On Friday I was lucky enough to have a fascinating conversation with non-profit worker and community activist Brandon Ellington.

I challenge any Kansas City voter to spend a few moments with this young (29 year-old) hopeful and not come away impressed.

Ellington started off the conversation by noting that the career description he preferred was simple: Revolutionary.

Even better was Ellington's understanding of the issues that face the 3rd District and all of Kansas City. He hopes to unite Kansas City and look for solutions beyond local government.

"Observation is participation," Ellington repeated time and again. "We need to look at our communities throughout Kansas City Proper and realize that we all must come together and fix a lot of these problems for ourselves if our elected officials fail to do so."

In terms of fighting crime, Ellington seems to favor an approach that focuses on education and creating economic opportunities.

Last election cycle Ellington shined in the forums and was able to connect with audiences around the metro. In his current contest against incumbent Melba Curls his key strategic plan to circumvent deeper pockets and the influence of political groups by directly addressing as many voters on a personal level will be his key to victory.

Developing . . .


  1. Good for him.

  2. what bullshit. yawn

  3. Brandon could be good for the 3rd.

  4. Does Ellington have anything between the ears? Name recognition is everything in the third.. Isnts he related to Duke. Maybe 18th and Vine would have a chance.

  5. Brandon is a good man. He will need a good and honest person to run his campaign who is not afraid of people of color. A rare commodity in this racist town run by money hungry bastards.

  6. Its time for Hispanic Leadership in the 3rd District!

  7. Let's acknowledge that he's probably a good person, well-intended,

    That said ... wow what vacuous blather: "Observation is participation". Puh-lease!

    It's not even true. Observation is being a BY-STANDER!

    If and when he gets any real ideas (and who knows, maybe he will), THEN he'll be worthy of consideration.

  8. Yes if there were enough Hispanics who are illegally eligible to register and vote. The population, both American citizens and undocumented are not nearly the number Chris Median would have us believe. On solution, get rid of half of the at large seats and go to a 9 district and three at large set up and the Hispanics "might" have enough to elect one of their own in a district. Regardless Melba is nice but not what the under served need on the council.

  9. Complete bullshit. He should suggest his sistuhs quit dating posers and keep their legs together. And don't make babies with men not willing to raise them!

  10. Yeah, he may be a nice person blah blah blah. But made an impact last time around? He couldn't even get past the primary in the in-district race. He LOST TO BOTH SAUNDRA MCFADDEN-WEAVER AND SHARON SANDERS BROOKS, neither of who will go down as the greatest member of the city council. So the chances that he'll be able to get anywhere in an at-large race against someone with the last name Curls? Somewhere between zero and negative a thousand.

  11. Again we need strong Hispanic Leadership on the City Council. It's been far too long I can list off half a dozen people who would provide better leadership.

  12. UFC pay per view..."Big Country" rocks! He's a badass.

  13. To 8:20, how bout a representative for ALL the people? Why narrow it to a specific ethnic group. Whether it be Brandon, a Latino, white or Muslim. - just represent ALL.

  14. Yes, do we make the assumption that only people of our own race can do good government?

  15. Last name "Curls" means nothing in the 3rd District didn't one just lose a seat? I know Brandon Ellington, and I believe that he will make a difference for one he is doing something none of the other past and present candidates have done he is getting the young people involved,he is out in the community with the real members of the community, he is not tied to any political groups which is great. Brandon represents change and I will not only vote for him but support him. It would be wise not to count him out.

