Kansas City Averts Red Light Camera Challenge

An interesting legal challenge to local Red Light Cameras argued that Kansas City Red Light Cameras violated due process and but the burden of proof on the defendant and not the prosecutor so that the public was no longer presumed innocent.

Because that argument makes a lot of sense, a Red Light Camera ticket for a client of attorney Howard Lotven was recently dismissed and the case won't go to the Missouri Supreme Court.

Now that the public is forced to live under the gaze of this cameras this victory demonstrates that Kansas City BLINKED when it came to enforcing this bit of Orwellian street spying and more challenges are likely speeding along.


  1. If your driving withing the laws already on the books then you would not get caught by a Red Light Cam anyway

  2. @Recaller - you are missing the point. There is nothing in state law that allows KC to redefine a moving violation as a non-moving violation. That's the issue here, not whether or not someone was running a red light. There is a big difference from a required evidentiary standpoint in a moving violation and non-moving violation. That being said, KC dropped the case because of lack of evidence to even prove this case. So if they can't prove this case, they can't prove any red light camera case.


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