I've talked with a great many people on this and they're all saying the same thing regarding the influence of one of Kansas City's former power brokers . . .


And here's the deal:

While Yael is known for his extensive research . . . In his support of Crystal Williams he has offered NOTHING but ad hominem attacks directed at Jackson County Legislative Chairman Henry Rizzo.

Just now on Ruckus Yael simply took it to a personal level against Rizzo with NO EVIDENCE or talk about differing ideas or ideology. Supported by his mentor Mr. Peanut it's disappointing to see the former power broker basically working as a political consultant on the pages of The Star and under their banner . . . Given so many current layoffs from the so-called paper-of-record I can't see how it's doing his employer any good. Even worse, because Yael doesn't allow any discontent or reaction to his posts on the Star's website . . . He's almost literally chasing away people who might want to challenge his personal rage without the support of ANY facts.

Also, his argument doesn't hold any rhyme or reason . . . He railed against Rizzo as the "problem" with Jackson County leadership (which looks a lot better than City Hall has been for the past 4 years) and in the same breath supports Arbanas . . . Again WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE, IDEOLOGICAL SUPPORT OR TALK OF ISSUES!!! I know Yael is a senior Star writer but NOBODY has the right to come down from on high to offer opinions with no reasoning.

As of this writing . . .

* I don't like the campaign tactics of Williams and don't think she'll be effective at the County without any real legislative experience or political skill.

* And at 38 years (nice) Old Man Arbanas has simply been there TOO LONG!!!

So, at the very least I'm offering my reasoning (along with facts over the past couple of weeks) rather than just name calling like the representatives from The Star.

Sadly, these failing sleazy ethnic attacks from the Crystal Williams campaign and Yael's Dead Tree Rage comprise nothing more than pious name-calling and no real ideas or initiatives of their own.

Developing . . .


  1. Miranda needs to put down the paper.

  2. I follow Yael and was very shocked at the attack on Rizzo not because of either candidate i live in Kansas. But the showing of anger in his voice and spirit.

  3. Nutter sponsors Rukus . Yael was protecting his spot, of course thats no conflict. NOT

  4. I was Crystal supporter too . But she has taken her campaign in the wrong direction. And i understand she has to dance to the tune of her money man . She is being used to settle whatever score Nutter has against Rizzo.

  5. Great case to be made for term limits for Star columnists. We have for many elected officials but not for Yael who has covered city and county government for 2 decades. After all these years why doesn't the Star rotate the beats ? Even if you like most of what Yael or Barb Shelley write, why not switch them out for new view of things?

  6. I think I'll drink to that, or...something, yeah, that.

  7. First of all past and current star employess all tell Yael to blow out the candle on his way out he is such doom and gloom.Second,no one responds to his post even if he monitors them. His support of the Co-mayors has sealed his reputation.Third,he has made Ruckus a joke and un-important.

  8. Ruckus has become a shouting match and not worth the effort. Stale.

  9. Another Midtown Mom7/29/10, 10:09 PM

    I must admit that Chuck is cracking me up.

  10. Yael has sucked the fun out of ruckus. His personal vendetta against rizzo is pathetic, unprofessional and embarrassing for anyone with half a brain. With his track record, he has convinced me to vote the exact opposite. He should be selling peanuts at the K in honor of his puppet master

  11. Tony talking about "bias" ha ha. I don't see Yael pushing whatever restaurant gave him a free meal on his blog like you Tony.

    You talking about bias is laughable. Joke blog is right. What a joke.

  12. Restaurants aren't as important as local elections. And I only remember Tony plugging two restaurants that were actually pretty good.

    I think he likes The West Side Local and Jardine's, I like them too.

    Is that the best Crystal Williams can do?

  13. Fuck politics, The Westside Local KICKS ASS!

  14. Only when Funkhouser is out of office can we forgive Yael.

  15. Yael is really making the Star endorsement is worth nothing getting involved in a County Legislative race. Who cares

  16. I don't think it's bias Tony is attacking more than just the personal attacks. At least Tony admits his bias, Yael isn't really supporting his opinions.

  17. Yael is ax man for Daddy Jim . It's surprizing the Star let him take his personal vendettas out thru their paper very unprofessional.

