I don't think the local media, political and entertainment scene will ever be as strong as Jodie Marsh. But let's keep track of who won this week anyway . . .


1. John Rizzo - While I despise Dead Tree Media, it's still impressive that years of Northeast Activism and campaigning have finally earned the young political hopeful the election-deciding-approval of Kansas City's biggest media institution.

2. Crispin Rea - Already emerging as one of the most important local Latino Leaders, A LOT of people are noticing the guy working hard to make good on so many Kansas City School District Promises.

3. Patrick Tuohey - The driving force behind the Missouri Prop. C Proposal, he could be the first political operative to serve up an election issue providing a direct rebuke to Obamacare.

4. Kevin Yoder - This mainstream Republican hasn't given in to the slimy tactics that have only served to split the GOP in JoCo. He's running his campaign on issues and optimism and seems far more professional than his competition.

5. Deb Hermann - She skillfully avoided a Firefighter ruckus in her Finance & Audit Committee this week and still holds her position as Mayoral Front Runner.


1. Micheal Mahoney - I like what he's doing on his blog and he has served as a great fact checking resource during this election cycle.

2. Holly Lawton - Bottom Line Communications Hints that behind the scenes Whitlock's erratic behavior might have served to inspire the resignation of The Star Sports Editor. While she denies the assertion, it's a very powerful move to take on Kansas City's highest paid heavy hitting columnist.

3. Larry Seward - I like the guy's work. He has a great versatility that enables him to cover stories out in the field and more complex issues as well.

4. Maria Antonia - Still going strong and one of the nicest news ladies in all of Kansas City.

5. Eric Wesson - This reporter continues to do groundbreaking work every week and his community newspaper.


1. Jardine's - My homegirl Beena runs the premiere place for Jazz in Kansas City and she's making music history in this town almost every weekend.

2. Crossroads KC - STRETCH is a politico in the making but his place is also making a name for itself this Summer as the "it" spot for live outdoor music.

3. The Well in Waldo - Lots of hotties at this place and a rather upscale neighborhood vibe make this place one of Kansas City's best and a TKC favorite.

4. The Rostarie - Had a nice visit recently at this posh local coffee spot where the local professionals take their meetings.

5. Don Miguel's Bakery - Mexican Bread within walking distance means that life is good for TKC.

TKC Note: None of these places are paying TKC advertising cash (even though they should), they're simply my favorite local businesses and hold on to quite a bit of community support.

This list has been compiled according to scientific TKC polling and market research data and it's a weekly comprehensive guide to local powerful people.


  1. Those breasts are big and strong.

  2. Those breasts are as phony as most of the political comments on this blog.

    And I never heard anyone say Marie was a nice lady reporter. Wouldn't have anything to do with la raza, would it?

  3. waldo0 upscale!! WHAAA

  4. JJ Rizzo....#1.....?

    Tony is either drunk or has a man crush.

  5. Yeah, John Rizzo is a realy power-ball, Tony.

    John Joseph (JJ) Rizzo Profile on Kansas City Star Midwest Democracy Project

    TMJJ located at 4206 Truman Rd.

    Henry 2002 financial disclosure

    KC Title Loans

    Property Records

    TMJJ Inc, KC Credit Motors and KC Title Loan all cited in court case Williams v. Kansas City Title Loan Inc.

    State of Missouri List of Pay Day Loan Companies (See page 16) Listings

    Better Business Bureau tying KC Title Loan and KC Credit Motors together with Tony Rizzo

    Dan Tarwater (who used county letterhead to attack Royster's Campaign and CC'd JJ Rizzo) and Henry Rizzo Business Connection

  6. Oh My! Damn it! Now I have competition, as I too have a huge man crush on JJ Rizzo. Say what you will about JJ, but the kid is a HOTTIE!!!

  7. Tony, you don't even try to hide it anymore. I used to give you credit for trying to be am objective journalist, who is just confused by Rizzo money; but now I realize you're really just stupid, and selling yourself to Henry. Are you banging JJ?

