Consider this an open letter.

Also consider that TKC is a long time supporter of Theresa Garza Ruiz. I will vote for her this time around and I think her potential is limitless.

However . . .


The behind the scenes is well documented and pretty much common knowledge among Jackson County's political elite.

This election cycle started with Congressman Cleaver aide Genaro Ruiz (Theresa's husband) giving an attack speech at the CCP that pretty much lost Crystal Williams the endorsement and set the negative tone of this Jackson County silly season.

Now, all of Jackson County is awash in some really horrible mudslinging via mailers that threaten to ruin the work in restoring the image of Jackson County and the progress made over the past 4 years during The Mike Sanders Era. Sadly, I don't think Garza-Ruiz is the main force behind these sleazy tactics but her role as an active participant in the Williams campaign give these tactics more credence and have proved to be divisive during this election.

But so far, this is simply my opinion, let's look at some facts that back up my assertions.

Garza-Ruiz has heretofore supported Williams and her negative attacks on Jackson County but this move lacks logical consistency given that GARZA RUIZ IS AN INCUMBENT AND CRYSTAL'S ATTACKS AGAINST THE COUNTY IGNORE THE GOOD WORK DONE BY THERESA!!!

Put even more simply . . .


Let's get into even more detail . . . So far all we've heard from KC Star columnist Yael Abouhalkah and so many critics of Jackson County Legislator Henry Rizzo are ad hominem attacks backed up with little evidence. Even worse, these ads and political chatter have had the opposite effect and have turned off people to the cause of Crystal Williams. Notice that her most negative TV spots have been taken down as reaction has increasingly worsened. In the case of the Garza Ruiz coalition with Crystal Williams this campaign fails to acknowledge:


In fact, Garza Ruiz votes with Rizzo most of the time given that they both enjoy strong support from labor and ideologically aren't too far off.

Again, if Rizzo is sooooooooo horrible than why is Crystal Williams homegirl Garza Ruiz voting with him almost 9 times out of 10? In fact, one of the most recent votes where they differed was over the MLK holiday celebration funding . . . And while Garza Ruiz took the hardline Eastern Jack route on that one, I must note that celebrating diversity and providing education to the public on the topic of MLK is an important priority even in the leanest of times.

In the final analysis, I blame Crystal Williams, Mr. Peanut, Pat Gray and so many Brookside elites for leading Garza Ruiz astray. Their brand of Country Club Democrat Politics is enticing but it ultimately lacks real conviction and plays more like a parlor game. Garza Ruiz won her office with hard work on the streets of her community and holds it by exercising good judgment amid difficult times for The County. In the case of Crystal Williams I believe that Garza Ruiz has made a miscalculation and given the elite and big money interests far too much influence. Ultimately, the divisive Williams campaign has created blow back, hard feelings and real division. It's shame that Garza Ruiz was taken along for the ride.

Again, as a Latina Legislator Garza Ruiz could one day achieve political greatness but it will be because of her inherent talent and not because of the selfish, elite, manipulative and sleazy tactics of candidates like lobbyist Crystal Williams.


  1. Jackson County Motto: Vote early and often.

  2. To experience JaCo Politics, one must immerse themselves into the real nitty gritty. Don't blame Teresa trying on a new persona. All that money flying around can make a person do some weird stuff. Maybe she will grow a spine and begin to speak her mind.

    90% public agreement with Rizzo doesn't mean much, it's knowing what kind of slimy tactics he will use to keep you there, including having you vote him as chairman so the idiot won't be on any of the committees.

  3. Reads just like the irrational and panic stricken Rizzo diatribe, Tony. Are you sure you're not Italian?

  4. rarely do I agree with you but bullseye - you're right on target.

