In a bit of news about local Democracy and moving forward, I'm hearing from a great many people that John Rizzo is expected to be certified as the winner in his Missouri District 40 Race on Monday. Which is to say that election results will be certified.

While his opponent Will Royster was entitled to a recount, most political insiders didn't give it much chance given the history of elections in Missouri and the technology employed to tally the results. In fact, from what I've heard Rizzo might have actually picked up a vote which would make the end result of the race just a bit more interesting given that he lost by 7 the last time out.

In the final analysis, it'll be nice to move forward on such a contentious and heated election. The overriding sentiment that I've heard about John Rizzo is that he has worked hard for this victory over many years and political watchers are eager for him to prove himself even further.

In any event, check back Monday for the certification which will finally decide the election and most likely affirm Rizzo's victory.

Developing . . .


  1. Rizzo = Pond Scum.

  2. Does that mean Henry pays you for all the advertising you gave finally? Or was it an all or nothing deal? He prolly is gonna have to spend the weekend pushing cars hard or stealing some from some hispanics since he doesn't get all those unions dues anymore.

  3. Sore losers, pathetic. Hey Chris Wendy's is hiring.

  4. Royster=Loser Nut job

  5. I guess this ends all the talk Royster the town crier was spouting off about "possibly a new election." What an idiot.

  6. I'm glad that's we can finally move on even though it leave Chris Moreno out of yet another job!

  7. Sources at the Election Board are saying the lead is now down to ONE vote for Johnny Joe !!!
    There was going to be a recount anyway but hold on to your seats.

  8. 6:37, the election is over. You can stop lying to people now. The lead is 7, and that is confirmed. When will the Royster camp move on.

    Oh and by the way, even if it was only 1 you still lose. But thanks for playing.

  9. Uh, TKC needs to get better sources. The recount can not even BEGIN until the results are certified. This isn't over. Is a little basic fact checking too much to ask? Oh, yeah, TKC...facts not needed.

  10. Hey Moreno, I thought this election was over in May? Isn't that what you told people, Royster wins 4 to 1? Now you're saying that Rizzo's lead is one. That would indicate to me that he is probably up by 100 by the way you do polling.

    Haven't you heard of setting the bar low so that your candidate looks better if it comes together? Maybe you wouldn't have lost the election if you hadn't filled Will's head with lies about his lead. He would have worked harder and probably won.

    Chris has made one terrible move after another. These newest lies come as no surprise. Just get it all out because it will all be over soon.

  11. 6:50, you at right but it is definately over.

  12. The election is over. If Royster wants another shot he should do two things:

    1. Fire Chris Moreno

    2. Work on his next try.

  13. Good for jj. Met him briefly and was was quite impressed. Leave behind the campaign crap and go to Jeff city and do what's right.

  14. Rizzo smells like cock. His wife smells like cocktail.

  15. Congrats Chris Moreno and all your homophobic/anti-labor posts.

    You are a fucking loser.

  16. Some people on here are completely obsessed with Chris Moreno. If one thing is posted on here, it's Chris Moreno. Actually, I met him for coffee a week ago and made a bet as to how many posts could be blamed on him in two weeks. It looks like he might win.

  17. It would appear SOMEONE is very unhappy JJ has won.

  18. Another Midtown Mom8/14/10, 10:21 PM

    Johnny Joe is a great young guy and he will do well in the Missouri House. I think everyone will be happy to put this nasty campaign behind them.

  19. Tick Tock. Tick Tock.

  20. You really think JJ will do anything? I am waiting to hear what he Has done so far, and NO one has responded ever. in 2 years he will have nothing new to his name. Jarriel might though.

  21. J.J. Rizzo is highly qualified, and made it as far as he has entirely on his own merit. He will be an outstanding public servant with high ethical standards...

    ... Bwuahahahahaha!


    ... Bwuahahahahaha!

  22. Well in 2 years he will still have beaten Will Royster. That's something he has done.

  23. Remembering the FLORIDA presidential vote for president, the election isn't CERTIFIED until the recounts and Bushlawyering had ended.

