Will Royster And Company Actively Working Against Kansas City Democrats With GOP

This post is just for me and with only reference to previous conversations with AWESOME TKC TIPSTERS.

The latest episode in the Missouri District 40 race finally made the KC newspaper:

Battle over Missouri 40th District House seat could be contested in General Assembly

Again, notice the vague and predictive writing in the news story that's very much like a blog post.

Anyhoo . . .

What I wanted to round up is simple:

Will Royster and company are playing along with a ploy to push GOP Voter ID.

During the election Will Royster and company touted the endorsement of the GOP MO House speaker dude who now grabs a cheap headline by making a glib statement about this case.

A great deal of Will Royster's specious case is targeted against minority and immigrant voters

Royster and company on the rampage against other Kansas City Democrats has undoubtedly damaged their standing with the Missouri Party leadership.

But I guess the thing that really annoys me about this one is:


That's just a fact. The Missouri GOP can conduct politically motivated investigations, use this story for their campaign commercials and even have press conferences but when it comes to doing anything significant about canceling out Kansas City votes . . . THIS ONGOING STORY ABOUT "VOTER FRAUD" IS NOTHING MORE THAN POLITICAL THEATER GIVEN RIZZO'S VICTORY IN THE GENERAL ELECTION WHICH DETERMINES THE MD40 HOUSE SEAT!!!

Still, what's important to remember is Royster and his homies working hand in hand with the GOP . . . Sadly, from what I hear they're doing it off the clock and as a ploy to stay involved in statewide politics.

So what needs to be highlighted here is obvious:


Missouri District 40 Voter Fraud Allegations are now a subject that has been completely politicized and therefore inconsequential to the lives of most people in this town.


  1. Republican Royster12/28/10, 8:43 AM

    Royster always has been a Republican just more open with it now.And after this they won't even want him.

  2. Nothing wrong with being a Republican.

    The Kansas City Democrats are mostly crooks, aren't they?

    They have certainly run KC and Jackson County into the ground. Maybe it's time for a little hope and change, GOP style.

  3. I wonder how much Royster and company are being paid by Tilly.

  4. Tony and John Rizzo are now the voices of the Democratic Party. Seriously, that is pathetic.

  5. John Rizzo new story is that his relatives moved from Clay County to his district "for the election" and shortly after moved back to the Northland. Check out Channel 41

  6. Royster is not serious12/28/10, 9:24 AM

    Neither Royster nor Moreno are serious about overturning that election until they are willing to walk into the Federal Courthouse and level corruption charges against Rizzo hacks like Mary Jo Spino, who constantly plays games sneaking candidates into back offices so they can end up ahead of Rizzo opponents on the ballot. Until Royster and Moreno find some balls between them and talk to the Feds about this election corruption, they are just conducting a two man circle jerk.

  7. State Representative-Elect John Rizzo12/28/10, 9:27 AM

    According to a news reporter John Rizzo now claims that quote "you do not have to read or speak any english to become a U.S. Citizen.."


    So if witnesses, including Somali's that instructed voters on behalf of the Rizzo campaign, claim voters could not read or write in english and 49 of the 60 are born on January 1st, are they citizens? Or are they simply legal immigrants?

    There is a difference.

  8. John Rizzo has yet to provide documents to prove his donors and relatives live in the district. Royster has the documents, audio from them claiming they do not, audio from their neighbors and more. Good luck John.

  9. Stephen Nixon The $144,000 Man12/28/10, 9:34 AM

    Thanks Henry. I really appreciate the new gig you handed me. I also appreciate giving my wife a county contract until this year. If there is anything more I can do for Johnny let me know.

  10. Yep Royster and Company actually means Royster, Chris Moreno and that creepy Adam kid who looks like he is the kid in Deliverence.

    We all know Royster has gone far off the deep end on this but Moreno should be ashamed of himself. This is not about fraud or anything else other than they lost. They could have talked to more voters but instead ran around telling everyone outside the district they were up 4 to 1.

    Just remember Will, Moreno the sellout, and you creepy Deliverence kid Adam, just because people are cordial to you and will talk to you doesn't mean they like you, approve of what you are doing or won't blame you for Voter ID.

    And while Royster has no problem disenfranchising the eldery, poor and minority populations, his humpty dumpty sidekick Moreno should be ashamed of himself for selling out.

  11. I agree with 9:24, if Royster was serious about this he would be meeting with the US Attorney. Royster is just making noise.

  12. A little late to that party 9:35. Just ask the State Highway Patrol and Sheriff.

  13. 60 somali immigrants+4 relatives and donors+ 20 clay county and platte county voters + 14 uninitialed ballots= 98 votes or 14.75% of JJ Rizzo's total votes.

  14. Quit whining Royster Tilly is using you and you can never run as a demo again. Rizzo wins again you idiot.

  15. Moreno you are destroying Royster good job.

  16. Moreno you are destroying Royster good job.

  17. 9:47 you aren't the Democratic Party and I'm certain Royster is more than welcome to run when he feels like it. When it's all said and done maybe you can use the Hammerschmidt argument like your old man.

