Holly Peers And The TKC Link Layout

Links laid out for the morning . . .


  1. The latest tragic story: Grieving mother pleads for justice ----

    Not likely to find crimes being solved in Kansas City. They ought to start a new TV series Cold Case Kansas City style. (no happy ending)

  2. Anon 5:59am is unfortunately exactly right. But KCMO has Al Brooks, who has recently had some success getting contributions from grieving families by selling them on the notion that he'll find out what happened. Pretty sad way to make a living.
    When you live in a town that has to depend on people like Brooks and Alonzo to "solve" murders, you might as well move to a Third World country.
    Afghanistan, anyone?

  3. KCMO is going down the drain. I know! Let's make fun of Independence! Yeah, that oughta help!


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