Of course there might be even more stalling . . . But talk of the MAST Pension Mess will still be a high priority at City Hall today.
Some of the most AWESOME TKC TIPSTERS are offering us a preview of a rather important question that should dominate the discussion or at least put the pricey plans in perspective.
Right now there is NO SOLID ANSWER and once again special interests in this town are simply pushing for a blank check.
It gets worse . . .
Still, 30 to 40 million dollars is a big chunk of the budget and the cash needs to come from somewhere.
That kind of funding represents more than half of the budget of The Parks Department.
OR . . . The 3 to 4 million every year to finance MAST pensions represents Kansas City's commitment to the Zoo.
Other fun facts . . . City Hall employee's union Local 500 is meekly opposing the MAST pension deal in it's current configuration.
This will probably be a BIG WIN for Union Boss Louie Wright but if he doesn't deliver look for more grumbling directed against him.
Best of all . . . This vote, so close to the election, puts nearly every City Council politico running for office again on record when it comes to fiscal responsibility vs. catering to Kansas City special interests.
Developing . . .
WWFD: What would Funk do?
ReplyDeleteAny Councilman or woman who votes for this is looking at a Tea Party revolt of Taxpayers...and kiss the E-Tax goodbye in November and April. Why are they always trying to protect the bloated bureaucracy and forgetting the TAXPAYERS and CITIZENS!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat time is this?
ReplyDeleteIt is time for Anne McGreger to step up her game and solve this problem by opening a pay-per-view web site devoted her her bewbies.
ReplyDeleteThe Chinese business alone would pay for all the pensions and Light Rail.
Tea Party revolt? Please. You think your angry opinion has any solid voting block in this pro-union, vocal minority, town? Is the Republican party, assuming they even support the tea toilers, going to send vans and busses to the inner city to take voters to their precincts? No. The Democrats are doing that. And have done that for many years.
ReplyDeleteThe "revolt" you are talking about will end up looking like every other tax and spend mayor and city council we have had for the past 50 years.
Thanks for playing.
Gee ... I hope no one figures out that I am trying to talk women out of nude photos of themselves on Facebook and bad mouthing my wife's sexual abilities.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, do you ladies have a web cam?
Will must be being naughty on the internet again.
ReplyDeleteHey, no problem!
ReplyDeleteJust double the earning tax to two per cent!!
Just look at all the extra money the electeds would have to throw away to their friends, insiders, campaign contributors, and assorted hangers-on.
No, there's not going to be any tax revolt, just the same old whining and apathy.
In a democracy, the voters get exactly what they deserve.
What happened to the former Mast employees 401K that they received from MAST. Use their own money to but their years of service towards a City Pension.
ReplyDeleteCrats continue to lead KCMO into bankruptcy. There are no Tea Bags in KCMO. Just thousands of piglets sucking off teets. they ask voters to protect the Earnings Tax while they add millions in obligations? If anything they should be removing people from the pension not adding to it. Firefighters have abused their political power. I'll never vote them another dime.
ReplyDeleteWall Street The Sequel
ReplyDeleteThe movie begins as Wall Street Scamscateer Gordon Gekko played by Michael Douglas gets out of prison after 8 years. Years later he's shilling his book "Is Greed Good?" to an auditorium full of 20-somethings. He's like a combination of a Michael Milken - Lloyd Blankfein figure -- but he's got hair. He starts off his lecture by saying, "You're all pretty much fucked." There's silence -- and then he refers to his audience as the NINJA generation, i.e., No Income. No Job. No Assets. "You've got a lot to look forward to," he jokes -- getting blank stares in return.
We can probably apply this to our local fiscal situation as well at the rate things are going.
all council members were asked, BEGGED, to slow down back in April. What a mess. Now how can these people go to civic minded people and say "gee, I didn't know the Health Levy would be in play." THEY WERE TOLD. They screwed up in favor of Local 42/ Louie Wright.
ReplyDeleteRemind me, who voted to bring MAST into the KCFD fold? Which council people were in favor and who were against? Were the voters promised that it would save money? Who is keeping these idiots accountable?
ReplyDeleteOne more problem for the next council.
ReplyDeleteWhich will mostly consist of the same people!
ReplyDeleteWhat could possibly go wrong?
Louie will survive at least he better. That sob gave me 20k but owes me a lot more after all I delivered for him over the years. If he screws this up and loses who is my son going to turn to when he tries to run against Royster if he loses this recount. Nobody but Louie is dumb enough to shift money through Pat to hide the goods..
ReplyDelete"who is my son going to turn to when he tries to run against Royster if he loses this recount."
ReplyDeleteI understand your criticism of the Rizzos. But that statement is crazy talk.
Will & Co would be better off trying to salvage their damaged reputation among the Democratic Party and preparing for the next election.
Trying to steal this election only shows that they aren't competent, experienced and skilled enough to realize the reality of their situation.
Bottom Line: This is making Will and all of his friends look crazy.
If they would listen to their supporters from the very beginning they would have run their campaign more constructively.
As a city employee who, like all city employees, has an automatic pay deduction go towards my pension, I find this damn offensive. Sorry MAST, most of us thought taking you into the fold was a bad idea. Sure didn't work in the past when MAST was under the Health Dept. and now this mess.
ReplyDeleteI believe Louie is trying to get us the pension that he and Troy Schulte promised us in a side letter to our CBA. The question is, where the heck were the civic groups, the city employees, and screaming taxpayers when I had the group, SAVE MAST? The media gave us some coverage but NOBODY PAID ATTENTION! I said, "This is going to fall on the backs of the taxpayer." BUT NOBODY LISTENED. I talked to the President and VP of Local 500, BUT THEY DIDN'T SPEAK UP! I have an actuarial that the MAST board had, that showed this would cost between 30 and 36 MILLION dollars! Melba Curls and Cindy Circo are on the MAST board and they had this same informatiion A YEAR AND A HALF AGO! BUT NOBODY LISTENED!
