Throughout the debate over the undocumented and Arizona Hate Law, I've heard tired old clichés about the how "this is a nation of laws" along with the efforts to demonize Latinos and the undocumented.

Now, with today's ruling, the question for those who would work against the overwhelmingly non-violent, hard-working and productive undocumented members of American society is this:


Just as TKC predicted, Krazy Kris Kobach stays losing and reactionary efforts to scapegoat The Undocumented were simply too silly and unconstitutional to let stand.

Finally . . . I don't know what time the fiesta starts on The Westside and Northeast celebrating this victory but tonight would be an excellent opportunity to pick up burrito . . . Because it's the future.


Feds oppose merger of immigration law challenges

Toobin: What does Arizona immigration ruling mean?

Judge Blocks Ariz. Immigration Provisions

Wall Street Journal: Judge Blocks Controversial Parts of Arizona Immigration Law

SB1070 Ruling: Did The Judge Make the Right Decision By Blocking Parts of the Arizona Immigration Law?

Arizona immigration law: Backers are hopeful after court hearing

Judge Blocks Key Parts of Immigration Law in Arizona


  1. A great day for this Country

  2. A great day for Anti-Democrat forces for this fall. The decision and the upcoming 9th Circuit (supportive) decision will do more to move votes away from the Dems than anything. Most Americans (liberals can check the numbers)will then be further terrorized by the prospect of a liberal dominated Supreme Court and turn Republican for years to come.

    Imigration and Media Freedom are at stake in the coming Supreme Courts.

  3. not really. Look for the Tea Party to tear apart the Republicans.

  4. Viva Mexico! Viva La RAZA! Viva Aztlan!

  5. The Constitution should only apply to those who are here legally, you fucking idiot. And you're right about picking up a burrito tonight --- throw one at the wetbacks who pay little or anything into the system but get all the services.

  6. That would be illegal.

  7. "Viva Mexico! Viva La RAZA! Viva Aztlan!"

    Well, that about says it all. This decision, which of course will be appealed, is a victory for those who are against the United States.

    By the way, do a Google search on "Aztlan," and see what that's all about.

  8. But some white guy wrote that. The people coming here want to speak English and become American citizens.

  9. "Under the euphuism 'Hispanic Homeland' and 'Nation of Aztlan,' activists from numerous organizations including Mexican American Legal Defense and La Raza (The Race) activists are attempting to annex large portions of SW United States to Mexico. "Republica del Norte," the Republic of the North, which would include the present U.S. states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, plus southern Colorado, along with several current Mexican states, is "an inevitability" says Charles Truxillo, professor, University of New Mexico. He further states the new "Hispanic Homeland" should be brought into being "by any means necessary."

  10. Another Midtown Mom7/28/10, 2:50 PM

    This is a good day Tony. ;)

  11. Fear of Atzlan is fear of a cultural myth. Illegal immigrants don't want their own nation/state they want a better life for their children. They want the American Dream.

    And unconstitutional laws endanger the liberty of us all.

  12. I think it's for Tony to write a comprehensive article on just what he wants to occur when it comes to immigration, borders, etc.

    What is the end game?

    Should all Mexicans become U.S. citizens when they set foot on U.S. soil? Should they be able to vote in U.S. elections even if they stay in Mexico?

    What to do you want?

    Yes or No: Do you want the U.S. dismembered to allow for creation of Atzlan?

  13. I dont' think any of this matters. I think they're still going to build a fence, still going to demand photo serious Id and still fine the shit out of employers who hire illegals.

    All after the fall election, no matter who wins!

    I think this is just little shit, and no victory at all. We either seal our borders and bring legitimacy to our citizens or let the country turn into a pile of refried beans.

    I don't think America is going to stand for that, screw "The RACE". It's just not about "THE RACE".

    People who live here are either Americans or they're "JUST VISITING".

  14. 2:52: You are probably right. They don't want their own nation. After all, they already have one and they don't want it.

  15. 2:52: You are probably right. They don't want their own nation. After all, they already have one and they don't want it.

  16. Finally, Krzy Kris gets it in the ass too. UMKC School of Law has a moron for a professor.

  17. Now we know why Kobach doesn't run for Kansas AG. He could be the worst attorney in America. Has he won anything ? I bet UMKC law school grads who had him as a teacher cannot pass the bar exams.

  18. 3:14: What stupidity.

  19. Blowback.

    Unintended consequences.

    This court decision, easily anticipated, will have a desultory effect on TKC's cause celebre. Polarization of this issue, by Tony and his counterparts on the other end of the immigration bell curve excaberate the already deafening decibel rate of acrimony, hate and vitriol currently in play.

    Thinking, that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", even now, forces gather, coelesce, make contact for common cause.

    Folks previously on "the fence" will now, in the face of a pecieved wrong, with the help of organizations like Fox News, Rush Limbaugh (Drug addicted puke fuck that he is.), Pawn Hannity etc., align themselves against, ardently and strongly against what possibly heretofore might have been reasonable immigration reform.


    Be careful what you wish for.

  20. Focusing on the wrong guy. We need to focus on the invaders!

  21. Mexico smells funny; we need to fill the Rio Grande with Febreze.

  22. Bad news for y afolks. Kobach will use this "defeat" to aquire MORE name recognition and power.

    His momma likely didn't raise no fools, he would have to be starfish dumb not to reap the rewards of this court decision.

    In fact, I would bet better than 50/50 that he categorically WANTED this minor defeat. Now mobilizing his lemmings (I obviously favor strict border control, but some of the folks this guy consorts with...we...) his poloitical future is assured.

