City Council redistricting in Kansas City is still in play. To wit, political forces across Kansas City are organizing and attempting to avoid the historic disenfranchisement that has almost always followed redrawing election lines.

Seriously, the folks who don't understand why certified Census data regarding race and ethnicity is important are doing nothing more than openly admitting they don't understand American History.

In this process, I've not only been impressed with the way the African-American community has stepped up to the table but also I've been reassured by the actions of a great many Latinos.

To wit . . .


Recently, The Hispanic Civic Engagement Project put The City Council on notice.

What is The Hispanic Civic Engagement project?

"The Hispanic Civic Engagement Project is a consortium of Kansas City, Missouri-based not for profit organizations that is joining forces to respond to the social needs in those areas of Missouri with a growing Hispanic population such as Kansas City, Raytown, Independence, Belton, and Gladstone."

Their message to the City Council is backed up with the growing numbers of Latinos in Kansas City.

"As you are aware, according to the latest census projections, Kansas City’s population has grown by 40,000 residents. A number of factors contribute to this increase. One factor we would like to draw your attention to is the growth in Kansas City’s Latino population. This trend is evident in the steep rise in Hispanic student enrollment in several of our school districts. Nearly a quarter of the Kansas City Missouri School District is now Latino and 11 percent of the North Kansas City School District is Latino.

The substantial growth in Kansas City’s Hispanic population makes it critical that our community leaders be a significant part of the redistricting process. As you proceed in appointing a citizen committee to assist with redrawing district lines, we ask that you take into consideration several HCEP recommendations for participation"

Here are their recommendations for appointments to the upcoming panel that might work with the City Council during the redistricting process:

Of course, all of this intense political maneuvering could be ruled void once the Council takes action and the inevitable lawsuit comes into play.

Still . . . It's nice to the Hispanic leaders move into action given that The Latino Community has been been subject to the systematic elimination of our Representative voice in Kansas City politics for close to 20 years.

Developing . . .


  1. Nice and all but the Hispanic vote in kc is always less than half a percent of overall. The Asian vote is higher.

  2. yeah, yeah, lets create a hispanic ghetto district so they are all contained in there.....GREAT IDEA TONY!!

    Hey, it works for third district.


  3. A man walked into a curio shop in Kansas City. Looking around at the exotica, he noticed a very life-like, life-size bronze statue of a rat. It had no price tag, but it looked so striking that he decided he must have it.

    He took it to the owner and asked "How much is the bronze rat?"

    "Twelve dollars for the rat, a hundred dollars if you bring it back," said the owner.

    The man gave the shop owner twelve dollars. "I'll take the rat; And I won't be bringing it back."

    As he walked down the street carrying the bronze rat, he noticed that a few real rats had crawled out of alleys and sewers, and began following him down the street. This was a bit disconcerting, so he began to walk a little bit faster. Within a couple of blocks, the group of rats behind him grew to over a hundred, and they began squealing. He started to trot towards the River. He took a nervous look around and saw that the rats numbered in the thousands, maybe in the millions, and they were all squealing and coming towards him faster and faster.

    Terrified, he ran to the edge of the water and threw the bronze rat as far out into the River as he could. Amazingly, the millions of rats all jumped into the water after it, and were drowned.

    The man walked back to the curio shop. "Aha," said the owner, "You're bringing it back !"

    "Actually no," said the man. "I came back to see how much you want for that little bronze Mexican over there!

  4. One thing about your blog Tony, you bring them ALL out of the woodwork. I'm afraid the last posting is just the tip of the iceberg in this redneck town.

  5. Tip of the iceberg is the true motive of the Mexican "leaders" in this town. Answer us this. How many Hispanics are Legal Tax paying Citizens in Kansas City? We are moving into a two tiered American Society where you have law abiding tax paying "Citizens" and Illegal Aliens "Undocumented" people who don't pay taxes, get paid in cash demand in state tuition, refuse to become citizens and continue to draw welfare and social services off the backs of the true citizens all while demanding "Rights" reserved for the citizens they refuse to become.

  6. How many of these Hispanic non-profits help these Illegal Aliens become citizens? Seems like a better use of time to me.

  7. Are you saying Tony's a little bronze Mexican?

  8. you libs are the most race-baiting people i know. You insist on continuing and growing racial divides when you talk about race specific districts and all the like. You are the worst civil rights leaders there are. You will never be a part of reaching King's dream of judging not by the color of skin until you stop trying to divide and group people into racial ghettos.

  9. luckily, TKC is not a real leader in the illegal community because none of them can read english!

  10. ERIK ESTRADA: *ring...ring...ring...* "Hello?"

    TONY: Is this the greatest policeman in the world!!! Erik Estrada?!?!?"

