Recently, on a poorly rated AM Morning Talk Show, local Conservative Jack Cashill has taken up Will Royster's losing cause in the Missouri District 40 Race. Most experts believe the election is about to be awarded to John Rizzo (again) by one vote after the latest appeal.
I understand Cashill's interest in the story because his anti-Democrat angle on the election follows EXACTLY the kind of conspiracy theories he loves to hatch. The prolific local author has attracted a good crowd through the years and he was one of the last real writers advising The Funky Administration.
Sadly, in a recent article featured in The American Thinker (ugh) Cashill offers a disgusting quote from Will Royster:
Royster, a retired Navy fighter pilot and all-around good citizen, asks a fundamental question: "If we won't let Somalis hijack our ships, why do we let them hijack our elections?"
Ladies and gentleman, that kind of talk, equating immigrants and AMERICAN CITIZENS in Kansas City with a Somali pirates overseas is simply unacceptable. This statement from Royster is a nasty level of discourse that's befitting of a hate group.

Yeah, it gets even more painful . . .
I didn't think it was possible for the Royster campaign to reach a new low but outright immigrant bashing and hateful tactics are now being employed by Royster supporters against a community that he formerly attempted to lobby.
Make no mistake, TKC supported John Rizzo in the election and I'm glad that he defeated a a cretin like Royster in a landslide victory of one single vote. I contend that if the DEMOCRAT PRIMARY was held today the antics of the Royster camp would bring about a far different margin of victory. Seriously, Royster was once regarded as a serious candidate with a reasonably bright future but his outrageous statement, irrational actions and shameful tactics have not only destroyed his career but tarnished those folks who sided with him. This Democrat battle divided a lot of people but now that Royster has strayed to the side of conspiracy theorists and reactionary authors there's simply no way mainstream politicos will accept him back into the fold in the near future.
Will Royster has shown his true colors and they're every bit as putrid as his not-so-long-ago disgusting advert asking the people of Northeast to "Hang'em High" when it came to his political opposition.
This post has kind of a serious tone given the subject matter. Nevertheless, I had a good time covering the MO District 40 race, I understand Cashill's take despite the fact that I disagree . . . If there's anything funny to be taken from this latest bit of Royster rhetoic it's not only that Cashill's arguement have very little impact on the Northeast while I know I have readers from that side of town but also that this election effort has completely has turned Will Royster's political career into a joke.
Jack says this story will get national attention.
ReplyDeleteoh no, the porno watching, white-person-hate-inciting, paid-for-by-rizzo local blogster living in mommy's basement doesnt like it when fraud is exposed.
ReplyDeletego back to jerking off to your porn tony, everyone knows you are a rizzo hack.
ReplyDeletetony, why does your keyboard smell like vasoline?
ReplyDelete10:40am, good one!
ReplyDeleteanother great investigative question is why does rizzo smell like cocktail waitress?
Conspiracy theories? Try actual evidence in the record. The great TKC mea culpa coming soon.
ReplyDeleteTony, can you look at the facts of this case (obviously no) and tell me honestly (obviously no) that you don't see how there was fraud involving a large group of somalis? (obviously you cant)
ReplyDeleteafter you posted those affidavits a few weeks ago i became interested in this case but couldn't find any articles on it until you just linked some, thanks. It seems to me these poor people were being used by Henry Rizzo. Why is your outrage so misdirected??
Tony, can you look at the facts of this case (obviously no) and tell me honestly (obviously no) that you don't see how there was fraud involving a large group of somalis? (obviously you cant)
ReplyDeleteafter you posted those affidavits a few weeks ago i became interested in this case but couldn't find any articles on it until you just linked some, thanks. It seems to me these poor people were being used by Henry Rizzo. Why is your outrage so misdirected??
Tony, if you are just a blogger and have no construction job, why are your hands always so rough and raw?
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the best lines I have ever heard!! I listened to Jack and know others that are irate!!! Don't tread on our democracy!!!