  24. TKC, the law requires you put at the end of articles like this "I am Henry Rizzo, and I approve this message" otherwise you can get hit on campaign finance law.

  25. I'd like to get hit MAN WEINER!

  26. JJ "The Rizz" Rizzo8/15/10, 10:04 AM

    I wish this election would be over with so I can get back to my home up north.

  27. I make the assumption that the last two posts were made either by Moreno or whats his name, the losing candidate.

    No one else should have motive. So I'd reasonably conclude those comments make THEM look much worse than the target. Nother words, Moreno, Shyster, and anyone who likes them are similar snakes?

    Can we expect anything Moreno touches will smell bad? Is he our hometown Karl Rove except his candidate lost?

  28. I would like for someone to list what JJ Rizzo has done for Northeast since running for office six years ago.

  29. Another Chris Moreno post looking to beat the previous the comment record which another one of his stories holds. He has to be eating this up!

    I know I like him if the people on here are attacking him. He has to be doing something right.

  30. Made friends with Jarriel. Graduated high school. Graduated college (B average). Signed a contract for a waitress to marry me. Went on honeymoon with Jarriel. Got a cute nickname ("little Rizzo") from waitress. Ran for office. Moved North. Ran for office. Hit up Northland craigslist chance encounters section. Ran for office. Yelled at Nixon for doing press conference about payday loans at my family business. Ran for office. Sat in basement with TKC and created ads. Waiting for KCEB to come through so I can deliver the check.

  31. I love it! A post about JJ turns into a post about Chris Moreno courtesy of his old loser partners! And what makes it better is he still gets another 35 posts on a Saturday! HAHAHAHAHA!

    Moreno has to be laughing his butt off! That's why we all friggin' love him!

  32. "The overriding sentiment that I've heard about John Rizzo is that he has worked hard for this victory over many years and political watchers are eager for him to prove himself even further."

    How has he worked hard for this victory? Lay out his community involvement.

    I supported him in his first bid, which he lost, and never have since because he hasn't done anything to earn that seat. Zero community involvement. He has just expected it to be handed to him because his he comes from a made up historic family which consists only of a car thief of a dad. Wow. Really historic.

  33. I wasn't paying much attention, has young Rizzo WON the seat or does he have a general election campaign?

    If he's got the seat than 11:51's comments are MOOT! He'll either prove himself or he wont.

    From the looks of him, I'd expect he'll do fine. Maybe he'll bring a new reputation to the House of Rizzo.

    Maybe people took a look at Rizzo and a look at Royster and decided they would likely have better representation with the cleaned up one. I still think Royster looks like he drove a state snow plow and that means no one sold him.

    Asking it here and now what's Rizzo done lately, just looks like complete sour grapes. Like the Obama win. The republicans have had almost two years to get over it... and they haven't.

    And people wonder why the general population has record dissatisfaction with government! There is little honor in politics and there's little in business.

    Time to get over your sour grapes, there, Capulet, for truly, a plague has fallen on BOTH your houses!

  34. Anon 7:34 and 9:05 (probably the same dipshit): Still with the homo accusations, huh? That's SO 1980s. Nobody cares anymore.

  35. JJ cares enough to hide the fact that he is gay. I don't care if he is, just be honest. Don't get married to a woman. The only reason he would if he is gay is because he thinks straight is more "electable". Shame on him

  36. Chris and Will, that's low even for you.

  37. 3:13: And you know this ... how?

  38. Tony I don't really care about either Rizzo or Royster but this post is one of the most factually inaccurate posts you have had in a long time. Jesus man, pick up a phone and call the election board (or read statutes if that is hard work) to learn the process before posting something this dumb.

  39. JJ Rizza The Jizza8/15/10, 6:53 PM

    I wish this election would be over so I can go back to hanging in the backroom of my uncles clubs. The men there are great.

  40. closet gay italian mafia8/15/10, 7:54 PM

    Don't come back JJ, you are too wussy for us. Stay in the northland

  41. Wussy = small MAN WEINER!

  42. Paul LeVota for chairman of the Jackson County Democratice Committee!

  43. Radioman I thought you didn't know Royster? Now all of the sudden you know what he looks like? And you always jump at a chance to defend Henry Rizzo's boy?