    He didn't lose.

    He won.

  23. This kinda shit just pisses Americans off even more!

    The losers will be the Hispanics who earned their citizenship the right way. I don't think they'll tolerate that much! I don't think they like poor Mexican Indians who can only do landscaping all that much! I think they have too much to lose and want no part of this 'cause' to turn America into Norte Mexicana!

  24. Mike Dillon> Lake Quivira, Ks.7/28/10, 3:53 PM

    So what does this say to the ones that enter the US legally?"You did it the right way for nothin'?."
    Just come in the right way!

  25. Blow back.. this was expected. How many attorney's expect to lose. Just goes to show, any attorney who expects to lose is a LOSER..waiting for Kobach to say this was "EXPECTED".

    Sayin KOBACH's LAW Is all screwed up won't allow to go forward..Soundz LIKE Malpractice or COMPLETE CONSTITUTIONAL IGNORACE BY UMKC SCHOOL OF LAW PROFESSOR KRZY KRIS KOBACH...

  26. Anon 4:17

    You don't have to be a constitutional law expert to understand the decision.

    Courts frequently throw out convictions for murder, because of a lack of probable cause.

    "Why did you stop him officer?"

    "Because he looked Mexican sir."

    Like I said, anticipated decision.

  27. "This kinda shit just pisses Americans off even more!"

    Speak for yourself, RadioTurd.

  28. tony-parkville7/28/10, 4:57 PM

    It's a bump in the road. Anyone who thought this issue WOULDN'T be decided by the Supreme Court wasn't thinking to far in advance. If the AZ law was upheld today it would have been appealed, just like this ruling will be appealed. I just wish they would forget about all of the other courts in between and place it in front of the Supreme Court, since that is where it will end anyway. But TKC will pretend that it is some sort of VICTORY, when it's not.

  29. It's a great day...for those trying to destroy the U.S.

  30. So Chuck..your saying Kobach is the biggest dumb F&*K there is in these parts?

    He loss..and that makes him like the KC Royals..a LOSER.

  31. No, I am not saying he lost. I am saying he will manipulate the courts decision in the press and with his followers to acquire more power and political stature.

    I don't have a personal opinion of the man. I think this decision will empower him, not hurt him.

  32. Media Junky and Chuck are the smartest ones on here. The decision will galvanize the right and make it much easier to pull the center in with them. Shit the country was already 70% in favor of Ariz and this will solidify anti-dem sentiments going into the fall and 2012. The case was a terrible short term strategy for the O'Bama adm. Absolutely stupid.

  33. If the right is galvanized by this it just means that they will lose the Latino vote which they need to win in the upcoming elections.

  34. Maybe "upcoming" elections, but once the Repubs stock the Supreme Court with young lifetime appointees, the barn door will remain at least partially closed.

  35. I think we should abandon all our laws and let criminals out of prison. After all, they just robbed banks and sold drugs to make a better life for their family. Right?

  36. Tony- did I miss the "ruled unconstitutional" part of the story? It's an injunction! Means questions have to be answered. The enlightened poster who wrote anyone who didn't expect this to go the Supremes is right on the money.
    4:17 is a moron and the same person no doubt who keeps trying paint somebody who reads the constitution differently as an idiot. If we all could agree on what it means, why the fuck would we even need lawyers. And this pains me, but methinks even RM was right about we'll have fences, and fines and ID's after the fall. WHY? Because 70% of us want it- that means white, black, yellow, brown folks, too.

    Viva la seguridad nacionale!

  37. I'm glad the United States isn't ruled by media opinion polls.

  38. Chuck sounds like Krzy Kris Wife...this setback will empower him.
    Hahaha...complete ignorance of the Constitution shoud empower him to do something more productive with his time.

    How Can UMKC School of Law retain this man of COMPLETE IGNORANCE OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW...

  39. This is a victory for the poor.

  40. On the radio news this morning, I heard a little girl say:

    "My parents are illegal immigrants, and they are treated like criminals. It isn't fair."

    It's sad that this pathetic little girl has been so mis-educated that she actually thinks she is on the correct side of this issue and that it isn't fair for people breaking laws to be called criminals.

    Up is down, black is white, night is day. What a world we live in.

  41. It's torture for Mexicans to be forced to live in Mexico!

  42. Anon 8:38 AM - What's unfair is that this little girl is considered a criminal.

    Anon 8:39 AM - Which part of Europe did your ancestors flee?

  43. Byron: They came from England, Ireland and Germany for the most part. As far as I know, they did it legally.

    The little girl isn't a criminal, but her parents are. If she suffers because of the situation, it is her parents' fault -- not mine.

    I think we have to deal in a compassionate, sane manner with people such as the little girl, and it may well be that parents of young U.S. citizens are NOT deported.

    But in the meantime, we need to enforce the laws and secure the border so that more people like her parents don't sneak in and create more problems like this.

    I also believe that the laws and/or constitution should be changed so that babies born in the U.S. to illegal aliens DO NOT automatically become citizens.

  44. Anon 9:46 AM

    Thank you for your thoughtful, intelligent response. I don't agree with everything you said, but what we DO need is a quiet, civil debate. My comments tend to be brief, because I don't write very well & it hurts my eyes to do this. Enjoy your day!

  45. Like Tony gives a shit if they stay winning.

  46. 9:46 you are in America. Please remember that next time you push the talking points of past foreign governments we have opposed and past us legislation we found to be racist, wrong and against all things American.


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