More Internet Campaign Finance Transparency In The New Year Thanks To Jason Kander!!!

There has been a great deal of discussion regarding the impact of The Jason Kander Ethics Bill in Kansas City (SB844).

While this blog has been able to demonstrate that local candidates can still create partnerships to get money to PACs, there are a great many other real changes that have resulted because of the legislation.

For Kansas City political watchers and Internet denizens check the most important development that directly resulted due to Kander's legislation:  

Effective January 1, 2011, all Campaign Finance Committees required to file with the Missouri Ethics Commission, must file electronically

This is a big deal because Kansas City candidates for elected office are notorious for dragging their feet on their reporting and then filing on paper in order to hide their funding sources or delay the release of the information to the public. At the very least Kander's work helps the Internets keep better track of who is putting money in the pocket of local politicos. So often people think that the simple passing of a calender year will create change in and of itself but thanks to the work of Kansas City's MO. State Rep. Jason Kander it's clear that the political discourse in Kansas City is moving online.



  2. You really seem to like working this guy's cock.

  3. Of course, if PACs just do not file no one knows what is going on.

    Tony does not post anything when friends of Rizzo get caught breaking the law, like John Comstock. John Comstock is the Treasurer of the Jackson County Demorat Committee that means he is like their "head" accountant. He is also "head" of the KC Pride (Fairy) Demorat Club that was fined last year for ethics violations. Now Comstock has been finded by the Ethics Committee again for refusing to file statutory financial reports for another group he "heads" called the Roger Gooden Demorat Foundation. Obviously John Comstock is a crook but because he is a close friend of the Rizzo's Tony never writes about his illegal acts. I hope Royster and Moreno's calls for an investigation put the whole crooked mob in jail.

  4. the death of accuracy12/30/10, 8:33 AM

    First it was kander- flook bill and flook laughed because kander had very little to do with the bill now i bet he loves the complete take over of the credit. Typical politician. Why dont we call it the kander ethics commission, be just as accurate as calling it the kander ethics bill. Kander serves on budget, maybe tony should start calling it the kander budget, im sure ryan silvey wont mind kander taking the credit for his hard work.

  5. 12/30/10 8:08 AM

    Oh yeah, put the crooked fairy mob in jail-that'll really hurt them.


  6. Let's do the political math:

    Opportunity for public Kudos: High
    Chance of passing: Low
    = Image polishing/no real action.

  7. Everyone should check out the campaign financing reports. Just as a lark, I checked out Hermann's. A few wierd items:

    On July 14, 5 Alphabetically named companies with the same street address in Denver, Colorado each donate $500.

    A "Comittee to Elect Kent Money" in Salt Lake City Utah donates $500.

    PRI out of Salt Lake City Donates $1000.

    On August 21, like a spiritual epiphany, 7 Bryan Cave attorneys (TIF's go to attorneys) were simultaneously moved to contribute.

    Quick Trip was especially grateful to the tune of $2000.

    My initial reaction was WTF?

    The rest of the contributors were composed of the usual suspects: businesses that received or desire more city contracts; development lawyers we all hate; Johnson County parasites; and donors from Kansas City's Knights Templar, the Kansas City Civic Council (not to be confused with the Kansas City Chamber of Commerce).

    Check the site for yourself and tell us your observations on various candidates.

  8. It is my guess that John Comstock "coached" JJ Rizzo.

  9. Tony why do you shill for crooks like the Rizzo's and "Coach" Comstock while still pretending to admire reformers like Jason Kander?

    Jason why would you want to be associated with the Rizzo's and Comstock through a shill like Tony?

  10. I see you, Wingman12/30/10, 10:58 AM

    Chris, Chris, Chris!
    Why do you keep shining the Roy man's boots and spamming TKC comments?

    Stop it, you are only a supporting character in this saga. Get a new client. This vendetta makes people run when they see you coming or roll their eyes big time when you talk!

    Distance yourself, get some perspective.

    You're losing credibility and reputation, my little burrito. That is if you ever had any.

  11. Correct the Record12/30/10, 11:41 AM

    8:08 AM:

    John "Coach" Comstock is an Out Gay male, but KC PRIDE is not a LGBT club.

  12. google the senate bill and it shows Charlie Shields as sponsor.

  13. GOP fought the bill every step of the way you sonbitches.

  14. 12:27 nothing passes without the GOP blessing dipshit what does the term MAJORITY mean to you?

  15. Speaking of financing reform and following 10:27's lead. Check this:

    On Rowland's April report you will find that 110 Burns and McDonnell employees donated an average of just short of $200/ea to his campaign. Only 13 of these donors are Kansas City, Mo. residents. Burns and McDonnell receives millions and millions of city contracts annually.

    This raises an issue. Is it legal for employers to strong arm employees into contributing to campaigns?

    Another very important question is, if you are a Rowland supporter but can only give him your vote, and should he get elected mayor and you have a concern, who will get his ear quicker? You or Burns and McDonnell?

  16. Rowlands' engineering supporters are more generous than Hermann's tight ass cheap skate lawyer supporters. They should lower their hourly rates out of shame! Oh wait. We're talking lawyers here. No hablo "shame"!

    All this proves KC politicians can be bought and we can see at what price now. I bet those out of town Burns & McDonnell assholes voted against the E tax!

  17. It also makes you wonder if those 110 BurnsMac employees received any type of special bonus on recent paychecks - and then were given the suggestion on how to spend said bonus...curiouser and curiouser

  18. Yes, but there are things of value that even incompetent campaign consultants can get from corrupt politicians that cannot be reported on any line of the campaign finance report: say like a woman who likes to drink and talk between other joint activities. Right Chris Benjamin?

    There is a lot of talk about that at the Capitol,Chris. I guess you talked about her to too many people.

  19. BurnsMac employee Jim Foil went rogue on his employer's ass and gave $500 to the Mike Burke campaign! Either someone's destined to get a major beatdown from his boss or BurnsMac is trying to cover all bases (cheaply though) in case Burke miraculously shakes off the stink from his Port Authority indescretions.

  20. Out of 110 people that were employed in April at B&McD, how many do you think are unemployed today? If you are one of them, now's the time you can stick it to the man and sing like a canary for being forced to donate. By the way, there is a local FBI office in KC.

  21. The Kander bill provided no new affirmative investigation or enforcement powers for the Ethics Commission. That is why the Republicans let Kander have his bill.

    With regard to the Rizzo-Royster race in the Democratic Primary, I am sure that the endorsement of this fake LGBT Democratic Club probably made the difference. There is a material LGBT vote in the Old Northeast, which could have easily voted against Rizzo if Royster had received an endorsement labeled "KC PRIDE" he would have won and I would say that the fake endorsement won it for Rizzo. I would call that voter fraud.

  22. Looks like Mr. Tilly will provide the subpoena power.

  23. Prosperity for 201112/30/10, 9:31 PM

    I like our State Delegation from Kansas City. By and large they are all young and show potential to improve. Congrats to Kiki Curls for her win over the always polite and impeccably dressed Craig Bland to replace Yvonne Wilson.

    Callahan, Justus, Curls, Silvey, Talboy, Holsman, Kander... The future looks good for Kansas City in 2011.

  24. How cute, Holsman included Silvey in a post about prosperity. Maybe he asked to see his tits? Do you think he showed him?

  25. Diana, that senate race is four years from now its a little early to be starting a blog war

    Ofcourse keeping it off the sheets has never been your strong suit

    I promise doing so will not work out in your favor

    Peace is the way


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