ReplyDeleteForget about Royster Tony. He is done.
ReplyDeleteTony, are you an electrician on the side??? i guess that's the only explanation for the wire-pulling lube on your hands all the time........
ReplyDeleteNO WAY! Royster is becoming my favorite Democrat.
ReplyDeleteThis is a good post, Tony.
ReplyDeletei dont get it, Tony can post naked women all day and no one complains, and 1 truthful comment about an election that was criminally abused by somalis stinks to high heaven!?!?
ReplyDeleteoh no, oh no!!! Will compared illegal activity to illegal activity!!! RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!
ReplyDeleteTony, that does not mean go look up more porn. not those kind of hills, you perv.
ReplyDeleteCan't say that I blame Will for his reaction. Voter fraud needs to be called out. Losing by one vote is not a real possibility. Get fired up KC! We need real Democracy.
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting for Cashill to discover that the Somalis were the ones who shot down TWA flight 800!
ReplyDeleteWhat a waste of time!!
Actually this is a great story by Cashill and I normally think he's crazy. If these crimes are on record, then Tony is doing a serious disservice for not reporting it.
ReplyDeleteRoyster is a quality guy - superior education and community service, relative to Rizzo - and he clearly won the election.
ReplyDeleteThe one vote lead (along with the dozens...or hundreds...of other Rizzo votes) is by fraud, and should simply be voided by the Court.
Rizzo and the Somalis who carried out this plan should be prosecuted, fined, and jailed (and in the Somali case - deported)!
Cashill loves to meet Royster for "planning" meetings at Liberty Memorial usually around 2am.
ReplyDeleteTony, I remember the "Hang em High" ad from more than two years ago...it was right after YOU called Royster a hard core neighborhood good guy when you and Hip Critic were talking about the Northeast. Royster was the only one doing anything good, any you pointed this out.
ReplyDeleteRoyster was talking about drug dealers, gang members, and other losers who steal our stuff, fuck up our quality of life, and shoot our neighbors, you dumbass...they all SHOULD be hung, shot, or run out of town. Too bad Royster is the only politico with balls enough to say so (or do so).
Only you and Jonny Jo Rizzo could make a "Racist" issue out of hard-core neighborhood advocacy.
The only racist in this story is Rizzo, who loan-sharks at the expense of colored people and foreigners in the ethnic parts of Northeast (no loan-sharking takes place, however, where he says he lives, in Columbus park - home of white-bread racist Italians).
Rizzos HATE and exploit all non-whites - and YOU are just another Rizzo wetbacks who spins misinformation and half-truth in exchange for stolen tax-payer and Union money (out of the shoe box under Henry's bed).
John Rizzo loves to meet (any guy with a line of blow) at Sidekicks for "planning" meetings.
ReplyDelete"...this election effort has completely has turned Will Royster's political career into a joke."
ReplyDeleteYour grammar sucks, which explains why your journalism career is a joke.
But aside from that, Tony, I've known Will Royster for years, and he never wanted a political career, so he's not worried about kissing ass like so many other politicians are. He knows what to do for that district, and he knows how to do it.
Royster is accepted by the Rural Democrats and the Moderate Republicans, as well as all but some piss-poor Jackson County Democrats. He will be very effective as State Representative if the Court acknowledges the fraud and throws out the identified ballots.
The Feds just busted a Somali Terrorist in Northeast this past Summer.
ReplyDeleteMost Somalis are good people. The ones who do Election Fraud are bad. They ARE like Somali Pirates.
tony, why do you shop at costco just for tissues?
ReplyDeleteTony, I think if the election were held today, which is what Royster is asking for, then I think Royster would crush Rizzo.
ReplyDeleteRizzo is a fraud, and a new election would prove this. The Somali illegals who Rizzo rounded up would be challenged at the polls, and without corrupt (or stupid) election judges in Rizzos pocket, the Rizzo vote would collapse into a little puddle of nothing.
So, you finally admitt that you supported John Rizzo in the election!
