Kansas City Car Break-In Bonanza

NBC Action News reports that there has been A BUNCH of Downtown Kansas City car break-ins as of late.

Property theft Downtown isn't particularly uncommon but this time it seems to be specifically targeting residents. Usually, parking lot smash and grabs have been the M.O. for Downtown hobos looking for loose change from daytime workers. Sadly, there's only been a quantifiable "Downtown Renaissance" for people who know how to pull off successful tax breaks or break-ins and everybody else is mostly left to clean up the mess.


  1. Kansas City a home for crime.

  2. As Funkhouser himself recently said, nothing much good can be done if there isn't some basic level of public safety.
    It's too bad neither he nor anyone else is even trying to do anything about the violence, crime, and muurders in the city. And as long as that's the case, this will just get worse. It doesn't make any sense to try to burglarize an empty lot or rob a vacant house. And as more of the east side becomes a wasteland, the little minority of thugs needs somewhere else to go.
    Making believe this is someone else's problem doesn't seem to be working too well.

  3. Public safety is a joke in Kansas City.

  4. So all you young professionals and empty nesters who want to become real urban pioneers, come on down to dowtown KCMO for your adventure! Living there may not be safe, it may be inconvinent, the snow doesn't get plowed in the winter, parking is a costly problem, and there's not much to do but get drunk at the P&L District, but you can be proud that you're not a suburban snob, you're a real KCMO Downtown supporter!
    Wouldn't this be more successful if living downtown were attractive instead of a gritty adventure?

  5. Drive down State Line Road after a major snow storm.

    If you look west, you will see plowed streets.

    If you look east, you will see unplowed streets.

    Which side has the E tax?

  6. That's because Republicans generally run the Kansas side, and they do a better job.

  7. Yes, all that Republican snow just diasappears all by itself!
    Maybe in KCMO, the council could pass one of its hard-hitting resolutions proclaiming the city a "snow-free zone".
    Worth a try!!

  8. Kansas City has failed it's citizens.


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