    All of a sudden she is playing both side of the fence with other opponents/incumbents which will blow future consideration for committee assignments. She stopped thinking - allowing others to steer her in the wrong direction. Only time will tell.
    As you say "developing"

  5. Poor Theresa my ass! Theresa and Kim Carlos used the same tactics in all the elections they get involved with county,school board etc, they talked Crystal into running and have mismanaged her campaign into the ground. Don't make excuses for this "Latina Legislator" Tony. Hold her to same standard as you hold Crystal.

  6. Theresa Garza Ruiz is a scumbag who has no good name. She should be tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail.

  7. Theresa has thrown in with thieves and liars. So Miss good government doesn't look so good anymore.

  8. I am very turned off by all of the over-the-top negative pieces sent out lately. Who would want anyone in office who sends out crap like that. Rather than tell the voter what they have done they have to rely on scaring the voter. Well, we are not that easy/stupid my friends.

  9. I am shocked at Theresa having any part of this . She has ruined her reputation.

  10. 3:00pm. you're right about that. just look at the Rizzo - Royster trash.

  11. Rizzo threatened Teresa with the "Italian Job" just like he gave Stringfield. If she had prosecuted Rizzo then, none of this would be an issue now. Slowly slipping into the quagmire is no excuse; It's always been a slippery slope and reelection time is when the weak fold.

    The Jackson Five will bring in anyone of a dozen people to run against you and Teresa figured she had it easy against Ray Salva. Think again.

  12. when an opponent comes out negative/swinging from the beginning they have no choice. I don't blame some for defending themselves however there are others who feed off this sort of action.

    Some are good but then there are other so evil to say/do anything to grab a seat you just have to wonder about the true purpose of them filing in the first place.

    We are in a weird cycle but only a few days remain for the county races. Then all the city races will really heat up, boiling hot!!

  13. What a scumbag

  14. Theresa has just proven the only one she is concerned with is her . Not the voters not anyone else. Just her.

  15. I cant believe what I am looking at ,she screwed her mentor Denny Waits.

  16. I was a Garza supporter no more she has gotten into the power mode in politics always a mistake. Power always corrupts

  17. Theresa always seemed very arrogant.

  18. Politics is a rough business for sure . But now she has face all those she double crossed.

  19. with you 100% when an opponent comes out ready to chop off feet that they walk on you have to defend yourself. Look at thug Riley, he started shooting out from the beginning about how old, how long Arbanas had been in office, how he couldn't keep up with him in this race. I saw Arbanas's first commercial which was showing the good he had done while in office. Then RAiley's mailer hit the streets with extreme lies so I don't blame him for turning the tide.

  20. Theresa has really hurt herself with her connection to John Carnes. Its sad she talked about how progressive she is then jump in bed with anyone to have power. Very Bad.

  21. I am shocked at this news she voted with Rizzo 99 percent of the time . I am voting Rizzo tired of the lies.

  22. Why would she be dishonest to those she works with?

  23. Crystal Williams has cost her reputation A SERIOUS SETBACK.

  24. I am voting for Ruiz AND Crystal Williams AND Terry Riley. Tony,although rarely wrong, is wrong on this.

  25. Good for the above blogger, they need the help

  26. Get your facts straight....the negativity started at the KC Pride endorsement meeting when Sherwood stood up and LIED and bashed Crystal. I won't even mention that Henry only got the endorsement by a vote or two, even though he stacked the deck with people he had join just a few weeks earlier. KC Pride is a joke of an LGBT group ran by the firefighters and Henry Rizzo. All for an endorsement that doesn't mean squat!

  27. All i know is Crystal put up the first negative commercial in this race and before that bashed Rizzo with Jenaro which lost her the ccp. If we are keeping score, and a win is a win.

  28. Garza lies caught up with her finally.

  29. More Rizzo crap. They both lose on Tuesday.

  30. Quiet Yael.

  31. Wow, Tony are so fond of Italian sausage that you've thrown a proud Mexican woman leader under the bus simply because she wants Crystal's help in getting real ethics reform over Henry's (politically) dead body!

    Are you Mexican enough to know whate the Spanish word for shame is?