ReplyDeleteJJ liks to dress up like a pirate.
ReplyDeleteJJ is a pirate, he stole that tween girl's body he lives in!!!
ReplyDeleteTony, not that I would ever question your accuracy (or veracity), but, how do you know that Royster actually said what you quoted him as saying?
ReplyDeleteThe Somali Pirates who hijacked the 40th District election were Farah Abdi, of the Somali Foundation, and his employee. They are pirates, and should be arrested until they finger John Rizzo for the plot. I’m pissed off about Royster having this election stolen, and if I could have voted for him, I would have (two or three times).
ReplyDeletewhy do you have a Skin-so-Soft credit card?
1:28, Rizzo would LIKE to be "fingered" for the plot!
ReplyDeleteTony, how did you build up your resistance to your blow-up-doll plastic allergy?
ReplyDeleteToo bad for the Voters that Rizzo, Rizzo's attorney, the Kansas City Election Board attorney, and KCEB Supervisor all want to just brush the half-dozen "official" counts, and two "Certified" elections under the carpet along with the uncontested facts proving election fraud and criminal activity.
ReplyDeleteToo bad for the Voters that the judge at the first trial got pinched by Rizzo's dad to rule against Royster - or lose his Court's funding from the Jackson County Legislature.
Too bad for Voters that Idiots (TKC) are the only source of "knowledge" regarding what happened in the massive election fraud out in Northeast.
Thank goodness for Voters, that the National News has picked up on the inbred corruption of a few bad politicians in Jackson County who are afraid of a good Democrat who just wants a fair election (there obviously aren't many honest Democrats in Jackson County).
John Rizzo lives on 68th Terr. in North Kansas City.
ReplyDeleteanother splendid case of voter fraud
ReplyDeletehow come JJ Rizzo came to court with a Weatherby's Bar sticker stuck to his sneakers??
ReplyDeleteI mean really JJ, sneakers in court????
Tony, why does your mom change your bed sheets, EVERY morning?
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you chose the side of the fence that used non Enlgish speaking black immigrants to perpetuate state and federal felonies over honest votes. You are such a fucking racist Tony.
ReplyDeleteSeriously Tony, all of the evidence paints a clear picture of a bunch of non-english speaking Somalis being used by a few "interpreter" Somalis, being used by non-citizen Somali named Farah Abdi, being used by the Rizzo head himself. How can you cheerfully continue to support that family? This goes against everything you supposedly stand for. (i guess its porn-neutral, but most everything else)
ReplyDelete2:24pm - Tony's mom says Tony normally sits while doing porn searches. He doesnt even stand for that.
ReplyDeleteRoyster quit bitching and run in two years... I'm fucking sick of this, move on, so we can get back to some titties and beer.
ReplyDelete2:52 - Does Tony, or JJ, normally help pull it out the back side when you try that?
ReplyDeletedoes the porcupine go in head first, or business end first?
Does the porcupine enjoy it as much as you do?
What DOES a porcupine laugh sound like?
Is it easy to tell the difference between a porcupine dick and another needle?
Frankly, I'm surprised that Cashill even took on Royster's case. Royster has some of the most disgusting supporters imaginable. He would do well to get out of politics altogether.
ReplyDeleteRizzo is the one with payday, and title loans, who steals cars back from poor people who could only get loans with 1500 percent interest rates, who has connections to Erotik City and dogpatch porn (TKC connection). Serrone brothers anyone!?!? Pat Gray (burp) anyone!?!? Local 42 goons ANYONE!?!?
ReplyDeleteRizzo is the disgusting one. Look at the dude. Even Mahoney's camera man whispered to Mahoney in court that Rizzo looks like he shows up to things just off an all night bender and snort line.
Don't forget he steals things. Like that poor pre-pubescent teenage girl's body he possesses.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, The Rizzo's have moved on. Keep posting losers.
