Once again, AWESOME TKC TIPSTERS have come up with some rather groundbreaking Kansas City news.

Around the nation there have been widespread negative perceptions regarding incumbents and longtime Kansas City voters have expressed a great deal of frustration related to the City Council as a whole.

Sadly, because so many people are running for Mayor . . . Council races have been ignored . . . Until now.


For those who don't already know Nash. He is deeply involved in his neighborhood and a wide-variety of local issues. He was part of the crew who helped defeat Mayor Funky's crazy light rail scheme a couple of years ago. And more than anything, I've found Nash to be one of the most knowledgeable and objective voices in Kansas City.

Real Talk: I always feel guilty when I make broad generalizations about white people because of guys like Nash who know their stuff and put the best interests of Kansas City at the forefront of their decisions.

I don't know if it's fair to describe Nash simply as an anti-tax candidate but given a few conversations that I've had with him it's fair to note that he leans toward fiscal Conservatism when it comes to local government . . . Right now he's the only candidate in the upcoming Kansas City election cycle who has the credentials to back up that claim. Put simply, people who care about Kansas City's finances already know Nash would make an excellent Council Dude.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Council Dude John Sharp's negatives are at an all time high with the hostile MAST takeover mess taking center stage. While I find myself agreeing with Sharp on most issues related to social justice and empowerment of minority voters . . . In the end, it's hard to deny so many mistake that have added up through the course of his latest Council Term.

To the best of my ability, I'm gonna follow the 6th In-District City Council Race because this could determine the fate of one of the most neglected parts of Kansas City.

Now . . . Let's see what the AWESOME TKC TIPSTER has to report:

"Seen at last night's meeting of the Southern Communities Coalition . . .

Terrence Nash (left) collects signatures from southland residents for his bid to unseat Councilman John Sharp.

Nash chats with a Southland resident.

Mayoral candidate Mike Burke converses with southland resident K.B. Winterowd (recently appointed to the Port Authority) while Nash continues collecting signatures."

Again, GREAT STUFF and a good sign that Kansas City is starting to look closely at upcoming City Council races.

Developing . . .


  1. Sharp might not run.

  2. I don't live in the 6th, but remember Funky was allegedly fiscally conservative a few expensive lawsuits ago.

  3. Sharp will clean his clock.

  4. I wish I could vote there, and vote that SOB sharp out after his MAST screw deal. GO Nash.I will vote out cindy circus instead! :)

  5. The thought of someone who would actually put the interests of citizens first scares the hell out of the developers, unions and a whole range of those sucking at the city teat. They will enlist their friends in the press to trash him every step of the way.

  6. I noticed Sharp's commitment to minority empowerment came to an end when it threatened his job.

    Nash isn't a narcissist ego-maniac like Sharp. Nash will empower neighborhoods against the City Machine of bureaucrats, technocrats, consultants, lawyers, commercial interests and assorted apparatchiks.

  7. 8:16 anon is certainly right on the money. If Nash has any actual public policy ideas of how to make KCMO better for everyone, he'll stick out like a sore thumb surrounded by all the insiders and their hangers-on divving up what's left of the city budget.
    By the way, Mr. Nash doesn't really have to be a fiscal conservative. Kansas City doesn't have any money to spend and will have even less after the public safety sales tax and the e-tax elections. You don't have to work at pinching pennies when a few pennies are all you have.

  8. Fed Up with Idiots!9/16/10, 8:35 AM

    Don't forget Sharp did everything he could to drive the Wizards to Kansas! Behind the scenes he fought the project at every opportunity all the while trying to take credit for bringing them to the 6th district. Which he had absolutely no role in. So if we are going to talk about which one of the 2 of them represents the best interests of the district, all you have to do is drive out to KCK and see the magnificent home the Wizards are building to say thanks for nothing Sharp, that beautiful new building actually would have been a catalyst for redevelopment of our forgotten district! You big friggtin idiot Sharp!

  9. I'd like to know just what Sharp has done for the sixth district in his four years. He's gotten himself put on almost every council committee so he can keep his fingers in everything. Now he's fighting to keep the east side of the district in tact so he doesn't lose his base. The only reason he has seemingly worked for empowerment of minority voters is because white people don't like him.

  10. Dude, ease up on the nuclear mushroom cloud image! That somebody might oppose a city councilman is hardly thermo-nuclear news ...

  11. I think the thermonuclear image is apt: Sharp and Nash are matter and anti-matter.

  12. Well contrary to some of the nasty and ill-formed opinions on this post about John Sharp; the man is one of the more effective members of the city council. He does a good job of looking out for his constituents. Ha, ha, if you want to screw the 6th District, elect no-tax Nash and let the improvements go elsewhere in the city. It would be fine with the rest of us.