    Just add Radioman to the list of weak ass "democrats" taking turns at licking Henry Rizzo's nuts.

  44. Radioman, How does John Rizzo "look" like he is going to do a good job? Are you really going to pull that card after seeing how it worked with Reagan, Blunt, Bush and Palin?

    Also, I think that person had a solid question when asking what John Rizzo has done since running for the same office 6 years ago.

    If you are running for the same position half a decade, one would think you would start with getting active and staying active in the community- something John Rizzo has yet to do.

  45. Well, I dunno. I'm sure the guy didn't sleep til noon everyday. Politics isn't the only useful skill. In fact, I am inclined to see term limits everywhere, and see more people from differing walks of life besides professional politicians running government.

    Don't pretend appearance and how someone carries themself doesn't have importance, especially when exercising leadership. Leadership is all about interpersonal relationships.

    The guy looks vastly more sophisticated than Royster. I think most legislators are morons anyway, for its not exactly a big step. But he's young, and I think he has leadership potential, just by his looks and what people have said about him.

    Do I like his background, working for a guy who people say is a ripoff artist and loan shark? No. I don't. If he starts cutting lots of deals, I expect it will get out when he's up again.

    What I know about him, I've learned in HERE. And every time someone unfairly slams Rizzo, I deduct ten points from my 0pinion of Royster, who sounds very much like an 'ends justify means' kind of politician.

    And who I said earlier looks like he drives a snow plow. I'd hate for him to get mud on that nice carpet down at the state house.

    Get my drift now? Is what I say bad? Should I make my decision IF I WERE a voter in his district based on what Moreno says? Or enemies of his dad? Or yard signs?

    I ALWAYS have a serious prejudice against candidates whose own handlers run negative campaigns. I don't want em IN. I'll even campaign against them using what influence I have around these parts.

    People in America vote based on 30 image spots all the time. Where've YOU been?

    Moreover if you question my views, then why should ANY candidate need a 'handler' to play image games?

    Good enough or do you want to argue some more? And who ARE you, what's your interest in Rizzo? How are you connected to this?

  46. These comments in support of Royster are disgusting. Make me glad he didn't win.

  47. I'm curious as to how Radioman has concluded John Rizzo to be more sophisticated than Will Royster?

    Have you met either candidate? Or are you simply basing everything on the fact that Tony posts only Rizzo's campaign photo compared to a personal photo I am told is off of Royster's Facebook?

    I don't care who wins that race but I do know both candidates.

    While John Rizzo has been friendly to me, I don't see a lot of leadership characteristics in him and I don't find him well versed on the issues at hand. In my experience and conversations with both men, Will Royster is a lot more sophisticated, definitely more educated on district and city issues as well as history, and posesses by far a more outgoing personality who is not afraid to lead. It also seems he is a lot more active in the community as well.

    Just my two bits.

  48. It wouldn't surprise me if the Rizzo camp just writes all of the gay posts so that you morons think it actually came from the other side.

  49. That doesn't make any sense. No politician would do that even as a false flag. It raises too much negative name ID. If Will and Chris were really smart they would issue a press release begging their supporters to stop.

  50. If JJ were smart he'd actually do something for the northeast

    and stop parading around in a speedo at gay pride, no male or female was impressed

  51. I agree in thinking that the gay posts here are Rizzo supporters trying to make the other side look bad.

  52. thats ridiculous, italian crooks have always been very welcoming to the gay community, why would they make posts like that?

  53. hahaha riiiiiight, i am sure the serrones don't know any homophobic slurs.........

  54. I think the gay posts are wishful thinking.

  55. Still waiting on someone to list what John Rizzo has done for the 40th District since running for office 6 years ago.

  56. Still waiting on someone to list what John Rizzo has done for the 40th District since running for office 6 years ago.

  57. you and me both, man. I have been asking that on every Rizzo/Royster post since TKC started drooling over JJ


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