellington supporter!

  9. Kim( a B. E.supporter)1/22/11, 7:47 PM

    Brandon Ellington does not have to depend on money like that because he is doing what God want him to do!!! stay humble and respectful to others!!! Dont worry it will come!!!

    FYI- who ever said that lil comment is a hater!!

    I SUPPORT B.E. ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!

  10. I agree Brandon s a humble man that is reaching out and challenging the old establishment of shake downs. Too bad Freedom Inc. Didn't endorse him with Fletcher it would have been a winning ticket. Nw Fletcher must carry them alone.

  11. He can not be all about the black community only what about up north what about the Plaza he has to get out all over. He sounds one dimensional.

  12. 1/22/11 9:13 PM--no you only are one dimensional. Ellington is all over. We need someone that cares about their own community as much as you care about the Plaza. No where is it mentioned that he is only about the community, maybe you should check him out yourself before you give your opinion of what it seems.

  13. brandon ellington wants to turn abandoned schools into "ballerina studios". They would be ballet schools.

  14. Ok and 0urwin Rice wants to give away all the abandoned homes! and truthfully this is his plan to give away the 3rd districts has no clue how to address crime, and Rice neither do you cause if you did you would be running for city council.

  15. 1/23/11 3:18 AM‪- do your research just Google "Ballerina School" ton of them do exists. Brandon Ellington gave more examples for vacant schools,so don't forget those ideas..Can't sleep ha

  16. Brandon Ellington supports the Arts. He is right it is no excuse for not having elected officials that don't support their community or that has no vested in the 3rd district,and has told you people this in your face and even put it on paper "Angry African Americans". Brandon, gets my vote cause he quickly calls a spade a spade as a man should. This is what not only what the 3rd needs but all of KCMO.

  17. Why is Melba Curls and her opponent Durwin Rice sitting on stage whispering,giggling back and forth with each other? Several of the candidates were talking about it.Strange its okay if Rice wants to take her seat.
    Melba on the other hand Melba won't even speak to.Ellington.

  18. Ellington,keep doing what you are doing man
    Dude 1/22/11 9:13 PM-- I actually met Brandon Ellington ion the Plaza.

  19. Here's the thing . . . Meeting people, talking with folks one-on-one IS the "magic bullet" that beats the Kansas City endorsement game and mass media marketing efforts. Candidates out in public and meeting the community and doing their best by talking to people deserve credit for their efforts . . . It's worth noting that Brandon Ellington is leading the pack in this regard.

  20. Brandon Ellington, is very much the leader that K.C. needs!!!

    out with Melba Curls!
    out with Durwin Rice!
    out with Carol Gatlin!

    in with Brandon Ellington!!

  21. If "I" could run for city council I would.... Ellington is not well enough versed in politics to be a councilperson, his ideas are far from what would work in the 3rd and i'm sorry but I would never support him, he comes off very arrogant. BTW, brandon since you are posting anonymously on here, as a kind gesture i thought i would tell you that it is NOT hard to tell when you post AND ballerina schools became a broken record, you also should not have attacked mr. rice the way you did that is disrespectful. SHAKY HANDS productions or whatever IS brandon ellington and/or his mother, just an FYI. Although i do not believe ms. curls has done as much as she could have as a councilwoman but i do feel as though in her last term she is going to stick her neck on the line and do a lot for the 3rd.
    Melba Curls my choice for 3rd District At-Large

  22. 1/24/11 12:22 AM-you call Mr.Ellington arrogant causes he does not appease you and its okay but he is the best choice for the 3rd district . I have known Brandon Ellington and his family for many years and they are known for being in the community and keeping it real unlike Rice and Curls Brandon doesn't come. With a hidden agenda. Rice exposed himself Brandon has never spoken ill of Rice nor Curls,it is you their supporters that have and are doing this.brandon Ellington has rightfully gained the respect of the people. For the record his campaign team is too busy to getting him to the people to stoop to idle nonsense would be wise to do your home work before you unjustly write lies. Straight up.

  23. Steve Thomas Sr1/24/11, 3:34 AM

    Durwin Rice have another drink and go to sleep you are drunk. Ellington has never attacked you, you stated you wanted to give away the houses in the 3rd district. You are part of the take over plan you just moved from the 4th district you have no vested interest in the 3rd district. I was at Fridays forum where you stood up and told the audience so and that you have no plans to decrease crime you called Ellington arrogant cause he told you to your face about your wack disrespect for the 3rd district!lets talk about the paper you wrote about Angry African Americans! It is sad that you believe that with is much a stake that you can try and discredit a man that believes,walks the walks and talks about the real issues that we face the lack of resources that we have received in the 3rd district and is not afraid to stand toe to toe with you that are plotting on the disenfranchise. I am voting on Brandon Ellington 3rd district At Large.

  24. vote 4 Ellington1/24/11, 3:45 AM

    Durwin Rice FYI in the community that you just relocated in to resale your fixer upper in to be known as "arrogant" is a badge of honor but to be known as a sellout,is another thing which Curls has done by agreeing to have you run to save her seat! We are not blind we are aware of your dirty politics and its not working.

  25. Taria Woods for Ellington1/24/11, 3:49 AM

    Mr.Rice should not have moved into the 3rd district per Airick West plot to run in 2015. Melba Curls is out.

