Westport Grows Tired Of Militant Kansas City Cyclists Critical Mass And Their Trash

KCBike.Info reports: "The Sunfresh market where the mass gathers simply (is) tired of individuals leaving mountains of empty beer cans and other trash in their parking lot."

Money quote: "It's been rightly pointed out how ironic it is for people participating in an eco-friendly event like critical mass to be littering so badly."

The post offers encouragement for the crew to clean up their mess but also points out the HYPOCRISY of local cycling enthusiasts.


  1. Five points for every biker... an extra ten if you can take out all of them in the group.

    And of course bonus double if they ride in tandem blocking a lane.

    And 20 extra points or take up an entire lane at a stop signal and then expect traffic to wait while they slowly start pedaling across the intersection.

  2. It's tempting to bunch every cyclist into the "midtown bike hipster" stereotype, since there are so many douchebags around. But many many of these folks are decent, conscientious riders.


  4. It's a drag that the masses wait forever to leave the lot. The drinking is stupid. But if a dozen or more cyclists decided to leave the rest would follow. The boozing bikers contingent need not always be running the show.

  5. No one is excused from being idiots.

  6. I'm a cyclist and I don't do critical mass because of this sole thing. I don't drink & ride, or drive for that matter!
    And the fact that so many of them don't wear helmets! Agh! Horrors!

  7. Fuck you, Tony, and your constant anti-cyclist rants.

    Obviously some people show up at the ride just to have fun. Perhaps Sunfresh should put some more trash bins out in that section of the parking lot.

    1. fuck you cyclist. just fuck you. seriously, fuck you you horrible piece of shit. fucking perverts. you subhuman, arrogant, belligerent, pretentious, shit-for-brains ass. GODDAMNIT, FUCKING DIE.

  8. 8:52...hey dipshit, pick up your own trash shithead...walk your lazy ass to a garbage can...sunfresh doesn't need to put more trash cans for your trash. whatta asshole.

  9. 8:52... You lazy fucktard. You can pedal your bike all over town yet you can't walk to a trash can. I suppose you wouldn't bitch if I came over to your house and threw my trash in your yard, you fucking pig.

  10. Anon 9:56 and 10:47: Amen to your comments for all those fucktards who can't walk 10 fucking feet to a trash can!

    I hate people who litter in a parking lot with trash cans! What they think their mother will be forever running around picking up after them?

    Sorry for the rant, you hit the pet peeve button!

  11. What?! Bicyclists are pure as the driven snow. They're wearing tight pants with their rear ends stuck up in the air as they save the planet!

  12. Fucking hilarious that Tony and his followers think cyclists care for the planet or are rich snobs. Maybe they just don't want to be fat fucks. Many are immigrants who are denied a license, or broke fuckers who can't buy a car.


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