ReplyDeleteTony, why does your computer screen have a used "sneeze" guard from subway in front of it? Is that what all your tissues are for??? Is the vaseline for your raw "nose"??? From "sneezing"???
ReplyDeleteYou just posted too loser. Sorry, but we are non-union. You rat.
ReplyDeleteRizzos haven't moved on, just back north and more underground. They are scared, which is why Tony's posts are more racist and longer.
ReplyDeleteUnlike his man weiner, which is still racist, just not longer.
ReplyDeleteYour temper is a bad as Tony's porn addiction. Probably because both of you suck at picking up women.
ReplyDeleteReally T, Beth Gottstein is the hottest woman you can find in real life????
Wow! I simply can not get over how much John J Rizzo (AKA John T Rizzo...AKA jarriel19@hotmail.com...AKA jarriel19@netscape.com...AKA jarriel@hotmail.com) says he dislikes dishonesty.
ReplyDeleteRoyster should win. Just read the Cashill piece. Excellent. EXCELLENT.
ReplyDeleteOf course it is, it mentions facts, LOTS of facts. Thats how Journalism used to be
ReplyDeleteOh, and it never had porn
I am been following this because of the drama now its not fun anymore , Royster you are sick deranged person who is need of help . I work in mental health and i read all the above comments , please get help.
ReplyDelete6:12 You must be Sherwood! Are you still working? Union? Didn't the rank and file vote to kick you and your Henry boot-licking ass out?
ReplyDeleteOh, wait, while you're still at the Hall, quick, steal some more Union dues to slip under the table to Johnny Joe (via Pat...burrrrrp....Gray) so that he can pay Tony for humiliating himself.
6:12 You must be Sherwood! Are you still working? Union? Didn't the rank and file vote to kick you and your Henry boot-licking ass out?
ReplyDeleteOh, wait, while you're still at the Hall, quick, steal some more Union dues to slip under the table to Johnny Joe (via Pat...burrrrrp....Gray) so that he can pay Tony for humiliating himself.
8:01 This isn't Will, and you are in need of a mental health check, yourself - start by learning how to construct a sentence.
ReplyDeleteI didn't care about this race until T. became so personally involved. At that point, I figured I'd check it out. The documents don't match what T. is saying. Tony and Rizzo are a team. And the team is trying to hide something.
ReplyDeletewhat does your computer chair smell like.......
Time to give this Royster Oyster no more publicity.
ReplyDeleteALL this shit is designed to keep his name out there. I submit his fifteen minute of fame would be over except a certain blogger keeps it alive for hits.
I've gotten bored with the District 40 discussion but Jack Cashill's interest in it gave me a reason to comment.
ReplyDeleteCashill made a mistake by picking sides in this race, and he hasn't helped Will's case at all. If illegal immigrants or even American citizens that aren't registered to vote ARE voting, this is a problem, but Cashill uses arguably xenophobic assumptions to support his theory.
It will be interesting to see what kinds of voter fraud are reported nationwide in November.
There is still a contingent of anti-Rizzo people in Northeast, but it's hard to take Will seriously after this daily tantrum. I'm starting to feel embarassed for him.
I feel embarassed for Tony and El Bryan when Will Royster becomes State Representative and the criminals that tried to steal the election(in sloppy fashion) go to jail.
ReplyDeleteSay it with me: mea culpa.
You guys are delusional. Representative Rizzo is going to crush you if you rear your stupid, crazy face again. He is a good man with great ideas for a neighborhood he truly loves and I thank my lucky stars that he is around to help us in Northeast.
ReplyDeletehahaha you are hilarious! "representative rizzo" hasnt even been elected yet, D-Bag. did your union dues rep give you a talking point to say that?
ReplyDeletei thank my lucky stars?!?! El Bryan? is that you????
ReplyDeletei wonder if Cashill was taunted as a kid with rhyming names like "ass hill" or "ass kill" or "asshole". ok that last one was just for fun.
ReplyDeleteelBryan, I Will Royster hates this blog, and Tony - ever since Tony went off on his family, at Rizzo's request, well prior to the election.