    ERIK ESTRADA: "What?"

    TONY: "Isn't this Erik Estrada?"

    ERIK ESTRADA: "Yes, this IS Erik Estrada, who is this, and how can I help you?"

    TONY: *Starts flogging his dolphin* "Wow! I can't believe it, wait till I tell all the guys in the Latin Kings I got you on the phone!!"

    ERIK ESTRADA: "What???"

    TONY: "Mr. Estrada, you gotta hook a brown brother up! We need you NOW in Kansas City, on OUR police force to solve murders!! PLEEEEEZE come now and save your brothers!! VIVA LA RAZA!!

    ERIK ESTRADA: George Lopez, you fuckin asshole! quit fuckin with me, I am just headin out to Sshmidt's Brauhaus. They have the best der wienerschnitzel there!! Wanna go??"

    TONY'S MOM: *Screams down basement steps* "Get off of the phone Tony, get up here and mow this fuckin lawn!! Jesus your worhless!!"

    TONY: *Drops dolphin, cups hand over phone* "Shut up mom!! I got Erik Estrada on the phone! He is going to stop all the murders in Kansas City!! Fuck the KDPC!! And mom, when you go out, I need a new keyboard, this one is NAAASTY!!"

    TONY'S MOM: "Madre Dios" *Slams door*

    Tony: "Erik, ya still there??? Erik, hello, Erik???" *Grabs the dolphin*

    (Heh heh...i need some asprin.)

  11. Nice work 9:36!

    As I read the suggestion that racist libs will never reach MLK's dream. Well that might happen for many people and has, but don't forget that humans are tribal, they will always form groups based on similarities. Other than species itself, and gender, races are the largest human subsets.

    There seems to be a natural inclination for identification and even a level of trust in this most basic form of tribalism.


  12. 1. Get a city map and a ruler.

    2. Require that all district lines be marked with straight lines, with each district containing about the same residential population.

    3. Fight it out.

    You couldn't get any fairer than that.

  13. The population is too stupid for self governance. Besides, if Alonzo's right, all the blacks will be murdered. And none of the Mexicans are voting citizens anyway.

    Maybe we need all decisions made by, um, say... CO-MAYORS.

  14. Crystal Airwaves - I totally agree people are tribal and will group together. The issue is the racist libs call for EQUALITY and FAIRNESS and MLK is their idol, but they don't follow his calling. If everyone was honest i would be fine with that. Then we can deal with the fact that those "tribes" need to stay in their territory, don't come here and tell us under the guise of "fairness" we have to let them exist different (ie, like they do in their 3rd world home) from everyone else or we are racists. You want to infiltrate our tribe, you learn our ways.

    Then its gerrymandering to draw districts based on race, and i think its just stupid.


    whos KDPC!!???????????????

  16. This is from people who put the emphasis on MEXICAN-american. Only the ones speaking broken English, or Spanish at home have this loyalty. I think it fades with age. Couple generations maybe.

    Indians excepted. They love to wallow in their hunter-gatherer ways and what happens to more backwards civilizations when assimilated by the more advanced, evil Western Borg.

    Some people just miss shitting on the ground.

  17. KDPC

    It was written by a dumb cop that doesn't know where they work?

  18. so you think a Dog is God? That's closer to truth than a lot of people I've heard babbling about what they don't know! Grin.

    I know, I know. "I'm Chuck and I'm and alcoholic."

    "Hi chuck, glad you're here."

  19. Chuck is cracking me up!

  20. 'The Erik Estrada Call' was the best thing I've read on TKC in a long, long time.

  21. The thing is . . . I am not sure the Hispanic community is sufficiently compact (i.e., centralized) to be put into a single district. Remember, we can't draw a snake-shaped district; the shapes have to be based on considerations such as political, neighborhood and geographic boundaries.

  22. Why would you need race information to draw lines that are supposed to be based on numbers? Why would you need the racial info unless you WANTED to gerrymander based on race? This entire post is racist.

  23. Of course it is. You were expecting what?

  24. They are asking for a seat at the table.
    The post isn't racist, but the comments certainly are. Its embarrassing to read them.

  25. mexicans are the new niggers.....

  26. Isn't that why they elect representation... to get a seat at the table? Do we literally have to count brown and black and white/peach/tan faces to make sure we've got it covered? And if so shouldn't we have Dems and Repubs from ALL races represented?

    Geez for god's sake, just count and draw the damn lines. It's not that hard. This mayor will screw it up, though, you watch.

  27. Did you read the post? They are talking about the meetings leading up to the redistricting. Nobody's asking for a Latino district. They are asking to be a part of the discussion. Considering the previous comment you can see why.


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