One of the most AWESOME TKC TIPSTERS helps us put the spate of local violence and murders in perspective.
This is important:
"One troubling aspect about the latest stats: The violence surge we have seen in the past two years has fallen exclusively in the Black community. At his point in 2007 we were at 78 homicides--50 black and 28 white/asian/hispanic. Now we are at 82 homicides--65 black and 17 white/asian/hispanic. One final troubling statistic: In all of 2007 we had 62 black homicides--we are already at 65 black homicides with three months to go in 2010."
So, while politicos might try to spin numbers in order to quiet criticism it's important to look at these stats from the perspective of the most beleaguered and disenfranchised areas of Kansas City.
As The Great Recession continues, it's also critical to understand the role the poverty and more important cultural trends play in the psychology of violence. Consider that a bleak economic outlook is cited by many officials as a big part of the reason that murder in Johnson County is at an all-time high.
Keep up to date with the official crime numbers with help from the KCPD.
Realize that violence and crime isn't a simple question of race and/or class but has even more to do with culture. Natch.
Photobabe: Maggie Q in costume for her latest role as a TV assassin.
damn good stuff.
ReplyDeleteI think the key is to somehow persuade black thugs to start killing white people instead of other black people. Then the world will apparently be a better place.
ReplyDeleteUntil the balck community produces some actual leaders instead of the shouters who are still in the '60s and blame EVERYBODY BUT the thugs perpetrating all the murders, the police and other officials have nothing to push up against to try to help curb this appalling circumstance.
ReplyDeleteWe have partents who are afraid of their own kids, children having babies, absentee fathers, no sense of personal or community responsibility, and on and on.
Curbing all this begins with individuals, in homes, and in neighborhoods.
Who will speak up?
At Kings Court, where the guy got murdered, he ws shot 30, thats NOT a fuckin misprint, 30 times, then the perps followed him and put another round in him, making 31. recession my fuckin ass.
ReplyDeleteTime to reinforce the NARRATIVE. After the posts earlier today, re: black crime and murders in the city, and the subsequent posts, the NARRATIVE MUST be reinforced.
The NARRATIVE is powerful,
omniscient and rules Tony, Alonzo and apologists et al.
The NARRATIVE is a set of assumptions Tony, Alonzo, so called community leaders, the media, all belive in. It must be repeated like a mantra. It summons power by way of these casual, non rigorous assumptions about THEIR take on reality ("Realize that violence and crime isn't a simple question of race and/or class but has even more to do with culture. Natch,") JUSTIFYING THE WAY THEY LIVE THEIR LIVES AND ---then arranged in such a way that reinforces their best presumptions and ideals about themselves.
Its a way of arranging things a certain way, they all believe, without obvious negative variables.
It, the NARRATIVE permeates the whole culture.
If you dissagree with the NARRATIVE ("So, while politicos might try to spin numbers in order to quiet criticism it's important to look at these stats from the perspective of the most beleaguered and disenfranchised areas of Kansas City"), you will be crushed.
We can't destroy the NARRATIVE, it is everywhere, and everywhere people belive it, use it as a tool to make excuses and continue shit behaviour.
The NARRATIVE is everywhere, in teh music, DNA, carpet, furniture, slothes it is everywhere and you WILL believe it.
Unless you think, like me, that thugs murder, rape, steal, maim and destroy, because of excuses made by the NARRATIVE and those who repeat it.
31 times.
Who cares???? They don't. Why should we?????
ReplyDeleteChuck has nailed this subject twice in one day!
ReplyDeleteIt's way past time for a serious discussion with some difficult- to -ask questions. If the mayor wants to try something really worthwhile and long-lasting, he should host and chair the meeting.
Who's candid enough to be involved?
Chuck's Kansas City.
ReplyDeleteGreat job man.
It' ain't about race. It's about life. Some people don't respect it.
ReplyDeleteCKC? Chuck's Kansas City, Ha!
ReplyDeleteIt's quite obvious that Chuck is a muckraker and spy from Canada sent by those donut-eating Canucks up north to destabilize our language and take Tony out.
Don't believe me, check his spelling of the word "behavior".
Those goddamn spooks are trying to takeover the killing business in K.C.
As White folks, we need to band together and stop this shit. The first thing we need to do s start by killing other white people in our own neighborhoods.