  13. I think you have to give enormous credit to Nash. He could have run for Jolly's open seat, but instead he is challenging the political establishment. Sharp has been running for office since Nixon was president. He was a Republican when Hickman Mills was Republican, and he became a Democrat as his old constituents moved to Lee's Summit to be replaced by Blacks from the East Side. All the while he's been playing old style politics and doing back-room deals all over City Hall, in the end benefiting no one but himself.

    While everyone else in south KC politics is playing it safe and waiting for term limits to end the "Sharp Era", Nash says "No Free Pass" and shows the rest of them what democracy looks like.

  14. I have to correct Anonymous @10:51. Nash is not "no-tax". He just believes that businesses should not be tax-exempt, or shift their operating expenses onto the taxpayer.

    Sharp has supported exactly that: Bannister Mall TIF and Red Bridge CID.

    Get the facts, 10:51 AM.

    Sharp has been effective on the City Council: he has weakened environmental protections, subverted civic governance, and given away millions to his campaign contributors.

    Meanwhile, south Kansas City is plagued by road closures, rising crime, decaying homes, predatory business interests, failing schools... need I go on? Sharp's done NOTHING for south K.C.

  15. @8:43 AM

    I don't know that white people are so anti-Sharp. One of his supporters is George Hicks, a "horrible racist" member of the Citizens Association.

    African Americans have recently become disenchanted with Sharp despite Sharp's record of support for their candidates and causes over the years.

    That's because of Sharp's insistence that his home base of Hickman Mills not be divided between the 5th and 6th city council districts.

    As the African-American population has moved to the south, holding the line on Hickman Mills would eventually deprive them of the ability to elect even a single member of their preference to the city council.

    The Sharp plan for redistricting will -- if not this time then within the next ten years or so -- result in the third district being moved north of the river, and the fifth district being moved into midtown.

    If you are familiar with the "geo-politics" of Kansas City, you know that means disenfranchisement for African-Americans.

    Sharp is willing to sacrifice voting rights for one last term on the council.

  16. John Sharp said please re elect me my girl friend need some new weave. (she like that Chinese stuff) I gots to pay for it.

  17. He should dye his hair pink and go run red lights all over the city. Just barrel right through them.

  18. Nash is pretty light skinned for an Hispanic, but I guess he'll do.

    And, yeah, it would help if his hair was pink.

  19. I think Nash's background is Irish. Bring on the freaking shamrocks!!!

  20. If George Hicks is a member of Citizens, then Sharp's friendship is self-explanatory.

  21. Hicks was a member of Citizens, but I think he resigned because his wife moved into a nursing home, and he no longer lives in Kansas City.

    Sharp had some honor bestowed on him a couple of years ago.

  22. I’m trying to figure out what 10:51 thinks Sharp has done for his constituents. He used PIAC money to help put that fence around Ruskin HS when many of his constituents; basements flood when it rains; just before his school board term was up, he got that field put in at Ruskin and then the school district spent mucho bucks in legal fees because the company wouldn’t do it right; rather than going with an eco-friendly plan for Red Bridge, he chose the one that removed all the old trees; Bannister Mall now looks like a war zone because Lane4/Cerner won’t clean up their demolition debris; he has refused to include the west side of Hickman Mills in thee area plan for the east side which is called the Hickman Mills Area Plan; instead of having quarterly meeting like he said he would, he has ‘second Friday’ meetings at 7:30 in the morning which makes it very difficult for a lot of his constituents. Those meetings are also always held on he west side making it less convenient for those constituents on the east side that he now doesn’t want to cut out of the sixth district. hhmmm If somebody thinks Sharp looks our for his constituents, he must be drinking sharp koolaid.

  23. All this mess is because of Gloria Squitiro. She fucked up business deals all over this area.

  24. Nash would be terrific on the council. A lot of people have characterized him as anti-everything but that's because he's so very pro-community. I've seen him at neighborhood meetings and he really knows his numbers and the facts behind some of the proposals the city has brought up and knows exactly what their impact on the community would be.

  25. 2:57 may be right about Squitaro but not about the mess in the sixth.

  26. I agree with 3:29. Nash isn't swayed by all the feel-good propaganda.

  27. Sharp is the most effective councilman? You have got to be kidding. His colleagues don't even talk to him and visa versa. He has to have some support to be effective and he has none.


  28. I've heard that Sharp will offer 2 tickets to any event in the Sprint Center if you vote for him in the next election.

  29. what does peoples basements flooding have to do with city government? if their lot has shitty drainage, why should tax payers bail them out?

  30. 9:39 because the storm sewer system in KC is ancient and cannot accomodate the drainoff from expanded streets, shopping areas and such.

  31. I heard from a friend that Sharp meddled with the storm sewer reconstruction in his neighborhood and the end result is a mess. It had something to do with Sharp steering the job to some contractor.

  32. Please forward all issues concerning crime in Kansas City to 5th District Councilman & future
    Mayor Terry Riley
    at City Hall, 22nd floor
    • 414 E. 12th St. • Kansas City, MO 64106
    Phone: (816) 513-1629 • Fax: (816) 513-1612

    Thank you,


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