Local homicides steadily increase despite this town's hope to politely ignore the problem.
As of late, Kansas City killing has stepped up once again. Yet because the murders are taking place among people of color or in areas that host primarily minority populations . . . There hasn't been widespread attention to these stories that is often garnered in other instances of violent crime. Sadly, this is just one of many trends that contribute to more KC murder.
Overnight Homicides Keep KCPD Busy
1 Killed, 1 Injured in KCMO Shooting
Anti-Crime Activist Alonzo Washington helps keep track of local murders
Man killed in shooting at apartment complex in south KC
Photobabe: Penny Mathis
Alonzo"look at me"Washington is a dumb glory hound who preys on murder victims for his own shine. If this is what the black community has to offer I feel sory for them.
ReplyDeleteI am familiar with the Apt Comples out off of Red Bridge where one of these incidents happened.
ReplyDeleteOver run with thugs who will not get out of the way when you drive by to go home.
Pants that don't fit, angry glares, intimidation and a cacophony of insults for the white people who live there (I don't, but know people who do, it is an ongoing conversation.), robbery, theft, violence and the entire cornucopia of Hip/Hop/Rapper behviour that is comme il faut for room temperature morons with entitlement issues and the initiative of slugs.
The police have NOTHING to do with this.
This is a black cultural phenomenon, incited, encouraged and taught by folks who profit from its continuation, by way of power and money fromt the very folks it cripples.
"Whitey", more money and some 'Rec' Center can't fix this shit Alonzo. You, Tony and your legions of apologists have to fix it.
I watched "Outlaw" the other night on TV. Talk about plucking the "low hanging fruit".
That show encapsulated what is so wrong with America's approach to urban problems.
Of course, the bad guy is a white cop, be-speckled, effete, innane, corrupt and guilty of incarcerating an innocent black man for a crime he didn't commit to cover one that the cop committed.
Yeah, that happens all the time. Kids watch this shit, and listen to their heros, like lil Wayne and his ilk, then, HOLY SHIT!!! SOMEONE GOT SHOT!!
That actor, that white 120 pound evil cop, is a media metaphor an excuse for what is killing black America.
Built in excuses for abhorrent behviour, tacitly, covertly justified on an every day basis,on an almost cellular level in our media and zeitgeist.
The white misanthropic slog that is apparent on this blog, and ubiquitous throughout, is a cancer that kills.
If you look behind the curtain, it ain't white peole pullng the levers. You have met the enemy, and guess what???
Chuck's exactly right in his observations. Where is the leadeship in the black community? What about the churches who preach inside their walls while violence takes place all around them? What about the black elected officials who are more interested in maintaining a "black district" than they are in providing some responsible leadership for their communities? And then, of course, there are the self-appointed spokesmen fot the black community, who have made very good livings over the years convincing people in their communities that everyone BUT them is responsible and that they are victims that can be represented only by the usual self-appointed suspects.
ReplyDeleteIf crime and violence are to be addressed, it takes both officials and the neighborhoods to work together and enforce what the residents want to be normal in the places they live.
If the police can get no information when they answer a call, are called names and otherwise badmouthed when they're trying to help, and are accused of racism and harrassment the next day by the usual spokesmen, there isn't a whole lot they can do.
There are lots of great folks in the black community who very much want something different for themselves and their kids.
It's way past time for some serious leadership and it needs to begin right in the neighborhoods.
Sadly all of those great comments fall apon deaf ears.
ReplyDeleteNone of the ones who need the message can read, and none own computers.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, Chuck nailed it with another thoughtful post, but sadly, it's over the heads of the local black action figures. They know if they tell the truth, they'll no longer be playuhs... and that's what they do.
People dont' want to hear the ugly truth.
Surely Gwen Grant and Clinton Adams have computers!
ReplyDeleteOh that's right. They're a big part of the problem!
I hear that if elected Tracy Ward will put a stop to all murders.
ReplyDeleteUm, violence isn't escalating. We hadn't had a homicide in at least three weeks before this and are below where we were the previous two years in homicides.
ReplyDeleteThe number of murders in KCMO is fully 25% that of New York City, which has a population twenty time the size.
ReplyDeleteThere are no laurels to rest on.
ReplyDeleteKansas City is Killa City USA !