  16. Stop hating. He beat Carol Coe (lol)

  17. Radioman KC, are you talking about your sistuh?

  18. Have you seen Curls on channel 2? Or even tried to hold a conversation with her, nice but totally lost. The 3rd District needs Brandon who is connected to the community and understands that for to long there has been no leadership for the residents. I spoke with Brandon Ellington tonight at a Knoble association night out against crime and I was very impressed with his ability to connect to both the older and the younger folks present. Folks were so impressed that they requsted he come back on Aug.14th to speak at their monthly meeting. I agree with Tony I challenge anyone to speak with Brandon and not leave impressed. Go Brandon Ellington

  19. I'm voting for anyone that isn't in office, no recycled politicans. High ^5 Brandon you may have more than a chance you. Go far it. Good luck

  20. Yes he's related to Duke so now he wins.

  21. 9:54 is right on the money; how about somebody who tries to represent EVERYONE!
    What a concept! And with political clubs in the tank and every little special interest group ripping themselves apart over personalities and egos, they'd probably win. And on their own, without a "political consultant".
    Someone should give that a shot.

  22. Yea 5:29 Abandon the special interest groups from the ccp to the nea. Representing constitutes would be novel. And make your case on your ability not your race, gender or backing from "special interests" or rich dudes.

  23. What you Brandon lovers are failing to realize is that it is an at-large seat which means that he has to raise the money to run city wide. I listened to his spill not too long ago. he does not have a clue. He got about 400 votes last time. He doesn't have a chance.

  24. So its about money? This is why the 3rd district is the way it is cause folks like You have your hand out! What haPpened 4yrs ago has Nothing to do about what he is going to do now! So continue to live in yesterday as we move forward with new blood that has proven he can't be brought out and you know this-shame on you! I am be Brandon lover-cause it stops suPport for pay! For once you can't buy a seat! Brandon all the way.

  25. elena kennie8/8/10, 9:16 AM

    Yeah its been along time since someone to the interest of the people to city hall. My own.son spoke with Brandon and not only did he leave be a supporter but Brandon gave my son hope that he to can do actually what he is doing make it against all odds! My name is not a house hold name and I am married for whatever reason the streets almost got my son it was through.Brandon's org. I Am my Brothers Keeper that saved my son. Brandon lives and understands the needs of all the people. My son and several other youth is involved and just so you know I am a proud white mother.I support Brandon

  26. the only people concerned about campaign money is those who hope to receive it. Speaking of the last campaign Brandon only spent less than $300.00 and and walked away beating Coe, and everyone else spent way way more thousands of dollars, and for what just a hand full more votes,and in all fairness at the time he was only 24yrs old, it would appear that he was clearly the peoples choice. He made his announcement late everyone that I spoke to agreed.

  27. the only people concerned about campaign money is those who hope to receive it. Speaking of the last campaign Brandon only spent less than $300.00 and and walked away beating Coe, and everyone else spent way way more thousands of dollars, and for what just a hand full more votes,and in all fairness at the time he was only 24yrs old, it would appear that he was clearly the peoples choice. He made his announcement late everyone that I spoke to agreed.

  28. Tony,
    Please explain to the rest of us what a Latino councilmember would do if they were elected solely for being a Latino. If that's going to be a platform that you support, the voters really have the right to know what they'll be getting!

  29. and didn't a Curls lose recently so much for your theory about name and money, He was born a real "Curls" not married into the family.
    Lets move on I like both Curls and Ellington, and I have never heard either one of them speak ill of anyone. We like Melba Curls but we need someone that will stand up and fight for the community needs and Brandon is the one. Remember not to long ago you didn't know anything about "Obama" either or George Bush.

  30. if you'd ever listened to brandon speak you'd automatically know that he is well-intentioned and speaks passionately from the heart. match him up side by side any contender from the transparent canidates present and past in the third district and he will stand true more knowledgable and most dedicated. the people (all races) would be greatly serviced with such a leader in place who's willing to inform and educate the people as opposed to leaving folks behind.

  31. For the 1 that said he met with Brandon and you stated he didn't have a clue, is it because he didn't take the bite? No more sell outs-your feast is over.

  32. The reason why we like Brandon is due to the fact that we see him, in our neighborhoods,events he walks and talks with everyone, I know for a fact that he has included everyone in his campaign, he has blacks,browns,white,gays,straight the everyday folks and we will walk with him and for him, when Brandon goes in we all go in, who else is out here informing, involving the people? Who else hosting and helping the people on 27 & 26th Prospect? Get out off this young man you should be encouraging him instead of the stupid things that you have come up with. Brandon quote is "observation brings particpation"-meaning once someone sees it then they will begin the process. For to long no leadership in the 3rd District.

