The TKC Early Morning And A Reassurance That The Mexicans Aren't Coming To Steal White Women Like Kristin Gustafson!!!

Yesterday was hectic and today only promises more of the same. However, during this Early Morning Pause we have to get our facts straight.

Krazy Kris Kobach came out losing and is desperately trying to do damage control.

Kansas Politicos Moran, Tiahrt running for the Republican GOP U-S Senate want to assure everybody that they both despise Mexicans and don't really understand the Constitution.

But most importantly of all, the sky didn't fall today and the Mexicans didn't run across the border any more than usual. So all of the reactionaries whining on talk radio should rest assured that hottie white women like recent Maxim Hometown Hotties Winner Kristin Gustafson are safe and hopefully a tad intrigued by an ethnic group so reviled in the mainstream press.

Additionally, any chubby 30-something white woman wishing to help the struggle for Latino freedom can bring snack cakes and Miller High Life to my mom's basement and we'll work this thing out together.

Until then . . . Hopefully, there will be more links and content on the way . . . Stay tuned!!!


  1. She's old news.

  2. kRzY Kris Kobach...interview is pathetic. Disappointed..means the Judge told krzy kris he does not know Constitutional Law 101.

  3. There's lots of lawmakers who don't know Constitutional Law 101. If they did, we wouldn't need the court system, now would we?

    What's unfortunate is how many citizens have to pay lawyers a couple hundred dollars an hour to teach cops and prosecutors they don't know the Constitution either. Seems to me the govt should pay the lawyer fees for defendants who are found not guilty. Like take the money right out of the police budget!

  4. MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Suspected drug hitmen have kidnapped four Mexican journalists who were reporting on organized crime in northern Mexico, the latest attempt by cartels to silence the media, a Mexican media group said on Wednesday.

    The Milenio newspaper and TV network said one of its cameramen and three other journalists were abducted Monday after covering a prison scandal in the northern state of Durango in which inmates are accused of being hired guns for a local cartel.

    Two cameramen from Mexico's leading broadcaster Televisa were among those kidnapped, Milenio said. Televisa and Durango state authorities declined to comment.

    "They are being held by organized crime," Milenio said of the journalists in its online edition.

    Across Mexico, a war between rival cartels for control of the multibillion dollar drug trade has killed more than 26,000 people since late 2006, worrying Washington and investors.

    Attacks on the media have mounted as drug gangs seek to silence journalists who report on the drug killings.

  5. Krazy Kris K.7/29/10, 7:08 AM

    What's the Constitution?

  6. On the radio news this morning, I heard a little girl say:

    "My parents are illegal immigrants, and they are treated like criminals. It isn't fair."

    It's sad that this pathetic little girl has been so mis-educated that she actually thinks she is on the correct side of this issue and that it isn't fair for people breaking laws to be called criminals.

    Up is down, black is white, night is day. What a world we live in.

  7. What's unfair is that she will treated like a criminal.

  8. Maybe so, Byron, but the girl said her parents were illegal and it was unfair THEY were treated as criminals.

    There is absolutely NOTHING unfair about that. It is the way it should be.

  9. Byron: If the little girl faces problems, whose fault is that? Hmmm. Could it be her parents??

    And don't whine to me about separating families. If Mexicans can live in the U.S., Americans can live in Mexico. She could go with her parents if they were deported.

  10. Undocumented immigrants are not criminals.

  11. I think "undocumented immigrants" are criminals. Isn't entering illegally at least a misdemeanor? Then the ones who have been deported and come back have committed a felony. Isn't that the way it works.

    When I get hired, I have to fill out forms saying I'm a citizen or legal alien. Do they fill them out correctly or do they commit perjury?

  12. P.S. Do they have legit Social Security cards, or are they using fake ones?

  13. Most Mexicans in America are too fat to steal white women. Besides, black dudes got the market cornered on stealing the white lady's.

  14. Anon 9:41. Even if they're using fake Social Security cards to get jobs, they're paying into a system they'll never use and that needs their money. They may well be funding your retirement.

  15. 10:41: Is using a fake Social Security card a crime? Why can't you admit they are criminals?

  16. 11:59: Why can't you admit they're contributing to a Social Security syetem they'll never use?

    I'd say they're criminals on a level with someone speeding because they're late to work. They need a social security number to work, and they use someone else's. It's illegal, but I'd be willing to bet you'd do the same thing if you had no other choice. And I know they could stay where they are legal, but obviously they don't consider that an option because they're enjoying their cushy lives here.

  17. Illegal immigrants ARE criminals. Children born of illegal immigrants should also be deemed illegal immigrants. Just because they popped out here shouldn't make them citizens.

    There is hope... in the end Mother Nature helps us clean up messes. Like the ocean waters in the Gulf breakdown and destroy the oil spill, the heat is helping purge those illegals coming across. Check it... the morgues in AZ are filling up with dumba$$es trying to break our laws.... You go Mother Nature.

  18. Hey 12:48- Your analogy is lame. If I'm speeding to work and GET CAUGHT I have to face the consequences. No amount of bitching and whining about how unfair the speed limit law is will convince the judge to let me off. Nor will the "Everybody speeds" defense. If I ignore the ticket, the fines and penalties mount. It's likely I wouldn't care UNTIL I'M CAUGHT. Again- no excuses about unfairness will help me once I'm before the judge. So illegal immigrants and speeders are committing crimes and thus fall under the definition of criminal- just not convicted criminals. Aside from the lucrative business of filling up local coffers with traffic fines, it's also understood that not enforcing speed limits will lead to more speeders and thus more and deadlier accidents. Not enforcing our immigration laws leads to more illegal immigrants, who themselves are placed in more danger and some of whom greatly endanger us.
    Oh, and I'll gladly give up their contributions to SS etc. for secure borders. Ever think what we spend providing services to those "undocumented" (read criminals).

  19. 1:38. First, lots of speeders get off with warnings. Second, there's usually some wiggle room (5 miles over, or whatever, so speed laws are not cast in concrete). And illegals don't have to face the consequences if they get caught?

    I think they contribute more than we spend. I also think there are two things the gov needs to get real about. Illegal immigration is one. Drugs are another. You can't keep people who are determined to come here out of the country, and you can't keep people determined to use drugs from doing so. We need to stop wasting our money and get a real policy on both issues.

    By the way, isn't it funny how no one ever complains about all the illegal Irish in Boston?

  20. Anon 2:45 PM

    You make some good points!

  21. Anon are a stupid faggot.

  22. 7:39 pm-I think you're all stupid! And, I'm pretty sure the illegals ARE here to take our virgins-and our corn too!

  23. 7:39: Your eloquently phrased rebuke is so, so, so, well... brilliant--no--ummmm--well, at least you spelled everything correctly.


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