  18. Anyone Yael says vote for I will vote against because of Funky. Rizzo you have my vote . Yael you suck

  19. Yael should have been gone with Laura . They need new blood . Yael you are arrogant and pathetic. Vote Rizxo

  20. I am mad that he think he or the star owns my vote. Yael get off that cloud

  21. If Tony's not getting money from Jardines (which he plugs but does not have a banner for) or DARLA, or Alonzo, or Confidential (all of which he banner ads!)

    I think if he's going to run COMP ads on his right side column, he should comp great mexican restaurants.

    I'm a little surprised he doesnt promote the SW BLVD merchants. If they have good income, they should clean up the area and make it a DESTINATION! Like certain shopping areas and the bar hopping PL District.

    18th and Vine could have been a DESTINATION too, but they don't promote it. So it's never amounted to anything! Even though theres a couple pretty nice places there!

    The best restaurants in the world won't become DESTINATIONS unless they advertise. I was freaked today in Lawrence where FIVE GUYS was. A place that could kick McDonalds ASSES if they marketed it right and put in more outlets.

    Lawrence, as we can imagine, is restaurant/fast food heaven, as all college towns are!

    Wife and I loved peanut buster parfaits at QT in Lawrence... which in KC, have become pretty rare!

    So have Long John's fish outlets, which I think are great places to eat.

  22. Fannie Mae King7/29/10, 10:52 PM

    I am disgusted with Crystal she compromised all her principals by taking the money . Don't like Rizzo but at least he is being supported by working Familys and not the fanny Mae king of Kansas City.

  23. If you vote for a Rizzo

    You are stupid.

  24. I think we sometimes dont understand the realities of money raising as a necessity to get our names out there, 10:52.

    its horrible. The system is set up so that politicans or wanna be officer holders have to pander to business, and offer defacto votes in return for money.

    the whole system is about bribery, mostly because the media won't give candidates airtime without a check!

    check local television. they never mention most candidates until election night when they quickly scroll through names and votes.

    how can candidates tell voters what they're about without money? Money from people who EXPECT SOMETHING IN RETURN?

    the system just sucks!

  25. Radioman is right it sucks. And so does Crystal for being a pawn for money . Nutter will own her not the voters.

  26. I'm a fucking queer. and I'm fucking a queer.

  27. Tony Likes Henry Brand Sausage In His Hammock7/29/10, 11:17 PM

    my name says it all.

  28. He's an OPINION columnist. He gives his OPINION.

    Get it?

    (I fucking guess not)

  29. There's a difference between having an OPINION and supporting it with facts and then just spouting off.

    Where are the facts from Yael?

  30. You go miss Allen . I agree tonite was pure hate

  31. You go miss Allen . I agree tonite was pure hate

  32. I hope Rizzo paid enough for the loss of ever being taken seriously again.

  33. Yaels recycled rants are getting old. Both with the star and ruckus. Thats why they are both suffering.

  34. Im not sure which is worse the star or ruckus.

  35. Rizzo is a scumbag and everyone in politics knows that. Not a matter of opinion-just plain old common known fact. Now if you want to say that you know who and what he is and you are ok with that then fine. Just don't try to say it isn't common knowledge.

  36. Who's the girl without her pants?

  37. I'm an HVAC guy, and I once went to a house where the woman answered the door without her pants. And she wasn't reading the newspaper at the time...

  38. Honey, put your panties on and come back when you're ought of jr. high.

  39. Tony since you're blowing Henry does that mean you can say you kissed Angela Castle? Hey it's better than saying you kissed Mike Talboy.

  40. "Unprecedented bias"? Have you ever read The Star? They like every other paper have been pushing their candidates for 60 years and they finally got one right!

  41. I'd pump her snooki then send her back to her momma.

    If momma is interested, I'd pump her snooki too.

  42. Underpants optional Fridays @ The KC Star.

  43. Puis-je explorer votre vagin avec ma langue ?

  44. TKC is a rough neighborhood, little girl. I go along with 10:44. Put your panties back on and come see us in a few more years.

  45. 10:30. I think U R making that up. I'm a plumber. If it happened to me, I'd have got out the old roter rooter.

  46. 10:30. I think U R making that up. I'm a plumber. If it happened to me, I'd have got out the old roter rooter.

  47. I bet Yael wished he got 45 comments after one of his opinion pieces. He has become irrelevant.


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