ReplyDeleteMy point is that I doubt Royster gives any time to reading TKC. What ever "rants" there are on this blog comments section are not likely his.
Will has caused criminals to quiver. Everything he has done is legal, and a built-in part of the legal system, which legislators have written, and judges are obligated to interpret.
No Jackson County judge should have had Will's case on a JACO docket because of conflict of interest (The Court is funded by the County Legislature, Henry Rizzo Chairman). So when the Court's funding source has his child on trial, its not a fair hearing.
The Appeal is justified, and it will create new law. Should be interesting.
Rizzo supporters seem to favor avoidance of the facts that are clearly obvious in the case - and they seem to want to vilify Royster for using the Court to seek justice.
Any legislator (elected or stolen) should have respect for the law.
How is John Rizzo going to "crush" faces (11:59)? I doubt John Rizzo could crush a soda can, much less any person. This lowly threat mentality needs to end, and elBryan, Tony, and every Rizzo Zealot needs to see that times favor people who serve, rather than people who take.
The Rizzo second grade class is name calling again. It's all they have, so let 'em play.
ReplyDeleteLeading up to the election, I didn't favor one candidate to the other, although I felt like some of Rizzo's tactics alienated the under-represented conservatives in the neighborhood. Either way, my intention is to vote for Sean O'Toole in November.
ReplyDeleteBut Royster's political career is over. The way he's handled this narrow defeat has reassured me he can't handle the stress of public office.
10:57; Empty threats.
Did 11:59 really just say "Representative Rizzo" is going to crush you in your rear. NOW THAT IS FUNNY!!
ReplyDeleteEl Bryan "the way he has handled this narrow defeat reassured me he can't handle the stress of public office"?
ReplyDeleteRoyster has handled things in life far more stressful and you are just reciting Rizzo talking points now.
Remember you said that line when Royster wins and people go to jail.
Don't worry you won't have to wait long for both.
El Bryan....I drove by and saw you at Royster house on election day.....yet facebook shows you at Rizzo party that night......how can anyone take you seriously!?
ReplyDeleteIts appropriate your 1st grader facebook picture has 2 face shots, you can't even decide on a picture on just one.
Keep playing both ways, JJ likes at least one of them.....
ElBryan, consider this: for your wet dream to come true and for OToole to actually win, it would take a miracle and positively ZERO voter fraud to happen. That won't happen as long as you get your way with Will backing down. The reality is you haven't been smart enough to examine the facts and realize the fraud is real and Will is the only man willing to stand up for what's right. Your dad would have supported Will, because your dad understand what a real man looked like.
ReplyDeleteIf only any of you knew what you are talking about. Royster pushed hard for the Somali vote, going as far as getting some trained to register others to vote and has a facebook page called "Somalis for Royster". So let me get this straight- if Cashill said these Somalis voted illegally because they can't read or speak English, then is it also true that Royster pushed hard to have these very Somalis vote illegally? He came after the Somali vote harder than Rizzo. I have firsthand knowledge.
ReplyDelete9:58 Royster pushed hard to have LEGAL Citizens, cast LEGAL votes in the Somali Community. He spent two years working with them, and also with trying to get Somali women to participate, as well.
ReplyDeleteWhat Rizzo did, was induce Farah Abdi (a non-citizen) to use the Somali Foundation (a 501 c 3 nonprofit organization) as a base for an illegal "assembly line" of uninformed Somali voters.
The illegal part of is was in the way the votes were cast (multiple civil and criminal violations), and in the fact that some Somalis were not citizens, and thus were not legally registered.
All of Royster's registrations were legal citizens.
So, Jack Cashill mischaracterized Royster and his campaign, in my opinion, because Royster has never been against Somalis - he is only against illegal voters and illegally cast votes.
There is a growing number of illegal Italian votes, in addition to the Somali Rizzo votes, and these people are positively identified, according to a source I have in the AG's office (yes, everyone is watching this).