  8. Stop talking about Tony bangin J.J.!! He's mine damn it!!!

  9. Jesus Tony--boring bullshit--drinking all night--WANNA SEE JESUS?

  10. JJ Rizzo the #1 politico in KC? Patrick Tuhoey getting credit for passing Prop C?

    Tony make sure to get the towel to clean up when they are done with you.

  11. As comical as this blog is when I'm home in KC, you can't believe how pointless and comical it is when I'm looking at it during a trip to Washington, DC. The "power hitters" on TKC look pretty insignificant. The whole thing looks like cowtown on steroids!

  12. toadstool_watcher judiciously pointing out oddballs7/30/10, 9:21 PM

    7/30/10 9:14 PM

    But you are trolling HERE.

    we don't be impressed.

  13. 9:14 pm-Thank you for your insight and Washington D.C. banter. We all need some capital bullshit to go along with our cowtown bullshit. Hmmm, I wonder how well Washington D.C. would fare without all the American KC cowtowns supporting your fatcat salaries? Not too well I'd imagine. So, STFU!!!!! Go back to Washington if were so insignifignant to you.

  14. Tony, what happen to your man crush on Deb Hermann, 5th Really?

  15. John Rizzo - a young political hopeful? No, he's a political wannabe-that-never-was.

    I figured it out: Tony gets two Dollar meth from Henry Rizzo's "operations" in Northeast via John Rizzo...and in exchange, Tony writes wildly supportive material for the Rizzos, while he is in his meth-induced state of mind.

  16. You should mention Bill Maher rather than these tired reporters.

    Mahr tonight on HBO said "I'll show you Barack Obama's birth certificate when you show me Sarah Palin's high school diploma!"

    Better than everything on this blog today except for that horrible ad called "The Usual Suspects!"

  17. Nods to both Republicans and Democrats Tony.

    I like the new trend.

  18. I attend three neighborhood association meetings in Northeast every month and I've NEVER seen JJ.... activist.. really? You are SOOOO backing the wrong horses in this series of contests....

  19. Tony Likes Henry Brand Sausage in His "Hammock"7/30/10, 10:47 PM

    Tony, you are a spaz, but you are pushing this JJ and Henry thing too far. Find another way to get money, its obvious to everyone you have a quote of positive press for the Rizzos. How does your mom taste via man weiner again?

  20. God damn. I told myself you wouldn't do it and you did. You actually named Kansas City's dumbest and weakest politician top politico. My favorite blogger is a sellout. Enjoy getting banged by Henry Rizzo.

  21. Again, like I said in another thread, why is this room so sexually charged?

    Are you peeps just trying to hurt each other, hit below the belt, because you want to put your political opponents on the defensive at any cost?

    I'm really disapppointed you KCMO, JXCO politicos are so petty. ARe you all sons of Pendergast, or was I right that County Commissions just can't help but be corrupt, across the country?

    Like I said earlier, I never met a county commissioner I didn't think was ripping off the taxpayers. They just have no honesty. Love that good old boy, patronage shit, scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

    That's why I think any county commissioner (in all jurisdictions) elected for longer than four years, needs to go find a REAL job and get the FUQUE out of the Courthouse! All power corrupts absolutely.

    They just can't resist stealing from the taxpayers! It's just too easy. Like JUDGES, always VOTE THEM OUT!!!!

    And Tony wants to keep a loan shark in office? Jesus Christ! Shades of Pendergast!

    I'd NEVER live in KC for THAT, and so many more reasons!

  22. Sellout? When did Will Royster become a Mexican?

  23. When Tony stopped being a blogger for the community.

  24. This is my second favorite list ever. My favorite was the one I was on.

    8:57; I'm not sure Tony was ever going for "objective journalism" so if you ever gave him credit for that, I don't think you "got it".

    10:31; I've seen JJ Rizzo at two meetings, and I rarely go to them.

  25. Bill Maher is a stupid tool. He's not even funny.

  26. That is one scary woman. Oh, don't get me wrong. I'd love to get her between the sheets, or maybe in the alley behind the dumpster -- but she is scary.

  27. That is one scary woman. Oh, don't get me wrong. I'd love to get her between the sheets, or maybe in the alley behind the dumpster -- but she is scary.


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