  33. It took thousands of dollars last time to beat a no name! Now we know his name ELLINGTON. Brandon you can count on my vote.

  34. there is a reason why people are so quick to try to discredit brandon, because he's real, he stands alone infront of the fork- tongued, money hungry politicians who are continually sucking the money and progress out of our neighborhoods and schools. its time for us as a city to finally have unity and stand with him.

  35. We need limits on campaign donations to encourage more grass roots candidates and not the ones who grab big $$ from the big guys. Respect Mr nutters interest in politics but hate to see an election bought. I like melba, don't know brandon, would like to hear what he has to say.

  36. Friends to Elect Ellington - is hosting a meet and greet for Brandon Ellington 3rd District at Large Candidate City Councilman Sat.Aug.14th 1-4pm at the Bluford Library 3050 Prospect. Come out and speak 1 on 1 with the peoples choice candidate Brandon Ellington-Refreshments will be served.

  37. Does anyone remember Nancy farmer? She ran for state treasurer on a shoestring budget and WON. Statewide vs city wide, shows it can be done without the nutters and special interest groups bankrolling politicos

  38. Wasn't this guy in rap videos with AK-47s a year ago? Next.

  39. I am hearing that Brandon has several key members of Funkhouser's07 team working for him. Ones who do not want to have anything to do with Funkhouser.

  40. Really I am hearing that Brandon has several key members of Obama staff that is working for him.

  41. He beat carol Coe!

  42. If the "several key members of Obama's staff is Spark Bookhart and Ajamu Webster, then Ellington will lose badly like their slate of school board candidates lost badly. He will only get 300 votes like Sharon Sanders Brook's ex-boyfriend Linwood Tauheed. I hear that Spark is trying to get that moron Kenneth Hughlon to run for city council.

  43. @. I hear that Spark is trying to get that moron Kenneth Hughlon to run for city council.It's true Hughlon sent out notices that he is working on his 3rd District At large.No truth to the rumor Hughlon is Webster and Sparks boy. Ellington is to involved in serving the community and can not be brought out.

  44. Spark Bookhart is a loser isn't he something 4 and 0! And kenneth played both sides on the election he was on West team. I heard West is supporting him and he was told this during the school board elections.

  45. Spark Bookhart and Ajamu Webster,since when are they Obama's staff? Get a clue.Brandon isn't a member of their org. they are also members of Freedom Inc,and once again Brandon is not a member of Freedom Inc. This is a young leader that has no polluted ties to the sellouts this is why they won't back,

  46. Spark & Ajamu are not with Freedom. Freedom supported their opponents during the school board elections. If I was West, I wouldn't trust Hughlon.

  47. Why wouldn't you trust Hughlon? It isn't his fault that he played the players!

  48. If appears deals were made cause Webster got all that he asked for -ACE it is still open and they still have the full campus. Things that make you go uhmmmmmmm

  49. You all are stupid because Hughlon didn't know Spark or AJAMU WEBSTER before he joined the team...he is not running for city council but another office and as a member of his staff I can assure you that notices never went out. Tony just made Hughlon refused to interview for his blog!!

    Hughlon has more education and real community experience than everyone currently serving and running for office. Unlike west, rea, and kyleen carol Hughlon was not bought and financed his own campaign. West is a friend of his but never declared voting support but the moral support needed. They are still friends and Hughlon has no enemies unlock many ppl on this blog.

    Be careful what you say especially when everything you claim or say is unfactual.

    BTW - Hughlon is not running for city council and is supporting both a city councilman and mayoral candidate in their races.

    Thanks Tony for fueling KC with unfactual, biased, close minded information. I sure hope you are educated because everything you put ouut breaks every rule in TRUE JOurnalism...."blog"




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