If we don't nip this in the bud right now, they'll soon be running all the murders in this town. We can't let the spades outgun us like we're a bunch of wetbacks.
It's time for some action!
That's a lame comment. Tony should delete it. It really just shows your ignorance.
ReplyDeleteTony is sooo out of touch. Sucking up to people who don't even HAVE computers!
ReplyDeletePoliticos should care at all.. they didn't raise these hoodlums. Their single mothers did until they hit puberty. Then their friends did. Nuthing like a 13 year old being raised by a 14 year old punk gang member.
Where are the dads? Doing crack in the alley?
That's not political. That's a vanquished culture. Don't sit too comfy, white parents, your kids are next! Their dads aren't around either. Women think they can do everything, but we all know few of them can raise teenage boys.
PS. If you want to blame anyone, blame those who passed AFDC. The government made fatherless children a profit product for ignorant mothers. Imagine how many MEN would have gotten pregnant if only we knew how much money we'd get from the government for cigarettes and beer!
ReplyDeleteAnd then send the kids to school for free breakfasts and lunches. The AFDC program simply backfired.
I apologise for the spelling---the reality is true, only, extemporaneously.
ReplyDeleteWith no pretense.
ReplyDeleteBorn and raised in Ruskin Heights.
Are we supposed to give all the thugs a raise so they can afford to kill other races of people besides themselves?
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin can see Canada from Ruskin Heights!
ReplyDeleteTony, I really just want to say "Fuck You!" but I won't. I think you hate not being white. So, you adopt loosers (like criminal black murderers, and criminal politicians like Henry and John Rizzo) as your "cause" so that you can feel less bad about yourself, and less isolated in the intellectual non-journalistic pitty party you throw for yourself every day.
ReplyDeleteGenetic predisposition for impulsive behavior.
ReplyDeleteHas anybody considered maybe starting a midnight basketball program might be the solution? You know, get these fellas to work off a little of that restlessness on the hardwoods instead of on the mean streets
ReplyDeleteErnest just gets those numbers off the homicide daily. Any schmoe can do that and it's nothing out of the ordinary. This is the city we live in and thugs kill thugs. We aren't in Mayberry.
ReplyDeleteThe area is a self-cleaning oven. It breeds the problem, and it cleans up the problem. Not really a problem of mine. Keep on killing each other, because god knows that for every dead one there's 10 more still alive wasting space, and 3 more pregnant as I type.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we should "accidentally" listen on to what these people say on their cell phones so drug deals can be intercepted. Maybe we should "accidentally" give all the grandmas that are rasing baby hood rats a free trip by themselvses away from the thousands of messed up little kids. Maybe we should "accidentally" spike the meth, smack, and dust that people do around here and clean up the rest of the problem. Maybe we could "accidentally" sweep the section 8 housing for drugs and outstanding warrants for people that shouldn't even be living there. Black dudes hate child support. They don't use protection, but they REFUSE to pay child support. Maybe before they let the kiddos in school we got an order of support to pay for half the illegitimate's school lunch. There are lots of things I would do. But its a self-cleaning oven.
When they screw up and they have to go jail, their mommas always wail about how HARD their life is and how its unfair and their "baby" is innocent. They had their chance to raise their baby--too late now. Well, tough luck fat lady, your "baby" is now going to get raised in jail, and its certainly not going to help. They always cry a river trying to get sympathy during sentencing, but THEY brought this on THEMSELVES!
The church leaders are full of hypocrisy. ( hey, speaking of that, I need a hot tub dip with some guy from Atlanta, ha ha). Their leaders are useless and greedy. The community is a self-cleaning oven.
Also, mcfunky isn't helping either. midnight basketball? How about a job at mcdonalds?
ReplyDeleteWasn't there about half a million dollars allocated to aim for peace?
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell are they doing?
Cleaver got over $300,000 of your tax money for Night Hoops this year. It's hard to figure out how you can spend that much money in just a couple summer months considering that the buildings are already there and there's not that much staffing required.
ReplyDeleteBut just like ad Hoc, Aim4Peace, and a long list of other programs, nobody monitors any of these "programs" to see how the money's spent or what, if any, the results are.
KCMO officials just look at these efforts as "their X in the box" of doing something about crime and violence. There are always more important things to occupy their time, like funding a new 100 room losing hotel with your tax money.
So who's running this show?