Here's a bit of myth-busting regarding a misleading stereotype which suggests the suburbs are filled with nice people. Turns out, officials note that the people of Johnson County are killing because of their lack of cash during The Great Recession:
Prosecutor Says Economic Stress a Factor in Rising JoCo Murder Rate
It's not exactly rocket science. The lack of money makes people more likely to commit murder from The Eastside to the Golden Ghetto. If the story wasn't about local carnage it's almost kind of sweet to think that we're not so different after all . . . At least when it comes to the reasons for murderous rage.
Is the lack of money, your reason for supportive writing in favor of corrupt politicians, Tony?
ReplyDeleteThe next time you're scheduled to appear with your squeeze Darla Jaye, show up in Mission where the KMBZ studio is, about an hour early and walk around the neighborhoods.
Hallbrook and Mission Hills are the exceptions in JoCo.
Of course lots of regular folks are hurting financially all over the metro. Most of them have adult repsonibilities like mortgages and kids.
And most of them don't live in the basements of their moms' houses!
In spite of all the world's suffering........(Your turn.)