Low Rent Celebs For Liberty Memorial

The Star: "Adding celebrity names such as Kevin Costner and Louis Gossett Jr. to the Liberty Memorial stationery is one way to enhance the monument's national profile."


  1. They are hiring new marketing manager....he'll fail. Neat place but has as much pizazz as a tomb.

  2. Yawnnnnnnnn.....piddly efforts.

  3. I don't think these celebs are "low rent," and everyone I have heard comment about the Museum say it's amazing.

    This silly running down of one's hometown is so adolescent. It's what high schoolers say when they can't wait to leave home and finally go somewhere that is cool.

    People have the right to criticize, but this feeling that nothing is good about one's hometown is ridiculous. If you don't like KC, leave it.

  4. What a great idea!!! Leavin dis ol shithole cowtown now boss!!!


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