    It's vergüenza. Idiota.

  32. Hey smart ass look how many other people she is dragging down for her so called ethics reform. Her ego is getting out of control thats a fact!

  33. Well there you have it! Tony has sold out his community and started attacking Garza-Ruiz and Chris Moreno.

    It's a shame you were bought so cheap Tony.

  34. How long has Ratso Rizzo and his wife been living off taxpayers? I guess that doesn't include his mistress.

  35. 4:42, yes, Theresa and Crystal and Terry will prevail. I really love Tony; however, KCMO's favorite blogger might be wrong on his assessment here.

  36. We do not need a return of Cardarella's7/31/10, 8:47 PM

    This is a Theresa Garaza action. He mother was a lover to a mobster named Cardarella. Theresa thinks of herself as the next great poliitcal boss of KC.

    It is fucking dirty.

  37. The county has benn heading in the right direction with Sanders at the helm. This election has been a joke. Leave it be. Dont change a thing voters.

  38. Wow so now you are throwing Theresa under the bus for Henry Rizzo? Let me know how that one goes.

    Go Theresa!!

  39. LOL @ 8:59 !! Lay off the meth 8:59! Sanders is one and done. Tell that bullshit to the County employees.

  40. just another example of hispanic "leadership"! puta.

  41. "Get your facts straight....the negativity started at the KC Pride endorsement meeting when Sherwood stood up and LIED and bashed Crystal. I won't even mention that Henry only got the endorsement by a vote or two, even though he stacked the deck with people he had join just a few weeks earlier. KC Pride is a joke of an LGBT group ran by the firefighters and Henry Rizzo. All for an endorsement that doesn't mean squat!"

    7/31/10 5:00 PM

    Sherwood did not lie. but you are right about KC PRIDE. I was there in the hallway of the church basement where the meeting was held.

    Sherwood reminded everyone that Crystal stood up and spoke in favor of excluding male candidates from endorsement by the Women's Political Caucus at a caucus meeting this spring. That is a stupid position to hold, and it was stupid of Crystal to do. If she wants to be a gender bigot, she should at least be smart enough to do it quietly. What would Crystal have to say if Henry started a group called The Men's Political Caucus that did not endorse women?

    As far as KC Pride goes. They were signing up new members to vote that night -- not weeks before. Everything about KC PRIDE is a fraud.

    Nevertheless, the corrupt bastards still had to "count" the ballots in the Rizzo/Williams endorsement several times until Rizzo had more votes.

    In addition, Local 42 -- I mean KC PRIDE -- voted to endorse at least two candidates for the purpose of hurting them politically. Jeremy Ploeger and Jeff Gerling both received the endorsement because Local 42 wanted to harm them with a "Gay" endorsement in conservative districts. Neither young man was smart enough to see what was happening.

    The LGBT Community should really reject the KC PRIDE club. KC PRIDE is a focal point for corruption that only brings embarrassment to the community. It is no more a Gay group than Gloria Squitiro is "Co-Mayor." When people call it a Gay group, they should be corrected.

  42. Anyone who quotes Sherwood, is Sherwood. Nobody else would waste brain space memorizing things he says.

  43. These guys want to attack Theresa and Crystal so that they can remain relevant. I'm tired of guys like Sherwood coming to Democrat events and treating women like a piece of meat. I'm voting for both Theresa and Crystal just because those guys are supporting Henry and the good old boys club.

  44. Hey, cut the lady some slack. At least she shaved her mustache for the campaign photo.

  45. So the question is, AS IT SHOULD BE, is this about races and tribes or qualifications?

    Lets not decide this in a blog, but in the booth.

    That's what this country is about. If former Mexicans can get that, then let's welcome them who do because we believe that too!!

    If they're about la raza waving Mexican flags on our soil, well, that's another matter.

  46. It is going to be a Garza vs Sanders fight in the Courthouse from now on.


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