Mainstream media links that are making my list this afternoon . . .
- Today's Big, Sweet, Local Bust!!!
- Half-life lesson: Kansas State University has shut down its nuclear reactor after an operator was exposed to radiation.
- Coffee Wonk Robbery Caught On Tape
- Neglect in the Golden Ghettto: Toddlers Found Alone in Lenexa Hotel Room
- Kansas City Jazz This Week Courtesy of Plastic Sax
- Golden Ghetto Crime goes old school: Woman, 76, Pushed, Has Purse Snatched In OP
- Rock Chalk Recovery: KU Freshman Hurt In Alleged Hazing Sent To Rehab
- Turner Schools Stay Winning
- More options for discount fashions: Kohl’s opens two Kansas City-area stores
- A yummy and informative write up of Overland Park's Shake Shack
- Check out Maxim for more of International Hottie Sarah Knott!!!
Let me brush off that sand.