  18. I sure hope Henry doesn't testify against me again, like he did in the 90s on that high school sports betting deal.

  19. The $132,000 Kid12/28/10, 9:55 AM

    Some people invest in a home or a car. I don't need either of those. My dads predatory lending shop provides me a car and I have a few nice places I rent. Instead, I like to invest my money on my state rep races. $132,000 to be exact. That John Burnett really cost me.

  20. SHERIFF 9:38?

    Mary Jo Spino screwed over John Bullard and cost him the election against the current sheriff. No help to be had there.

  21. 710 KCMO Reporting12/28/10, 9:58 AM

    John Rizzo is being investigated by local, state and federal law enforcement.

  22. Done as a Demo12/28/10, 10:01 AM

    Royster the minute you goT in bed with Tilly you where threw with the democrats you can't come back now.Mayby you and Moreno can form your own party.

  23. Moreno stop with the 710 lies that is why you are running to Tilly no one cares. Lucky you have a bipolar candidate who believes your lies you dummy.

  24. Rizzo, actually Moreno is in legal meetings as we speak, texting about how you are being sold out by the Secretary of State's office. Sounds like everyone is leaving Camp Rizzo.

  25. "legal meetings"

    You mean the phone store manager who barely got out of high school?

  26. I like the article this am when Tilly said one option was to do nothing.get a grip Royster you are being used. And is that one of those legal meetings like when you lost every court case. Get a grip

  27. Cashill Cowboy12/28/10, 10:46 AM

    Royster was on Cashill this am what a idiot. He should listen to himself. The Republicans are destroying you Will your dad is turning over in his grave.

  28. I am coming for you, Michael......
    I am a German inbred circa some Tarantino film......coming for you.....

  29. Hey Will how much is Cashill paying you.

  30. Chris Moreno is being sued by his former Employer for fuzzy math on his cleints

  31. What like the 20000 from Royster he forgot to tell them.

  32. Moreno is trying to sell out the Sanders LG campaign before it gets started to prove that he is some kind of political giant in the state. Tilley could care less about Royster.

    With only 57 Dems out of 163 legislators, it is not like Tilley needs Will for anything other than to give Sanders a black eye and get his name ID up in KC.

    It is sad to see this kid (Moreno) go to such lengths to try to prove that he is somebody. He is really kind of pathetic.

    I am sure Moreno has Tilley believing he is an "inside man" to the Sander's group and is telling all he knows whether true or not and Royster isn't smart enough to see it.

    Too bad

  33. "Just being honest, don't waste your time giving me any information. I just don't like Will Royster and will do anything to prevent him from being elected..."

    --Tony Botello, July 2010

  34. ROYSTER tried to litigate his way into office instead of hitting the streets and out-organizing J.J. Rizzo. Now, he is also trying to litigate his way out of a lifetime ban from the Plaza by suing Mayor Funky, Chief Corwin and Highwoods Properties. So he is ENTITLED TO PUBLIC OFFICE AND TO A "Get out of jail free" card?

  35. I like how all of you democrats are out there trashing that Chris Moreno when everyone knows that this election was a sham at best !!!!!!!

    Look at the sheep selling out their own for a wolf in sheep's clothing!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA! The classic story of Jackson County Democrats!!!!!!! A bunch of pussies that get run by a loser like Henry Rizzo while he laughs his way to the bank!!!!!

    P.S. You should know that Henry is already selling you donkey losers out! He even called me of all people! This is not "Let's Make a Deal" Henry!
    Fraud is Fraud!

  36. I like how all of you democrats are out there trashing that Chris Moreno when everyone knows that this election was a sham at best !!!!!!!

    Look at the sheep selling out their own for a wolf in sheep's clothing!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA! The classic story of Jackson County Democrats!!!!!!! A bunch of pussies that get run by a loser like Henry Rizzo while he laughs his way to the bank!!!!!

    P.S. You should know that Henry is already selling you donkey losers out! He even called me of all people! This is not "Let's Make a Deal" Henry!
    Fraud is Fraud!

  37. Out organizing Rizzo? 20% of Rizzo's total votes are at the center of a fraud investigation.

  38. Like I said earlier, organizing effectively, getting out and meeting people off of Gladstone Blvd. would have made any PURPORTED Rizzo fraud irrelevant. Campaign professionals call it the ground game.Royster simply does not know the neighborhood he wants to serve.

  39. bullshit j neptune. royster was all over the place on that election. his signs were everywhere. the only thing that would have stopped voter fraud is if will royster owned the kansas city election board...literally.

  40. Royster could begin his next campaign for office by going down to White St. and knocking on a few doors, asking his potential constituents what the neighborhood really needs. It's called community organizing. Or he could have spent his money buying up a few drug houses instead of lining some lawyer's pocket.

  41. HEY WILL, just google 333 n White on Sreet View. TELL us what you plan to do about that location>


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