Well, not that early . . . Check the mainstream media links I'm gawking at this morning:
- KC Thinking Pink: Local fountains to turn pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- Schools Grow Across The State Line: The 'unofficial official' student count increases again for KCKPS
- Your poop joke is better than mine: Dumping sediment in Missouri River is beneficial, study finds
- Welcome back to school: 3 Lawrence Students Contract Viral Meningitis
- Fire codes aren't spooky at all: Without sprinkler system, church's Halloween haunted house cannot open
- Big Band contest expects 10k spectators: Marching band contest to descend on Blue Springs
- Chiefs player/coach gimmick seems brilliant until the inevitable losing streak: Todd Haley adds 14 new coaches (kind of)
- "Kansas City" Song Story Coming Up From The Star. For now, list your favorite version.
- An appetizing MILF story for the Fall: KMBC's Erin Little goes to Weston where one orchard's apple-picking season has ended abruptly due to storms.
- Lyndsy Fonseca is not only an up and coming Fall TV star but also a favorite scantily clad Internet babe.
Erin still carrying those preggo pounds...but them titties FTW!!!!!! Let's see those milkers baby!!!!