ReplyDeleteGuess what, this has to happen. We have been promised. We have protected the citizens of Kansas City and the surrounding areas for over 30 years. Yes, we had a 401K but many of us cashed it out to pay our bills off, taking large penalties, because we were PROMISED A PENSION WITH OUR YEARS OF SERVICE!
Yes, we have not paid into the KC pension BUT even though perhaps 26 people will be eligible to retire next November, fewer than 10 will. Many want to work until they can receive the maximum amount of the pension. Over 200 people have fewer than 10 years of service and because of their young age, they will be paying into the pension for another 20 years before they will be eligible to retire. The remaining people will be working and paying into the system for the next 5 to 15 years. Therefore, the majority of us WILL be paying into the pension for many years.
ReplyDeleteThe fact is, if you look on Channel 2 March 25, 2009, ordinance ending in 232, I believe, I spoke to the Public Safety and Neighborhood Committee and asked them how they could afford to take on 300 new people when they were laying off over 400 city employees! THEY KNEW THEN THIS WAS UNFUNDED!
HAHAHAHA!! All you Rizzo rats cant handle the heat on a Royster attack ad by TKC so you pick something else to use to attack Will while you hang out together alone in the back alley....
ReplyDeletewhat else do you like to do why you hang out together alone in the back alley....
Rizzo, you are being investigated for stealing......... that tweenage girl body you stole and use as your own. I told the FBI about that.
Hey, I see that JJ is back on line soliciting sex as a black male.
ReplyDeleteHey, Will Royster - You Fucking ROCK! I read the documents on line and I can't believe you didn't get the Judges decision, Dude...The Court gets its money from the County, so no surprise.
ReplyDeleteWe support you from Rank and File, Buddy. Sherwood and Louie are toast.
Circo,Curls,Ford, and Sharp mostly who ran Mast for many years should have known the ramifications. My gosh these people should be held accountable.With no question the worst mayoral and council leadership in the history of KC.
ReplyDelete8:22 no problem. You get back what you paid in. Local 42 and 3808 have a un-sustainable pension structure along with the other municipal pensions and govt workers (just like the rest of the nation). Negotiate and fight all you want. What good will it do if its not there when you need it.I dont think its necessary to argue just be realistic.
ReplyDelete9:38, your understanding of finances is on par of that of a retard. A pension fund is designed to provide a risk-free stream of assets subject to two risk factors: actuarial risk (how long people live) and systemic risk (market fluctuations).
ReplyDeleteIf you got out "what you put in" that would be the same as putting money in a shoebox. Shoeboxes don't keep up with inflation. Inflation destroys buying power. Buying power is needed to live and keep up with food, energy and rent prices.
So no, that is a stupid plan that won't work.
Lesa, as of April 25th, we have been contributing money from our paychecks into our "pension" now just what the hell these jokers are doing with it who knows, but I know that every 2 weeks a portion of my earnings goes to my "pension" that doesn't even exist. It is going to take a law suit for us to get the pension we deserved. We all tried to tell the counsel and local 42 that they were rushing this. Well they made their bed, now they need to lie in it. We deserve a pension, and we are going to get a pension one way or another folks, lawsuit or not. Our MOU is a binding agreement. They back out and refuse to give us a pension, and they will have a world of trouble on their hands.
ReplyDeleteHey readers of Tonys blog, how's it goin'? I just want to thank all of youz for the amazing support you have given me as President of the world. I specifically want to thank my boy Henry. I bust his balls all the time because he grew up in Independence and I grew up in Northeast but hey, nobody's perfect, you know what I mean? Hey look I know not all of youz like me. That's ok. I can't please everyone. Just ask ol' Pat. That putts begs me for money every other month. Then I have to send Sherwood to pick him up at some dive in Brookside. Anyways, I just wanted to thank Tony for the positive reviews. I've been talking to my priest and he tells me I need to be more humble.
ReplyDeleteWhat is it about unions that the second a person joins one they become self-entitled shitbaggers? Yom may very well get a pension but claiming you desrve it is a little rich.
ReplyDelete4:38 I don't this blog is about Will Royster, and I don't even see a connection, but I also don't think Will Royster cares about what corrupt politicians think of him. He's already said that they are the biggest problem in Kansas City for business and neighborhood growth.
ReplyDeleteThe MAST problem is tied to corrupt people doing the wrong and stupid thing, and Will wants to hold them accountable - that's why "they" don't want him in office.
Lesa Gonzales, nobody listened to you because you are a known trouble maker ad have been for years.
ReplyDeleteYou also have a documented history of mental illness and take medication to control your psychiatric issues.
You have a history of partners that have been assigned to work with you, filing complaints against you and getting themsleves assigned new partners.
Seems funny how you have your hand out, looking for pension benefits, after you bad mouthed the city council and fire department before the merger.
Maybe you should up your dose of medications, take a few handfuls.
Hey ladies this is The Wood. I just want you to know that despite rumors Louie and I are on our way out, I am still in power. So when I come around with pick up lines, you better remember that. You got it? If you reject me, you are rejecting working families. It's that simple. Oh yeah and Crystal is a bad person. Did I mention that already? Oh well. Don't forget.
ReplyDeleteAs soon as Mast employees joined the city they would also begin a pension with the city starting at that time.
ReplyDeleteWhy on earth would the MAST employees cash in their 401K based on a promise?! I mean hello! It was not like you were laid off for a time.
Frankly I have put money in my pension for years and you and your Local union can keep your damn hands out of it.