  26. FYI the Black community is waiting to ask Rice about Angry Black American and about him being a Republican.

  27. 39th Topping1/24/11, 4:01 AM

    Durwin Rice is a turn key. What does he knows about the 3rd district? I haven't seen him nor Curls campaigning in the 3rd district but Brandon Ellington is in. The core.

  28. 70 plus black lady,55 years old white man vs a 29 or. 3o year blackman - I see why they are upset! Two people I know for sure that I am casting my vote for Fletcher & Ellington

  29. 1/24/11 3:52 AM
    WTF post either the link or post article.

    FYI the Black community is waiting to ask Rice about Angry Black American and about him being a Republican.1/24/11 3:52 AM

  30. Keora Shackford1/24/11, 9:27 AM

    1/24/11 12:22 AM-are you serious? Please tell us you are joking and you are really not a idiot,I see why you would support Melba. No way in hell is Rice,Curls knows more about politics than Brandon Ellington,regardless of how you feel about him never does he give the impression of being clueless or ignorant. I agree he is not polished as the other two in lying taking voters for granted,nor kissing the asses of fake community robbing people. Brandon Ellington has my vote.Keora

  31. Ask Rice who pays for the tulips? Craziest shit I heard he wants to turn the urban core into farm land yeah buddy its already the wild wild east.if you ever left the 4th district you would know this. I want to see you go take to the folks off 23th-30th from Jackson to van brunt. You wouldn't last a hot minute ask Curls she never goes in the area to speak to the people but the young man Brandon Ellington is there talking to the people. I like him and respects others regardless of what the other politicians camp writes he is not a smile in your face kinda of guy he grew up in the hood that's not what we do. Brandon Ellington is doing something that no one has done since I have been born he is educating, mentoring and he is giving back as much as gets. Its not a black thing cause I see him with all kinda of people, you haven't talked with Brandon cause he doesn't believe in race. I am with you Brandon.

  32. Monica Curls its time to ride off1/24/11, 4:35 PM

    1/24/11 12:22 AM oh Monica Curls, your broom awaits you my dear. You are the main reason that Robin Carnahan lost in KCMO, now you are doing the same thing for your mother. You need to stop playing dirty little games and grow up, get a job and move away from home. I quess you and your mother will be able to attend plenty of "mother and daughter events" since she will become a unemployed like her daughter.

  33. Curls, Curls, Curls1/24/11, 4:43 PM

    I1/24/11 12:22 AM
    f "I" could run for city council I would.... Ellington is not well enough versed in politics to be a councilperson, his ideas are far from what would work in the 3rd and i'm sorry but I would never support him, he comes off very arrogant.

    Monica,you went to Georgetown to write like this? Come on now your mother is the worst City Council non representive that Kansas City, Mo has ever had since we became a city. Ms.Curls doesn't get 4 more years to screw us around and you don't get four more years to stick your nose in the air. You are not only tacky but are the worst example of someone that shouldn't be arrogant, you are just plain evil. You couldn't run Robin's campaign just like your mother is not campaigning but begging for dollars. How come she only has four endorsements after 50 years in politics? People are on to the old worn out sold out smiling acting like I'm so nice but really I'm drunk holdings us back. Look your mother is 70+ years old, its time she planted tulips on Troost.
    Monica Curls is mad at the world.

  34. Curls, Curls, Curls1/24/11, 4:43 PM

    I1/24/11 12:22 AM
    f "I" could run for city council I would.... Ellington is not well enough versed in politics to be a councilperson, his ideas are far from what would work in the 3rd and i'm sorry but I would never support him, he comes off very arrogant.

    Monica,you went to Georgetown to write like this? Come on now your mother is the worst City Council non representive that Kansas City, Mo has ever had since we became a city. Ms.Curls doesn't get 4 more years to screw us around and you don't get four more years to stick your nose in the air. You are not only tacky but are the worst example of someone that shouldn't be arrogant, you are just plain evil. You couldn't run Robin's campaign just like your mother is not campaigning but begging for dollars. How come she only has four endorsements after 50 years in politics? People are on to the old worn out sold out smiling acting like I'm so nice but really I'm drunk holdings us back. Look your mother is 70+ years old, its time she planted tulips on Troost.
    Monica Curls is mad at the world.

  35. Curls, Curls, Curls1/24/11, 4:43 PM

    I1/24/11 12:22 AM
    f "I" could run for city council I would.... Ellington is not well enough versed in politics to be a councilperson, his ideas are far from what would work in the 3rd and i'm sorry but I would never support him, he comes off very arrogant.

    Monica,you went to Georgetown to write like this? Come on now your mother is the worst City Council non representive that Kansas City, Mo has ever had since we became a city. Ms.Curls doesn't get 4 more years to screw us around and you don't get four more years to stick your nose in the air. You are not only tacky but are the worst example of someone that shouldn't be arrogant, you are just plain evil. You couldn't run Robin's campaign just like your mother is not campaigning but begging for dollars. How come she only has four endorsements after 50 years in politics? People are on to the old worn out sold out smiling acting like I'm so nice but really I'm drunk holdings us back. Look your mother is 70+ years old, its time she planted tulips on Troost.
    Monica Curls is mad at the world.


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