While I was dominating X-Box Live in my mom's basement last night, other people in Kansas City had real lives and were out on the town.

To wit, a bit late in the PM I received a pissed off text complaining that a KCPD cruiser was blocking cars in a Westport parking lot for quite a while. While that isn't the biggest concern in the world . . . The story got more interesting from there.

The texts continued and noted that when 4 officers in question were confronted with the problem they noted in response "We'll get to it when we can," and this led to quite a bit of frustration.

Fair play: This is just one side of the story. However, the photo clearly documents the complaint for anybody even remotely familiar with the parking lot in the middle of the Westport party district.

Remember that KCPD can't jump at every parking complaint in much the same way that TKC only takes time out to talk to women who are at least attempting to show some cleavage. It really is important to prioritize.

However, I posted excerpts of this text missive because it represents the very real frustration level with police among every strata of local residents and the sender in question simply couldn't fathom how "police could be waiting at a bar and blocking traffic while so many murders and crimes are taking place all over Kansas City."

Developing . . .


  1. KCPD is a poor excuse for a Police Department.
    KCMO residents deserves better service.
    Better yet VOTE NO on the Public Safety Sales TAX.

  2. Either key the cop cars or vote no!

  3. ERIK ESTRADA: *ring...ring...ring...* "Hello?"

    TONY: Is this the greatest policeman in the world!!! Erik Estrada?!?!?"

    ERIK ESTRADA: "What?"

    TONY: "Isn't this Erik Estrada?"

    ERIK ESTRADA: "Yes, this IS Erik Estrada, who is this, and how can I help you?"

    TONY: *Starts flogging his dolphin* "Wow! I can't believe it, wait till I tell all the guys in the Latin Kings I got you on the phone!!"

    ERIK ESTRADA: "What???"

    TONY: "Mr. Estrada, you gotta hook a brown brother up! We need you NOW in Kansas City, on OUR police force to solve murders!! PLEEEEEZE come now and save your brothers!! VIVA LA RAZA!!

    ERIK ESTRADA: George Lopez, you fuckin asshole! quit fuckin with me, I am just headin out to Sshmidt's Brauhaus. They have the best der wienerschnitzel there!! Wanna go??"

    TONY'S MOM: *Screams down basement steps* "Get off of the phone Tony, get up here and mow this fuckin lawn!! Jesus your worhless!!"

    TONY: *Drops dolphin, cups hand over phone* "Shut up mom!! I got Erik Estrada on the phone! He is going to stop all the murders in Kansas City!! Fuck the KDPC!! And mom, when you go out, I need a new keyboard, this one is NAAASTY!!"

    TONY'S MOM: "Madre Dios" *Slams door*

    Tony: "Erik, ya still there??? Erik, hello, Erik???" *Grabs the dolphin*

  4. Chuck that was DUMB !!!!!!!!!!

  5. I thought the power and light district killed Westport according to Tony.

  6. Well it might not be Shakespeare or Thurber (who Obermann's introduced me to), but that's as high brow as it gets on THIS blog!

    It was every bit as funny as the bronze rat story that drew me in, all the way to the punchline.

  7. Its bad humor for the uneducated.

  8. Fire Jim Corwin or get fired by voters

  9. Hell, there was a KCMO police car at scout camp in Bonner Springs for several days last week. WTF was that about? Car #839 if anyone want's to ask questions.


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