So here's the deal . . . Last night some AWESOME TKC TIPSTERS dropped a welcomed hint to this blog . . .

Incoming Republican House Speaker Steven Tilley will seat John Rizzo as the Rep. for Missouri District 40.

Turns out conservative radio chatter can't really change the outcome of a general election in Kansas City. And while distractions might continue, it's clear the never-ending Will Royster campaign doesn't really serve the best interests of local voters.


  1. If it wasn't clear before, it's now settled:

    Whatever "career" Chris Moreno once had is now over.

  2. Tilley doesn't have a choice -everyone gets seated at the same time - which is why all the saber rattling and half truths being spread by the Royster wing-nuts is all for naught. Any action against Rizzo would have to come from present Speaker Ron Richards. With the new session starting next week, that is highly unlikey.

  3. Tony again makes a post stretching technicalities in hopes of acting as if something new came out. Post #5

  4. If he can't deny Rizzo his seat because he won't be speaker, then he can't seat Rizzo because he won't be speaker. Right, Tony?

  5. Chris Moreno has a good career ahead and no loser consultant will dictate that.

  6. Nothing new here. Sounds like Tony is trying to control the rhetoric for his financier Henry Rizzo. Tony should be more responsible than this. He just hurt Rizzo.

  7. Interpretting a one-vote victory (under questionable circumstances)as a crushing blow to the career of a flawed opponent's political advisor is slightly psycopathic, and certainly not very forward- thinking. With such a thin margin of "winning", Rizzo should be trying to make friends.

  8. He will probably have to seat him...and then he will promptly throw his fraudulent ass out LOL

  9. Who's Tony Botello?

  10. OMG!!! Your annoying tendencies almost make me want to support Rizzo without regard to the merits of the issue.

  11. Tony Botello just called. Turns out he doesn't like Will Royster. Who woulda guessed?

  12. I'll take an order of them hot Somalis.

  13. My impression is that Tony Botello is just being honest. Is that your take on the situation?

  14. Why does Tony's Mom12/29/10, 10:22 AM

    smell like sour cottage cheese?

    I always wondered what the moldy white stuff was that falls out from her fat rolls with every step she tries to take.

  15. Sounds like somebody has a serious anger management issue on here, Tony.

    Why are you just trying to piss him off? And who do people think it is?

    This is more interesting than the election itself.

  16. Michael Bushnell12/29/10, 11:05 AM

    I am going to start carrying the water tomorrow for the 1st district candidate who has an "office" in the Northeast News (there is no conflict of interest with a candidate for city council having an office in a newspaper building, is there?)

    I love me some Scott Wagner. Mmmmm......

  17. Change is Coming12/29/10, 11:15 AM

    What you are seeing in the Royster effort is the power of a reform group headed by Kim Carlos, Theresa Garza Ruiz, Crystal Williams, Chris Moreno and other young politicos who are sick and tired of the old Kansas City corruption that dominates politics here, and holds them up for ridicule on this blog.

  18. I hear Chris Moreno met with representatives of Robin Carnahan's office yesterday and asked for their cooperation in a joint-state and federal investigation of wide-spread voter fraud in Kansas City, Missouri. All hell might break loose soon thanks to Chris's persistance.

  19. This cyber attack from Royster supporters does not engender support for his cause.

  20. Tony's mom's tits smell like12/29/10, 11:58 AM

    3 week old Christmas hams.

    Tony's says they dont taste bad as long as they are honey-glazed.

  21. Byron, I get what you are saying, but this is all a bunch of D-bags on here, including you, including me; not like it really matters what all of us losers actually think about what Royster does.

  22. Michael Bushnell12/29/10, 12:10 PM

    I wish Tony would honey-glaze my ham.

    JJ, can you introduce us?

  23. Chris Moreno is positioning things perfectly. The investigation will surely lead to convictions and resignations. Theresa Garza's assencion to the County Executive's office will be assured. After that, the house cleaning can begin at the County Courthouse and the stench of Rizzo can be flushed away.


  25. 1:01pm - Arguments arent won on TKC comment sections either, dumbass. This is just a local hangout for losers like you and me. Dont be such a prick, you fuck-hole. Go do a line of coke with JJ or something at CaddyShack and pass out, why dont ya.

  26. Chris Moreno is a loser who is lying just talked to Robin who is a close friend no such meeting took place.Also mayby he was confused it was the republicans he met with.

  27. Actually I agree that there is a reform group in Kc and that Chris moreno is a big part of that. And it is about time. I support that group because the bullshit that people like Henry rizzo and mike sanders pull everyday isn't democratic or republican it is just corrupt. Anyone who supports it is too; which is why all of the people sucking on their teet is on here attacking that reform group.

  28. Rizzo, you have a Message from the US Government:

    Voter fraud can occur when legally qualified voters vote more than once during an election, when people who are not qualified vote do vote, when a voter's right to vote is illegally interfered with, and when a vote is changed without the knowledge of the person who cast the ballot. It is also against the law for poll workers in polling stations to interfere with a person's legal right to vote or influence how someone votes (tell someone how to vote).

    Voter registration fraud occurs when people register to vote in an area that they are not eligible to vote in, or register when they know they are not eligible to vote. Examples include: a person registering who is not a U.S. citizen; a person registering in an area where he/she does not hold a place of residence; or a person registering in multiple voting districts.

  29. Moreno isn't part of any reformers, he just tells people he is. They, like most respectable people, want nothing to do with him. He hasn't told the truth about a thing in quite some time.

  30. Tony does not post anything when friends of Rizzo get caught breaking the law, like John Comstock. John Comstock is the Treasurer of the Jackson County Demorat Committee that means he is like their "head" accountant. He is also "head" of the KC Pride (Fairy) Demorat Club that was fined last year for ethics violations. Now Comstock has been finded by the Ethics Committee again for refusing to file statutory financial reports for another group he "heads" called the Roger Gooden Demorat Foundation. Obviously John Comstock is a crook but because he is a close friend of the Rizzo's Tony never writes about his illegal acts. I hope Royster and Moreno's calls for an investigation put the whole crooked mob in jail.

  31. Posting the same shit over and over again does not reinforce your point. It annoys people and makes you look like the loser idiot you are.

  32. This is funny. That is, to see TKC post so much one-sided "fluff" for a spoiled whimp like John Rizzo. What does / did the guy do to even get serious consideration as a "Representative"? Are the voters in that district just stupid? Obviously, Tony TKC is more stupid for throwing himself under the bus so frequently for a bad politician. Yuk.

  33. P.S.

    The comments about Tony's mom are some of the most funny things I read. That's why I come back to see if more Rizzo posts are up...who ever does those, please keep writing.

    Tony, did your mom really used to pole dance?

  34. Guy wins by one vote. Somalis vote who can't speak English and are assisted by a guy not properly registered. People vote who live in vacant houses.

    Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

  35. Rizzo, you have a Message from the US Government:

    Voter fraud can occur when legally qualified voters vote more than once during an election, when people who are not qualified vote do vote, when a voter's right to vote is illegally interfered with, and when a vote is changed without the knowledge of the person who cast the ballot. It is also against the law for poll workers in polling stations to interfere with a person's legal right to vote or influence how someone votes (tell someone how to vote).

    Voter registration fraud occurs when people register to vote in an area that they are not eligible to vote in, or register when they know they are not eligible to vote. Examples include: a person registering who is not a U.S. citizen; a person registering in an area where he/she does not hold a place of residence; or a person registering in multiple voting districts.

  36. Rizzo= Cheater It's the family business.


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